
Not quite, what you said was (as I quoted you in my first reply and will do so where)I didn’t say Harry Potter resembles Wicca. I said Wiccan Organizations have reported a rise in interest of young people and contribute that to Harry Potter.

I replied that this is incorrect, that none of what is done in the books or movies resembles any “occult practices” practiced by “witches”.The fact remains, though, that Rowlings studied witchcraft to give her books realism. This isn’t “fairy tale magic” It is actual occult practices disguised as children’s literature.
You claim that JKR stuided this stuff, when she has come right out and refuted this claim.What Harry Potter does portray realistically are different occult practices. Rowlings did much research on the subject.
And again, the “occult practices” are not realistic. As one who has practiced them in the past, regrettably, I can attest to this.
This is just a total misrepresentation of what I was saying and is very uncharitable of you… If this is what happens when one does not read books like Harry Potter then you sir are an argument for more people to read them.As for your statement that whatever gets kids interested in reading as long as they know the difference between what’s real and what isn’t real…that’s not necessarily true. Maybe Larry Flint will publish some children’s books. Anything as long as it gets them to read.
And this is why parents need to be parents… It is just as wrong to use books as babysitters as it is to use the television for this…As adults, and parents it’s our job to protect children. Some children often find it difficult to tell the difference. Most know it’s fiction, but it increases their curiosity.
I would suggest before letting any children read any books that the parents read them first…
I am not even going to go into the rest of your comments as they do not matter…
Everyone here is singing the praises of The Lord of the Rings but it was that book that set me off on the path of Wicca.
Without parental involvement there is always a chance of this sort of thing.