“Anti-semitism” is a curious term. What exactly qualifies as anti-semitism. If I say “95% of pornography is owned by Jewish people”, and can document that fact, is that anti-semitic?
If I researched that fact because a pornographer, Al Goldstein, stated, “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.” would my curiosity be anti-semitic?
Now, of course, if I accused all Jewish people of promoting and normalizing pornography, homosexuality, racial strife, abortion, and third world immigration to all first-world countries but Israel, and supplied no documentation of those claim, that would be anti-semitic. But much like “racism”, “anti-semitism” gets thrown around awfully loosely by irresponsible people and diminishes the consideration of authentic cases of anti-semitism.
Just another factor to consider in this conversation. I understand it’s really complex and challenging, and hope and pray people of good will may one day find more and better solutions.