You know, the hardness of your heart and mind continually astonish me. What do you think lies between Bethlehem and Egypt? Do you think it is rain forest?She was pursued into the desert after the birth of her child (verse 6), or that she was persecuted through her other children (v. 17).
None of these things are said in the gospels.
Rev 12:17
17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus.
It makes the most sense when the event at the foot of the cross is understood according to Apostolic Teaching. Since Jesus, through John, gave His mother to all Christians, then all who are brothers and sisters of Christ, who keep the commandments of God, and hold to the testimony of Jesus, are adopted as heirs, and share in HIs sonship, and therefore, share in the gift of His mother.
Such a question implies that Catholics “worship” Mary.Do the Scriptures command us to worship these kings who use such titles for themselves?

You have been shown. You deny it. However, scripture only lightly reflects the Church’s understanding of the mother of the Lord. Most of this practice comes from carrying on the Sacred Tradition passed on to us from the Apostles.It is right to worship God Who does rightly have these titles applied to Himself.
Now show me where we are to honor Mary as the queen of heaven from Scripture.
We believe that Jesus adopted us, and that we are His brothers and sisters, and that we share the gift of His mother.No. How does it follow that you should honor her 2000 years later when she is not your mother?
He promised that those who believe in Him would have many mothers and fathers, etc. Beginning with His own.

What do you think He meant when He told John “there is your mother”?(We know from Scripture that she is never referred to as anyone’s mother but to Jesus and His brothers and sisters. No other writers in the NT ever refer to her as the anyone else’ mother).
Mary had no other biological children, only spiritual.
You are right. Scripture does not “teach”. People teach. Your people have taught you things that represent a separation from the Apostolic Tradition. Apparently, when scriptures indicate that we should honor our elders in the faith, you disregard that also. What is so difficult for you about giving honor? Such difficulty reflects the wounded soul of a person that has been dishonored.No i can’t since the Scriptures never teach anyone to honor Mary as their mother.
Does the Catholic church teach that a son or daughter of a deceased parent are to continue to honor them? If so, how?
Why would one stop honoring one who had passed from this life to the next? Do you think we should speak ill of the dead, since they are no longer attached to their ears?
The idea that one should stop honoring a parent who is deceased is indicative of someone who was mistreated by them, and instead of being able to have any good to appreciate, is actually relieved that they are dead.