I’m glad you like Mary. I don’t know your background or christian training but you are seriously undermining the Blessed Virgin by saying she is a “sister in Christ”. She is His Mother thus the mother of us all.The Lord Jesus teaches His us to pray to the Father, this is the “point” I’m making. So why would the Lord Jesus mention anything about praying to the Father through Mary when He teaches us to pray to the Father. The Lord Jesus didn’t teach us to pray to the Father through a saint or Mary, He taught us to pray to the Father.
Yes I’m praying to God for people on this earth. The Bible doesn’t teach Christians to ask people who have departed from this earth to help them.
My objection to praying to God through Mary is that God hasn’t told His children to do this. I do like Mary, she is a sister in Christ and as it is written in Gods word she is blessed. What a blessing she had to be given Gods favor in giving birth to the Blessed Lord Jesus. Mary is blessed because of the Blessed Lord Jesus and not because of who she is.
No where in the Bible does it say only follow what is written. Remember, the Catholic Church came first way before the Bible. Tradition that Catholics keep have been around for 2000 years. Alot of our tradition is due to the early church fathers and what they learned directly from the aposles.
Without the Catholic Church, christian understanding of the bible is flawed and misinterpeted. Thus, the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary.