Hi, I’m new to the Catholic Answers Forum.
I am VERY distressed and bewildered that faithful Catholics have ANY confusion about the dangers of the Harry Potter series [or any occult “fantasy” books]…especially Bishops, religious leaders, Catholic teachers and communicators, WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER!
Having wandered into the nonsense of New Age back in the 70s, and “experimenting” with spiritism, pyramid power, power of positive thinking, Silva Mind Control, “white magic”, etc., I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that there are two “spirit” worlds - one of which believers in the Trinitarian God, Father-Son-Holy Spirit - DARE NOT WANDER - for the safety of their eternal souls.
God warns us consistently about false gods in both Old and New Testaments. He warns DO NOT ENTER this world of the “dark arts” the “occult” , i.e., spiritism, sorcery, mediumship, casting spells, witchcraft, divination, necromancy, etc. Read: Deuteronomy 17 and 18. In Matthew 5:41, Jesus taught that there IS A DEVIL and real evil angels. John 8:44, John 13:2.
The Harry Potter series delves into nine of the ten “abominable” acts recorded in the Bible. That should concern every Catholic, especially parents, who should be seriously concerned about what “false gods” they expose their children to.
I bristle when I read that Catholics [who have a bad reputation of knowing nothing about the Bible] will crow about the marvelous Harry Potter series as being harmless fantasy, imaginative literature, and a beneficial tool in aiding our young ones to enjoy reading once again.
WHAT ? Have you forgotten the warnings that ANYTHING that does not give honor, glory praise to God, is to be seriously rejected? That means everything you think, say and do - including your selection of reading and entertainment.
Unfortunately, too many Catholics reason from a modernistic/secular base rather than a catechetical or Biblical base. I have wrangled with many Catholics over the Potter series; most of them think I’m radically old fashioned and out of the mainstream.
I am not a John Ankerberg [TV evangelist] fan, knowing that some of his opinions and conclusion are very questionable, very fundamentalistic and anti-Catholic. However, I have found that Ankerberg responds to the Harry Potter controversy with scriptural reasoning and clear direction. It is most unfortunate that most Catholic sources have failed us in this way. I would recommend that you visit his web site and click on the Harry Potter resources he posts:
Look up the Biblical quotes he offers, the warnings he gives to avoid being spiritually un-informed about the subject of the occult, and then ask yourself…Why would I want to subject my child to something that God calls an “abomination” unto His Divine Being?
Think about it - and don’t be “confused” anymore.
Arlene Alice