Hell is just reality. If we submit ourselves to God, who is Life Itself, Love Itself, and Reality Itself, we have life in abundance, and joy and peace. If we choose some other unreality, instead, giving preference to our own false sense of good and bad in preference to the only way to peace, joy and life, we are going to be miserable, enraged, and isolated: physically, emotionally, relationally, and psychologically.
Why not some other possibility? Well, other created beings who have no free will have that third possibility, which is inevitable compliance with the reality that is the will of God. We, however, have the extra gift of free will. That which makes immeasurably greater gain possible also makes immeasurably greater loss possible.
The Prodigal Son could not be fulfilled outside relationship with his father. It did not matter how much wealth he was given to squander on wanton and useless things that did no one any good. He chose to feed a bottomless pit of emptiness. There was not enough in the world to fill it up; it was inevitable he would wind up as he did. Someone who gets drunk every day is not “unlucky” if he ruins his health. It is going to happen, eventually.
Likewise, if we have an infinite amount of room for choices rooted in unreality to play out, reality will eventually show the unreality for the black hole of emptiness that it is.
Hell is a permanent state of embracing that emptiness in preference to the reality of God’s inescapable pre-eminence. In order for anyone to freely choose to embrace life, however, the choice to reject life has to be offered, as well, with all its inevitable consequences.