I’m not convinced that universalism is heresy

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I read that hops have a lot of antioxidants. Not as medicinal as red wine, tho.
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I loved Cherry Wheat. Unfortunately, it spurned me :cry:😭😞😔😣
Well, here at Contrary Answers Forums, I expect to be countered by a veritable plethora of opposing thought, and I am rarely disappointed!
I read that hops have a lot of antioxidants.
I heard wheat beer used to be prescribed by doctors. I tried it once with Hoegaarden. I’m never making that mistake again. 😖
loved Cherry Wheat. Unfortunately, it spurned me :cry:😭😞😔😣
It just wanted to save you from a life of addiction. I wish it loved me that much. 😿

Also, I really want one right now, but there aren’t any stores near me that carry it, at least as far as I know. 😭
I have family that lives near the Pennsylvania/Ohio border. Because we didn’t feel like searching out licensed alcohol stores in PA, we always crossed the border into Ohio and “smuggled” it back into PA.
Would you beer aficionados recommend wheat beer to a complete novice? We have some Blue Moon here, and I’m half tempted to try it.
Yeah I’m asking at the wrong place.

Nobody here understands what apokastasis is.
Catholic Encyclopedia
In any case, the doctrine was formally condemned in the first of the famous anathemas pronounced at the Council of Constantinople in 543: Ei tis ten teratode apokatastasis presbeuei anathema esto [See, also, Justinian, Liber adversus Originem, anathemas 7 and 9.] The doctrine was thenceforth looked on as heterodox by the Church.

From the moment, however, that anti-Origenism prevailed, the doctrine of the apokatastasis was definitely abandoned. St. Augustine protests more strongly than any other writer against an error so contrary to the doctrine of the necessity of grace.
Batiffol, P. (1907). Apocatastasis. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01599a.htm
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  1. christian theology
    the belief that all humankind will eventually be saved.
    “Christian universalism would insist that Christ’s atonement did atone for everyone’s sins”
  2. loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances.
    “a tendency towards universalism and inclusion”
Christian universalism (School)
Christian universalism is a school of Christian theology focused around the doctrine of universal reconciliation – the view that all human beings will ultimately be “saved” and restored to a right relationship with God.

Christian Universalism is not only not heresy, but the Catholic Church is praying for Universal Salvation (CCC 1058) and Universal Salvation is also the Will of God and His promises many times over.
Eph.1:19-11; In the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.

11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.
Rom.5:18; Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. etc.
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No need for doubt or cynicism or entertaining heresy. Not a single one of us gets into the Kingdom without God’s mercy and grace. So, that is why we pray for the dead.

There seem to be quite a few “crisis of faith” threads as of late.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Predestination of the elect.


THIS THEORY, CHAMPIONED BY all Thomists and a few Molinists (as Bellarmine, Francisco Suárez, Francis de Lugo):

Asserts that God, by an absolute decree and without regard to any future supernatural merits, predestined from all eternity certain men to the glory of heaven, and then, in consequence of this decree, decided to give them all the graces necessary for its accomplishment.

… For the absolute predestination of the blessed is at the same time the absolute will of God “not to elect” a priori the rest of mankind (Suarez), or which comes to the same, “to exclude them from heaven” (Gonet), in other words, not to save them. End quote.

As you see above (name removed by moderator), yet a lot of rearranging needs to done in Soteriology.
I believe God gives everyone of us all the graces necessary for our salvation and the end everyone of us saved.
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He already apologized. Kind of is beating a dead horse.
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Thank you for your post (name removed by moderator).

I was long time Evangelical Protestant, now by the grace of God I’m a Catholic and I love it.

If I would stay Evangelical Protestant in this life I could never believe God saves everyone.

I love the Catholic Soteriology, I also believe yet needs to fine-tune it.
I believe God gives everyone of us all the graces necessary for our salvation and all of us saved.

I explained Universal Salvation in fine details on my above posts 52 – 53, 106, 139, 146. – I like to have your view on them.

Christian universalism (School)
Christian universalism is a school of Christian theology focused around the doctrine of universal reconciliation – the view that all human beings will ultimately be “saved” and restored to a right relationship with God.

I really like to have your view (name removed by moderator) in particular on my posts 52 -53 and 146.
Thank you in advance.

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As I pointed out earlier, several Ecumenical Councils infallibly taught doctrines which imply that some human souls are sent to Hell. For example, the Fourth Lateran Council: “He will come at the end of time to judge the living and the dead, to render to every person according to his works, both to the reprobate and to the elect. All of them will rise with their own bodies, which they now wear, so as to receive according to their deserts, whether these be good or bad; for the latter perpetual punishment with the devil, for the former eternal glory with Christ.”

Since the Resurrection of the just and the unjust includes the reprobate in Hell, this implies that some human souls are sent to Hell. If not, then the teaching of this Council would be null and void.
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned on the thread , but there is an interesting book by one of whom it is said that he was Pope John Paul II’s favourite theologian - - - - - - - - -

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I have read the book twice , and for me it is rather heavy , but I agree with Hans Urs Von Balthasar that we dare hope that all will be saved .

As far as I know it is not Universalism to have the hope that al will be saved .

I find hope in some popular devotional prayers .

In the Fatima prayer used by some when praying the Rosary they pray , “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy”.

I note the “lead all souls to Heaven” .

In the Divine Mercy Chaplet are the words “Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.” and “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

I note “on the whole world” .

I also find hope in the words of the Catechism which teaches " The Church prays that no one should be lost: “Lord, let me never be parted from you.” If it is true that no one can save himself, it is also true that God “desires all men to be saved” (1 Tim 2:4), and that for him “all things are possible” (Mt 19:26)."

So I have hope .
People say it—they say it without thought. But I think they’re full of crap.

Somebody cite to me binding teaching from the Church that universalism is heresy. Specifically, I’m speaking about the belief that Jesus will one day in the end save all of mankind.

Prove it. Don’t just say it.

Thanks in advanced.
The Church infallibly teaches that anyone who dies in a state of mortal sin goes immediately to Hell and is there forever. If someone is in Hell forever it doesn’t take a rocket scientists then to know universalism is nonsense.
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