How and why to pray through Mary?

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***in another forum thread I wrote:

The very good question to ask is WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD?

If we look at the Book of Luke, the angel Gabriel was sent by God the Father. The angel Gabriel, of course is a messenger. He will only do or say God’s Will. And has anyone realized how important is the greeting of the Angel to Mary? The angel greeted Her, which we should understand is what the Father wanted the angel to do. The angel said : “Hail!”, “Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!”. This is the greeting the Father wanted the angel to give Her. He wanted the angel to salute Her, which is tantamount to honoring Her.

If we continue reading the same Gospel of Luke, when Mary visited Her Cousin Elizabeth. The latter was filled with the Holy Spirit and started uttering : “Blessed Art Thou amongst women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb!”. Isn’t it obvious? God - The Holy Spirit inspired Elizabeth to greet Mary in this way, in order to bless and honor her.

And the Word (Jesus - Son of God) became flesh (thru His Mother Mary) and dwelt amongst us. He preached us to “Honor your Father and your Mother”. Who is Jesus’ Mother? Isn’t it Mary. Of course, He would honor his Mother first before teaching this.

So you see, The Father wanted to honor Mary, The Holy Spirit wanted to honor and bless Mary, and The Son would definitely want to honor His Mother. It means the Holy Trinity willed it that this woman be blessed and honored. If we wanted to do the will of God, why not start by blessing and honoring Her.

Pray the Rosary therefore, and bless Her. Certainly, we will receive abundant graces thru Her.

****I guess this is a very good reason why God would grant our prayers thru the intercession of Mary or other Saints. God has this simple way of honoring His servants. That He channelled favors and blessing and graces thru His chosen instruments. If God favored Abraham so much that He said : “You shall be a blessing to others, Whosoever blesses you shall be blessed and whosoever curses you shall be cursed” in the Book of Genesis. And He did the same to Moses, and other Prophets. LIkewise, Jesus honored His Apostles by saying “Whoever accepts you accepts Me”.

Thus, anyone who blesses Mary will surely be blessed. And whoever honors Her honors God.
I am a Catholic. But in my childhood I was bombarded with Protestant beliefs and ideologies.

I’m still a Catholic though. But, to this day I find it difficult or sometimes even silly to pray through Mary or the saints.

I pray to Jesus and the Father. And I’m heard. So why should I pray through Mary or the saints? How can I be sure that St.“so and so” is hearing me? And what’s the advantage of doing that when I know Christ hears me and so does the Father? Or is it that they cannot always hear me?

When did this practice of praying through Mary and the saints begin?
The flaw in this objection is that it proves too much. For if Catholics should not ask those in heaven for their prayers since we can go straight to Jesus, then no Christian on earth should ask a fellow believer for his prayers. When one believer asks another for his prayers, it is not because God is too distant or callous to listen to him. On the contrary, God is so generous he has given the body of Christ such unity that each member can pray for the others. This is a great gift, for “the prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects” (Jas. 5:16), and the angels and saints in heaven are inarguably righteous.

Though the Bible tells us that we must go to God in our necessities, it also encourages us to ask for each other’s prayers. After all, salvation is a family affair. Can the eye say to the hand, “I need you not?” Neither should we say that we don’t need the prayers of the rest of the body of Christ (on earth or in heaven).

Immediately after requesting that we pray for each other in 1 Timothy 2:1–4, Paul affirms that Christ is the one mediator. Again, let us define our terms. A mediator is one who comes between two parties with the purpose of uniting them. Christ played a role of mediation that only the God-man could, but Christians are still called to serve as mediators between Christ and the world. In no way does this diminish the unique work of Christ. On the contrary, it manifests it.

For example, Christ is our only high priest, but we are all called to be a nation of priests (1 Pet. 2:9). Christ is the only Son of God, yet we are made sons of God through adoption (Gal. 3:4). The Christian life consists in being conformed to Christ, and as Paul says, being “God’s fellow-workers” (1 Cor. 3:9) in his plan of salvation.

Taken from:

How to Defend the Intercession of the Saints
By Jason Evert
***in another forum thread I wrote:

The very good question to ask is WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD?

If we look at the Book of Luke, the angel Gabriel was sent by God the Father. The angel Gabriel, of course is a messenger. He will only do or say God’s Will. And has anyone realized how important is the greeting of the Angel to Mary? The angel greeted Her, which we should understand is what the Father wanted the angel to do. The angel said : “Hail!”, “Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!”. This is the greeting the Father wanted the angel to give Her. He wanted the angel to salute Her, which is tantamount to honoring Her.

