Homosexuality "welcomed" by nuns

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[I said:
pro-life_teen[/I]]“All Are Welcome” Loretto Welcomes Jeannine Gramick SL
by Maureen Fiedler SL
Interchange Newsletter

For me, the most compelling symbol of the day came early. On the road in front of the Motherhouse, two men walked and talked quietly, holding hands. They obviously felt at home, accepted, welcomed.

Within minutes, the opening hymm of the Eucharist burst forth: “All are welcome…All are welcome in this place…” It was sung with such power that it seemed it could be heard from Louisville to Lexington. Indeed, I thought with pride, all are welcome.

This day, June 26th, Loretto members joined more that 60 other guests to celebrate Jeannine Gramick’s incorporation into Loretto. Those who have been part of Jeannine’s ministry, gay men and lesbians and the parents of gays and lesbians, joined sisters from Jeannine’s former SSND community and scores of others for a Eucharist followed by a festive dinner and party. The celebrant was Bishop Leroy Matthiesen, retired Bishop of Amarillo, Texas.

The service focused on four major influences in Jeannine’s life. Amy Stenson, former Loretto volunteer at New Ways Ministry and co-member in process, talked about Jeannine’s family, especially the inspiration of her father who passed away earlier this year. Marie DeChantal Haigley SSND briefly recounted Jeannine’s 40 years as an SSND, expressing both sadness and good wishes for Jeannine in Loretto. Frank DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, told how a gay man, Dominic Bash, challenged Jeannine in 1971 with a question that led to her lifelong ministry, “What is the Church doing for my gay brothers and sisters?” Mary Ann Coyle SL told of Jeannine’s love for Loretto.

Mary Catherine Rabbitt SL officiated at Jeannine’s vows and recieved them in the name of the community- to sustained applause.

After the liturgy, guests gathered for dinner in a rainbow-decorated room. After great homespun entertainment, Jeannine invited out-of-town guests to say why they came. One couple with three gay sons said they felt “alone” in the Church until they met Jeannine- someone who finally understood.

A Maryknoll sister thanked Jeannine for her books because they had been very helpful in dealing with gay/lesbian issues in the Philippines.

A lesbian couple testified that they are committed Catholics today because Jeannine welcomed and affirmed them in a Church where they had felt rejected.

All the stories caught the theme of the day: “All are welcome…” in Jeannine’s heart and in Loretto.

YEAH FOR THESE SISTERS!! you should all be ashamed of yourselves condeming nuns! do any of you have the discipline that these women have? the devotion? the self sacrafice? God bless these women and the men who enter into a religious life. the world needs more of them as does the church. i truly do hope our church gets a more compassionate heart towards those who feel alone and rejected.
Perry5 said:
I think that Jesus ment for us to minister to the world population and not just to the family of good old boys.

Yes. Jesus ministered to all…and told them to sin no more.

YEAH FOR THESE SISTERS!! you should all be ashamed of yourselves condeming nuns! do any of you have the discipline that these women have? the devotion? the self sacrafice? God bless these women and the men who enter into a religious life. the world needs more of them as does the church. i truly do hope our church gets a more compassionate heart towards those who feel alone and rejected.
WOW!! Nuns promoting the gay lifestyle. We don’t need more of these, what is needed is nuns who are totally Catholic. They would minister much differently than these are doing. True charity and compassion would involve fraternal correction, not embracing the sin.
YEAH FOR THESE SISTERS!! you should all be ashamed of yourselves condeming nuns! do any of you have the discipline that these women have? the devotion? the self sacrafice? God bless these women and the men who enter into a religious life. the world needs more of them as does the church. i truly do hope our church gets a more compassionate heart towards those who feel alone and rejected.
Anyone not ashamed of these nuns must not know what truth is.
Perry5 said:
Have you ever had a dog fall in love with your leg???

Are you comapring those with SSAD to dogs?
YEAH FOR THESE SISTERS!! you should all be ashamed of yourselves condeming nuns! do any of you have the discipline that these women have? the devotion? the self sacrafice? God bless these women and the men who enter into a religious life. the world needs more of them as does the church. i truly do hope our church gets a more compassionate heart towards those who feel alone and rejected.
Judas proved that you can follow Jesus right up to the point you turn Him over to be murdered.

These women are guilty of public scandal, may Christ have mercy, because I wouldn’t.
Perry5 said:
Have you ever had a dog fall in love with your leg???

First, you do not need to be vulgar to make a point. That is a disgusting comment.

However assuming you are naive rather than purposely being offensive, I’ll respond to the basic premise; given I’m female, that activity would hardly be considered homosexual. It is in fact mastubatory and that IS seen in the animal kingdom although there as well it is disordered. One can stimulate a sexual response in an animal by rubbing or touching certain places. Animals learn that they can do this on their own, often encouraged by an owner who thinks it’s funny. This does not mean that two male animals will deliberately pair off for sexual activity.

Lisa N
Judas proved that you can follow Jesus right up to the point you turn Him over to be murdered.

