***in another forum thread I wrote:
The very good question to ask is WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD?
If we look at the Book of Luke, the angel Gabriel was sent by God the Father. The angel Gabriel, of course is a messenger. He will only do or say God’s Will. And has anyone realized how important is the greeting of the Angel to Mary? The angel greeted Her, which we should understand is what the Father wanted the angel to do. The angel said : “Hail!”, “Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!”. This is the greeting the Father wanted the angel to give Her. He wanted the angel to salute Her, which is tantamount to honoring Her.
If we continue reading the same Gospel of Luke, when Mary visited Her Cousin Elizabeth. The latter was filled with the Holy Spirit and started uttering : “Blessed Art Thou amongst women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb!”. Isn’t it obvious? God - The Holy Spirit inspired Elizabeth to greet Mary in this way, in order to bless and honor her.
And the Word (Jesus - Son of God) became flesh (thru His Mother Mary) and dwelt amongst us. He preached us to “Honor your Father and your Mother”. Who is Jesus’ Mother? Isn’t it Mary. Of course, He would honor his Mother first before teaching this.
So you see, The Father wanted to honor Mary, The Holy Spirit wanted to honor and bless Mary, and The Son would definitely want to honor His Mother. It means the Holy Trinity willed it that this woman be blessed and honored. If we wanted to do the will of God, why not start by blessing and honoring Her.
Pray the Rosary therefore, and bless Her. Certainly, we will receive abundant graces thru Her.
****I guess this is a very good reason why God would grant our prayers thru the intercession of Mary or other Saints. God has this simple way of honoring His servants. That He channelled favors and blessing and graces thru His chosen instruments. If God favored Abraham so much that He said : “You shall be a blessing to others, Whosoever blesses you shall be blessed and whosoever curses you shall be cursed” in the Book of Genesis. And He did the same to Moses, and other Prophets. LIkewise, Jesus honored His Apostles by saying “Whoever accepts you accepts Me”.
Thus, anyone who blesses Mary will surely be blessed. And whoever honors Her honors God.
The very good question to ask is WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD?
If we look at the Book of Luke, the angel Gabriel was sent by God the Father. The angel Gabriel, of course is a messenger. He will only do or say God’s Will. And has anyone realized how important is the greeting of the Angel to Mary? The angel greeted Her, which we should understand is what the Father wanted the angel to do. The angel said : “Hail!”, “Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!”. This is the greeting the Father wanted the angel to give Her. He wanted the angel to salute Her, which is tantamount to honoring Her.
If we continue reading the same Gospel of Luke, when Mary visited Her Cousin Elizabeth. The latter was filled with the Holy Spirit and started uttering : “Blessed Art Thou amongst women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb!”. Isn’t it obvious? God - The Holy Spirit inspired Elizabeth to greet Mary in this way, in order to bless and honor her.
And the Word (Jesus - Son of God) became flesh (thru His Mother Mary) and dwelt amongst us. He preached us to “Honor your Father and your Mother”. Who is Jesus’ Mother? Isn’t it Mary. Of course, He would honor his Mother first before teaching this.
So you see, The Father wanted to honor Mary, The Holy Spirit wanted to honor and bless Mary, and The Son would definitely want to honor His Mother. It means the Holy Trinity willed it that this woman be blessed and honored. If we wanted to do the will of God, why not start by blessing and honoring Her.
Pray the Rosary therefore, and bless Her. Certainly, we will receive abundant graces thru Her.
****I guess this is a very good reason why God would grant our prayers thru the intercession of Mary or other Saints. God has this simple way of honoring His servants. That He channelled favors and blessing and graces thru His chosen instruments. If God favored Abraham so much that He said : “You shall be a blessing to others, Whosoever blesses you shall be blessed and whosoever curses you shall be cursed” in the Book of Genesis. And He did the same to Moses, and other Prophets. LIkewise, Jesus honored His Apostles by saying “Whoever accepts you accepts Me”.
Thus, anyone who blesses Mary will surely be blessed. And whoever honors Her honors God.