Anyone who actually believes that books written 2000 or more years ago under a couple different languages and cultures who honestly thinks that God’s++++excuse me, but God is not dead! my little man++++++ great divine plan after he had died was to pass these written texts along from generation to generation of people without the capability of reproducing it in mass abundance really needs to give their head a shake. +++Try shaking the dust out of yours and stop putting God’s HOLY Word down as if it means nothing and the great church of Babyalian is the best of the best!!!+++++++++
Yes, this idea is so great that it’s never once commanded to the Apostles in the written text you hold so dearly to. The Apostles should have been busy writing ‘EVERYTHING++++++’(my little man they did not write the way we do now. They passed everything along story after story. Which is better then just giving it to the almighty pope and saying you tell us oh great one what it says and we will bow down and follow without asking any questions or going through the Holy Spirit who can guide us to the truth becasue he indwells us if you have taken the time to ask Jesus into your cold and stony heart…he will come and he will show you light and the trueth and past and steer you away from a pagan church full of idolatry+++++++++++++
++++++(???they learned in explicit detail and in many different languages of both the present and the future ???++++++so as to not cause confusion with the Word of God that would inevitably create divisions amongst you that you all know so well. ++++God said His word is like a double edged sword and it will divide family against family++++++++++
GOD’s WORD IS BOTH (+++ORAL)++++??? AND WRITTEN and it gets tiring seeing people like you limit it to just the written. It gets tiring reading people like you who some how think that their book speaks to THEM on a personal basis everytime they pick up the Scriptures.++++++It sure does!!!++++++ Case in point. YOU INTERPRET++++NO the Holy Spirit who is God living insdie of my heart does+++++++++Says so in God’s word but the RCC church probably deleated that part so you really probably don’t understand how to interpret through God and the Holy Spirit and must be lead by that other little man, the pope++++++. God’s word is all up to how you do this. If done correctly, THEN it’s God’s word. But who are you to think that you’re special enough to do it better than the+++??? rest of us???I thought you had to listen to the pope so who are you to critize my listening to God and the Holy Spirit to let the word speak to me and guide me?+++++++++++ then preach to us what it’s saying++++if you knew what it was saying you would not be listening to the pope+++++++++. You’re making yourself out to be your own infallible little pope my man.++++hardly! But I do listen to God and I don’t rely on a mortal man to tell me what to think, what to pray, or how to confess my sins, or to pray to dead people or worship Mary or wear scapulars for protection…maybe a four leaf clover would do just as well+++++++++
Sorry this got rude but I only answered back to your rude statement and name calliing.
Try a little test. Open your Bible, go lay down on your bed, close your eyes and tell us if it speaks to you. Bet it doesn’t. Why because again, it’s words that you need to read, study the culture, the languages of Latin, Greek and Aramaic +++Hebrew++++ to the root of the real meaning behind it which leaves another little dilemma. God also expected His many ‘Bible alone++++YES.The Bible Alone…God knew what is was saying and He never said for a mortal man to call himself infaliable and add his take to it++++++++’ followers over the first millenium to not only obtain the Scriptures that were tough to duplicate, read them when many were too illiterate to do this, but to likewise be Biblical scholars with the proper tools and brains to investigate the true meanings of the words in the foreign languages of which they originated.+++And of what other means do you, Oh elevated high one, propose the Bible should have come down to us by???++++++++++++++I took of your little popes,your one is more than enough for the world to handle.
Totally illogical, unbelievable and absurd is what it is.