If we continue reading the same Gospel of Luke, when Mary visited Her Cousin Elizabeth. The latter was filled with the Holy Spirit and started uttering : “Blessed Art Thou amongst women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb!”. Isn’t it obvious? God - The Holy Spirit inspired Elizabeth to greet Mary in this way, in order to bless and honor her.

And the Word (Jesus - Son of God) became flesh (thru His Mother Mary) and dwelt amongst us. He preached us to “Honor your Father and your Mother”. Who is Jesus’ Mother? Isn’t it Mary. Of course, He would honor his Mother first before teaching this.

So you see, The Father wanted to honor Mary, The Holy Spirit wanted to honor and bless Mary, and The Son would definitely want to honor His Mother. It means the Holy Trinity willed it that this woman be blessed and honored. If we wanted to do the will of God, why not start by blessing and honoring Her.

Pray the Rosary therefore, and bless Her. Certainly, we will receive abundant graces thru Her.

****I guess this is a very good reason why God would grant our prayers thru the intercession of Mary or other Saints. God has this simple way of honoring His servants. That He channelled favors and blessing and graces thru His chosen instruments. If God favored Abraham so much that He said : “You shall be a blessing to others, Whosoever blesses you shall be blessed and whosoever curses you shall be cursed” in the Book of Genesis. And He did the same to Moses, and other Prophets. LIkewise, Jesus honored His Apostles by saying “Whoever accepts you accepts Me”.

Thus, anyone who blesses Mary will surely be blessed. And whoever honors Her honors God.
Beautifully stated. 👍

May God bless you and all those who so lovingly post in defense of Our Blessed Mother. May all those who don’t know her be awakened to her role as Mother to us all.
A simple question from a Marianist priest I used to know:’
Is a man not honored when somebody gives flowers to his mother?
When we honor the Mother, we honor the Son.
And you’re missing the point that Jesus didn’t teach that we SHOULDN’T ask mary to pray for us in intercession.
The Lord Jesus teaches His us to pray to the Father, this is the “point” I’m making. So why would the Lord Jesus mention anything about praying to the Father through Mary when He teaches us to pray to the Father. The Lord Jesus didn’t teach us to pray to the Father through a saint or Mary, He taught us to pray to the Father.
Do you pray for your loved ones? When they die are you going to stop praying for them, and asking them to help you?
Yes I’m praying to God for people on this earth. The Bible doesn’t teach Christians to ask people who have departed from this earth to help them.
Let me ask you one serious question, what is your objection to the practice that is heavily documented as early as 100 AC? Do you not like the blessed mother? Not think she deserves some honor and accolade?
My objection to praying to God through Mary is that God hasn’t told His children to do this. I do like Mary, she is a sister in Christ and as it is written in Gods word she is blessed. What a blessing she had to be given Gods favor in giving birth to the Blessed Lord Jesus. Mary is blessed because of the Blessed Lord Jesus and not because of who she is.

If we look at the Book of Luke, the angel Gabriel was sent by God the Father. The angel Gabriel, of course is a messenger. He will only do or say God’s Will. And has anyone realized how important is the greeting of the Angel to Mary? The angel greeted Her, which we should understand is what the Father wanted the angel to do. The angel said : “Hail!”, “Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!”. This is the greeting the Father wanted the angel to give Her. He wanted the angel to salute Her, which is tantamount to honoring Her.
28 And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” 29 But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Luke 1:28-30

"Even a Catholic source such as Zerwick avoids the translation ‘full of grace,’ opting instead for the less theologically loaded praises ‘endowed with grace; dearly loved.’ The MNT task force translates it as ‘graciously favored by God,’ while noting that the Douay Rheims translation, ‘full of grace,’ is not literal and is gradually being replaced among Roman Catholic translators. The most recent standard Catholic translations the NAB and the JB, have followed suit in their renditions (NAB, ‘O highly favored daughter’; JB, ‘So highly favored’) [Eric Svendsen, Who Is My Mother? (New York: Calvary Press, 2001) p. 129].

When you need something from your father (such as money for the movies or the car keys), sometimes having an advocate (your mother) ask on your behalf softens the heart of your father and produces quicker results. Your father would still hear you, but he may respsond more generously to your mother, your advocate.

If this concept makes sense in the human world, it stands to reason that it would make sense in the spiritual world as well.

Also keep in mind, Jesus NEVER refuses His mother’s requests, as is made abundantly clear at the wedding feast at Cana. Our Blessed Mother in Heaven is our best advocate. She takes our worries, concerns and pleas directly to her Son.

As far as the saints are concerned, they are closer to God than we are. They, too, are good advocates.

One final thought, a little off the subject… praying the Rosary is praying the Gospel through the eyes of Mary. Mary is closer to Christ, physically, spiritually, mentally, than any human to have lived. What better way to get closer to Christ than seek Him out through the one who loves Him the most!
It could be argued that to be full of grace is to be gifted as we are each graced through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. To be favored is to be specially chosen.

“The more we honor the Blessed Virgin, the more we honor Jesus Christ, because we honor Mary only that we may the more perfectly honor Jesus, since we go to her only as the way by which we are to find the end we are seeking, which is Jesus”—St. Louis De Montfort.

When we pray the Rosary, we meditate upon the mysteries of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I add a single word or phrase to the Hail Mary that makes this even more a reality. At the Annunciation, Jesus is Incarnate. At the Nativity, He is Emmanuel. When He proclaims His kingdom, He is Messiah. During the Sorrowful mysteries, Jesus is God of gods as He is crowned with thorns and continually mocked even today. He takes my cross upon His shoulders and forgives as Jesus, Crucified. I add this word or phrase after “blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus_____.” With the Descent of the Holy Spirit, He is Indwelling.

The Rosary ends with “Oh God, Whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech You, that by meditating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen”
The Rosary begins with the Apostles’ Creed (what we believe) and ends with direct prayer to the Father. Each decade starts with an Our Father and ends with the Doxology.
When you need something from your father (such as money for the movies or the car keys), sometimes having an advocate (your mother) ask on your behalf softens the heart of your father and produces quicker results. Your father would still hear you, but he may respsond more generously to your mother, your advocate.

If this concept makes sense in the human world, it stands to reason that it would make sense in the spiritual world as well.

No- this concept does NOT make sense in the spiritual world as our Heavenly Father does NOT need to be ‘softened up’ for anything.
No- this concept does NOT make sense in the spiritual world as our Heavenly Father does NOT need to be ‘softened up’ for anything.
Jesus said, “Whoever sees Me, sees the Father.” How many times did Jesus ‘soften’ up when asked to heal or forgive someone? You need to review the life of Christ. God has more human qualities than you want to admit. And THAT is the reality in the spiritual world of the Father.
No- this concept does NOT make sense in the spiritual world as our Heavenly Father does NOT need to be ‘softened up’ for anything.
Evidently, you aren’t that versed on Scripture. Christ’s first miracle took place at a wedding in Cana…but, it wasn’t supposed to, it wasn’t part of His plan, His own words tell us “His time had not yet come”. However, His MOTHER asked Him to take care of the situation &, she would not be “put off”.

John 2: 1And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there:

This passage has always given me the idea that Mary was the invited guest…&…

Jhn 2:2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage.

Jesus & his friends were included because of her.

Jhn 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.

Jhn 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.

I can just hear it now. Ohhhhh MOOOMM. What am I gonna’ do with ya’. It’s not time for this.

Jhn 2:5 His mother saith unto the servants,** Whatsoever he saith unto you, do [it]. **

She pretty much ignored His complaint about His timetable & just assumed that it would be done. After all, She was His Mother & these were her friends. And, of course, her requeat was granted. .
I think she “softened Him up”, as Mothers tend to do that. 😉

**Jhn 2:6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece.

Jhn 2:7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.

Jhn 2:8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare [it].

Jhn 2:9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted** the water that was made wine,**** and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom
Evidently, you aren’t that versed on Scripture. Christ’s first miracle took place at a wedding in Cana…but, it wasn’t supposed to, it wasn’t part of His plan, His own words tell us “His time had not yet come”. However, His MOTHER asked Him to take care of the situation &, she would not be “put off”.
Please show where Jesus and/or the Church teaches us that God has to be ‘softened up’ for anything (REMEMBER that this is the same God that sent his son to redeem us while we were sinners and had that plan in place WAY before the BVM was around). TIA
Jesus said, “Whoever sees Me, sees the Father.” How many times did Jesus ‘soften’ up when asked to heal or forgive someone? You need to review the life of Christ. God has more human qualities than you want to admit. And THAT is the reality in the spiritual world of the Father.
Did he need to be softened up or simply asked or have sincerity of belief demonstrated?

Did Mary or others have to intercede before Jesus acted?