These women are guilty of public scandal, may Christ have mercy, because I wouldn’t.
thats my point. im more afraid of people like you and LisaN running our church than these nuns.
I read an article in the New Oxford Review that explains how CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education), which is most often a requirement for priest and religious, promote homosexuality as part of getting to know oneself. It is no wonder it is prevalent in the religious community and that they have such an interest. Time to weed em all out. Get to the remnant that is interested in the Truth (also known as Jesus Christ) rather than the perverted fancies of the day.
I read an article in the New Oxford Review that explains how CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education), which is most often a requirement for priest and religious, promote homosexuality as part of getting to know oneself. It is no wonder it is prevalent in the religious community and that they have such an interest. Time to weed em all out. Get to the remnant that is interested in the Truth (also known as Jesus Christ) rather than the perverted fancies of the day.
As I observed before, it makes one wonder if these people have more than an “academic” interest in such things.
thats my point. im more afraid of people like you and LisaN running our church than these nuns.
And just where do you see conflict to what Christ taught?
Perry5 said:
(Homosexuality and the bible.)

In the Summer of 1991 neurobiologist (Simon LeVay) introduced the world to the possibility of homosexuality being biological.

LeVay claimed to have found a differince in the hypothalamas part of the brain structure between gay and strait men.

The hypothalamas is a small area of the brain that is near the pituitary gland which is at the base of the brain.

The fact that homosexual behavior is observed across the animal kingdom indicates that for humans,(it is not merely a choice based on sinful tendencies.)

It is a natural byproduct of evolutionary process as is hetrosexuality.

Would not God’s word be better served thrue understandin rather than condemnation???

What does it matter where homosexuality comes from? Homosexual acts are forbidden either way. I could make a great argument that the male desire to have sex with lots and lots of women is “a natural byproduct of the evolutionary process”. So what? Does that mean that men ought no longer be constrained by the moral problems of adultery/promiscuity?
thats my point. im more afraid of people like you and LisaN running our church than these nuns.
So calling a wolf a wolf fears you more than a wolf dressed as a sheep?

thats my point. im more afraid of people like you and LisaN running our church than these nuns.
Having compassion towards homosexuals is to be welcomed. However, these nuns, especially Grammick, are compassionate to the point of compromising authentic Catholic teaching. That is why most people on this forum are against nuns, priests and religious who are like-minded to Sr. Grammick. If the stats are true, it is no small wonder all of these liberal orders are dying off. Without the Truth, these branches are dying off the vine that is Jesus.

With respect,
Perry5 said:
(heaven,hell and the lake of fire.)

Do you know where heaven is?

Do you know where hell is?

Do you know where the lake of fire is?

Iff i did not know where i was going would you folw me???

(The Pope,)

just a short two or three years or so ago while making a sabaticle to Mexico decreed that heaven,hell and the lake of fire as humanity understand them do not exsist.




Thank you for this impressive effort. What I meant (and should have made clear) was a citation locating the “square” and “waterfall” statements.

I note that your list includes that scholarly tour de force Deceptions and Myths of the Bible. And you link to an article that interprets the papal statement on heaven and hell as equating to “heaven and hell do not exist.” My credibility alarm is screaming.
thats my point. im more afraid of people like you and LisaN running our church than these nuns.
And your reasoning would be?

Lisa N
Perry5 said:
(Homosexuality and the bible.)

In the Summer of 1991 neurobiologist (Simon LeVay) introduced the world to the possibility of homosexuality being biological.

LeVay claimed to have found a differince in the hypothalamas part of the brain structure between gay and strait men.

Yes. Many have tried to prove “you are born with it”. Fact is that not a single theory has held up under scrutiny. Possibility is the key word here. How about providing the facts, sample sizes, population types, variations etc. rather than just imply that something is the way that some people want it to be?

There may be genetic tendencies towards homosexual behavior, just as their are homosexual tendencies towards alcoholism - but there is zero evidence that homosexuality itself is a genetic decision made prior to birth.

Further, such absolute genetic-based theories fail to explain how so many people go from homosexual behavior to normal, heterosexual married lives.
The fact that homosexual behavior is observed across the animal kingdom indicates that for humans,(it is not merely a choice based on sinful tendencies.)
It’s a choice - will you die if you do not have sexual relations?
It is a natural byproduct of evolutionary process as is hetrosexuality.
You make this claim on some scientist’s “possibility” based on the assumption of evolutionary theory - the grand possibility of them all. What is somewhat humorous is that the 2 don’t go together. Evolutionary theory (and I stress the term theory) favors those species that can more easily reproduce. If evolutionary theory applied to all and therefore applied to the homosexual community, homosexuals would be extinct.
Would not God’s word be better served thrue understandin rather than condemnation???
It sure would. Those that claim homosexuality is not a sin should read the passages that say that it is a sin and that marriage is between one man and one woman. The first step to understanding a book is to read the words inside of it.
YEAH FOR THESE SISTERS!! you should all be ashamed of yourselves condeming nuns! do any of you have the discipline that these women have? the devotion? the self sacrafice? God bless these women and the men who enter into a religious life. the world needs more of them as does the church. i truly do hope our church gets a more compassionate heart towards those who feel alone and rejected.
I’m not sure. A lot of the sisters have dropped the communal life, dropped the attire, and dropped the devotions. Thus, their discipline and devotion is questionable compared to many faithful Catholic laity. When they dissent from the teaching of the Church, not only is their level of devotion questionable, but also to whom they are devoted.
I’m not sure. A lot of the sisters have dropped the communal life, dropped the attire, and dropped the devotions. Thus, their discipline and devotion is questionable compared to many faithful Catholic laity. When they dissent from the teaching of the Church, not only is their level of devotion questionable, but also to whom they are devoted.

It is no accident thar the Roman catholic church refers to it’s followers as lambs of the church,as lambs are amongst the dumbest animals on the face of the earth and will follow shadows.

It takes some people longer than others to get wise, hats off to the ladies in black.
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