
I know OUTIN: I’ve been perplexed with the “nice” syndrome my whole life. My wonderful Godly parents, as wonderful as they are, have always put it on me that "I must be “Nice” to everyone, I “Must” include even abusive people in my life, that it’s the “Christian” thing to do. It’s been a real lesson for me OutinC. My own MOm, a preachers wife, Knowing and truly understanding all the abuse I’ve taken my whole marriage from my in-laws, still has said "You Must invite them for X-mas eve…“they’d be so hurt”…I always did thinkin it was the right thing to do. My mom, sweet as she is, never has taken a stand for anything that’s right. She always has to be the peacemaker, hear everyone’s side, a real “people pleaser”…if everyone doesn’t love her, oh that would be terrible. Why she even insists she HAS to remain friends with one of my sister’s x-husbands. She brags on the phone how she’s had long phone conversations with him, how "he’s confided in her, things he’s told no one, and tells my sis this. This hurts my sis very much. There is no loyalty. So I’ve learned where it all is coming from. Sometimes even though we think our families are so wonderful, it’s so important to truly SEE them. So, yes, I’ve been taught my entire life, I must be “nice” to everyone, to just “kill em with kindness” those whom abuse and walk all over us.It’s the “nice” syndrome, as in “We have to be nice, or people won’t like us.” We don’t have to be nice about everything- such as being abused.