I guess when Paul wrote his letters to the Corinthians, the Romans, the Ephesians, the Galatians, etc., they sat on a shelves and collected dust until Rome formed its infallible “Magesterium.” And then, and only then, could anyone ever be able to understand such mysterious letters.
Your forgeting something very important here Ozzie:
***Paul sent those letters to those communities AFTER he had already taught them–orally. The written word of Paul needs to be read with the knowledge of that early oral teachings–not contained in his letters.
By you disregarding all the knowledge of Jesus’ Catholic Church you are only receiving half of the deposit of faith.
Sorry buddy, you can not tell me Paul’s letters are the full deposit of faith.
And once again for foresake the Word of Our Lord for the teachings of Paul. When there seems to be a conflict–you disregard Our Lord and side with Paul.
And one other important point that all bible scholars will agree to:
NONE OF PAUL’S LETTERS WERE WRITTEN BY PAUL TO BE COLLECTED AS THE ONLY OFFICIAL TEACHINGS about Jesus. They were written to address specific issues at specific communities, for those communities–not with you or I in mind!
His letters were clearly written to very specific communities who were having problems following the teachings–ORAL–he had originally gave them.
And since they were written long before fax and photocopiers, we cknow they were not duplicated and sent out to all the other Churches in the known word to add to their collection immediately! It obviously took time. Also since people in these different communities needed help also, it is safe to say, it took quite a while for Paul’s writings to circulate.
Keep your blinders on for as long as you want.
You will never escape the fact that before Paul wrote these letters to these communities, he had already helped establish them and had taught them ORALLY–and these teachings can not be found outside Jesus’ Catholic Church.
You take Paul’s review of key points as all Paul needed to teach. This is just not the case.
Jesus never followed Scripture alone (read Scripture, He follows extra-biblical tradition), why would He establish a Church–leave them without an official Scripture for 360+ years only to then require that Scripture be all His followers needed! Let alone that Paul’s letters should take priority over anything else. Oh yes, and He forgot to establish a Church that told anyone this until the Reformers came along…
Scripture should be read in light of Jesus’ teaching, not Paul’s!
You can continue to put Paul as your final say, but I will always prefer the Word Of Our Lord and read Paul and the rest of Scripture in light of those teachings.
Jesus established a Church, His Church–guided by the Holy Spirit–eventually gave us Scriputure. This is fact.
Or is it just the fact that I teach the sufficiency of God’s infinite grace to save forever those who draw near to Him through faith in Christ alone? If you just can’t accept that, then you just have a different gospel than what is simply and clearly revealed in Scripture, and can be easily understood by anyone who can read, even without those “glasses” (wink).
Unless your working off a very bad translation or something I assume we have the same Gospel. And I will not and do not read Scripture in light of 16th century Protestant theology like you do.
Don’t fool yourself into thinking YOU were suddenly given Scripture goggles when you were saved! There are an infinite number of interpretations and this is why Jesus left us an authority with which to interpret Scripture. Again I will kindly add–you are not that authority.
Sincerely Yours In Christ,