Right…yeah… NOT. Whoever taught you this lied to you about the Catholic Church.More wishful thinking. Luther was anything but an exemplary translator nor one any thinking Christian would follow.
deliberately tampered with Romans 3:28 in his German translation and added the word “alone” to support his preconceived theology of Sola Fide when he knew full well that there is no such word in the Greek text of that verse. Still think he’s hot stuff?
He not only removed the 7 Deuterocanonical books from his OT canon, but wanted to remove Esther as well, which has no history of being challenged.
In his New Testament
he actually removed 4 books as well, James (no surprise there, he called it “an epistle of straw”!), Hebrews, Revelation, and Jude. Do you really think it’s wise to so idolize a man who took such liberties with the Word of God? I wouldn’t.Really? Then what does Paul tell Timothy is “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1st Timothy 3:15) 15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Furthermore, can you show me any passage of the New Testament where Jesus tells us that He came to establish a book or collection of books? What in fact does Our Lord say he came to build? Matthew Chapter 16:18: And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.
I cannot find a single verse where Jesus speaks of building a collection of writings or even authorizing anyone to write anything. If you can, please show me…
The fact is that the church preceded the New Testament (and in fact, even Judaism preceded the OT…). Nowhere is there New Testament support for the Bible being greater authority than the church. Those who believe otherwise hold an unscriptural belief.
Okay… I’ll go along with this for the sake of argument, but you have just shot yourself in the foot (again), because the teaching of n-C communities that the Bible is the sole authority for all things Christian is not found in the Word of God. Since that is the case, by your own lights you have to reject all those that hold that conflicting teaching as being false…therefore making those same n-C communities false churches.
More wishful thinking and anti-Catholic propaganda without substance. I personally have studied carefully the Word of God, and both n-C and Catholic teaching and can affirm that your statement is false.
I have indeed seen a great number of such false teachings from the many different communities that seem to like to allege that against my own Catholic faith. No one has so far proved their allegation to me though. Not even close…
In fact…it was just that sort of propaganda that backfired and ultimately brought me home to the Catholic faith.
Feel free to read my testimony here.You need to mind your mouth. That sort of remark violates the
Forum Rules which is not a good way to insure your own longevity here with us.:tsktsk:
No one here has said that the church supersedes the Word of God, and that is not what the Catholic Church teaches. This has been explained to you before and you seem to insist on taking it the way you wish it was meant instead of what the Catholic Church actually teaches.
This is best discussed in a separate thread if you like as it will take us far off the topic of salvation.