There is no way God needs to be ‘softened up’ or he would never have had a plan for our salvation.
Please show where Jesus and/or the Church teaches us that God has to be ‘softened up’ for anything

Do you think that Christ led by Word & example…or…do you believe that He spoke one way & acted another? If you agree with the first option I offered, then you must know that the Scripture I shared, that of Cana, shows the character of Christ. He possessed our emotions, was plagued by our temptations. You seem to forget that He is completely, totally Divine **& **completely, totally human. You’ll want to be careful about that, for, if you aren’t you can slide into the heresy of Gnostic Docetism. Are you trying to deny Paul’s words, "Christ is the man of heaven. From the CCC:
The distinction between the natures was never abolished by their union, but rather the character proper to each of the two natures was preserved as they came together in one person (prosopon) and one hypostasis.[92
inseparably true God and true man. He is truly the Son of God who, without ceasing to be God and Lord, became a man and our brother: "
(REMEMBER that this is the same God that sent his son to redeem us while we were sinners and had that plan in place WAY before the BVM was around). TIA
Absolutely. This is also the God who sent His Son to say,"Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”

He also sent Him to say, ""And whoever offends against one of these little ones …** it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and for him to be cast into the sea.**I

And then, of course, “If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out”.

Pretty violent words, huh?? Kinda strict sounding?? Do you believe that He didn’t mean it, that one of His missions, wasn’t to show & tell us what God wants from us. Are you one of those Catholics who believes that God is a sweet old Grampa that permits His children to walk all over Him, neglect His wishes, hurt our fellow man & still responds with an indulgent pat on the head and, “Don’t worry about it, no big deal”.?

As to your last line. The Blessed Virgin was ALWAYS part of the plan. :rolleyes:
Did he need to be softened up or simply asked or have sincerity of belief demonstrated?

Are you denying Christ’s human emotions?

Did Mary or others have to intercede before Jesus acted?

Mary did, at Cana. It’s quite obvious.

There is no way God needs to be ‘softened up’ or he would never have had a plan for our salvation.
**We would have been obliterated from this world already because of God’s justice (you cannot demand justice unless you have feelings), but because of His mercy (you can’t be merciful unless you have feelings), He still loves us (you cannot love unless you have feelings) and desires us (you cannot have desire unless you have feelings) to be with Him.

Chew on that for awhile. 😉 **
**We would have been obliterated from this world already because of God’s justice (you cannot demand justice unless you have feelings), but because of His mercy (you can’t be merciful unless you have feelings), He still loves us (you cannot love unless you have feelings) and desires us (you cannot have desire unless you have feelings) to be with Him.

Chew on that for awhile. 😉 **
Please show where the Church teaches that God must be ‘softened up’. TIA

Also - using your items – it would seem God worked through his issues of justice vs mercy without us interfering.

"See if the following passage sounds familiar:

“And I ask blessed Mary, ever Virgin,
all the angels and saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.”

I’ve not seen that PASSAGE in the HOLY BIBLE…the WORD OF GOD…SCRIPTURE…can you give me the book and verse?


Was the Marriage at Cana account one of his being ‘softened’ or of being prodded to get started re his ministry?
Let’s back track a bit & maybe then you can understand.
  1. Mary & Jesus & His diciples were attending a weddingl.
  2. They ran out of wine.
  3. Mary asked Jesus to take care of the situation.
  4. At first, he declined saying that it wasn’t time for miracles yet.
  5. Mary insisted & He bowed to her petitions.
Now, you tell me the answer to the question you asked. Good Lord, this was recorded for posterity by St. John & it tells us Mary’s actual words. So…what do you think?

BTW., Do you know any Jewish Mothers? Have you ever witnessed interactions between a Jewish Mother & her grown son?? I know several Jewish Mothers & they are NOT the wimpy, little week-kneed type.
Was the Marriage at Cana account one of his being ‘softened’ or of being prodded to get started re his ministry?
Let’s back track a bit & maybe then you can understand.
  1. Mary & Jesus & His diciples were attending a weddingl.
  2. They ran out of wine.
  3. Mary asked Jesus to take care of the situation.
  4. At first, he declined saying that it wasn’t time for miracles yet.
  5. Mary insisted & He bowed to her petitions.
Now, you tell me the answer to the question you asked. Good Lord, this was recorded for posterity by St. John & it tells us Mary’s actual words. So…what do you think?

Where exactly does Jesus go against his teaching us that the Father knows and cares about us and our needs better than we do? Where exactly does Jesus teach us to butter up/‘soften’ the Father (or himself) by use of 3rd parties?
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