'If gays don't like it, they can choose another pasta': Barilla pasta faces global boycott after chairman says brand would never feature a homosexual

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Actually I am a BIG fan of Costco,spens lots and lots of money there regularily;) Aside from that,whats the point of your snide comment?

There is no point. Liberals just like to make snide comments when they don’t have superior arguments.

I see Barilla, faced with a worldwide boycott, has since reversed its position and issued a statement formally apologizing to anyone offended.
I see Barilla, faced with a worldwide boycott, has since reversed its position and issued a statement formally apologizing to anyone offended.
I don’t see where they reversed their position on advertising gay couples, but they have apologized. Trying to be PC, I sure hope they don’t give into the pc world, and start using gay couples in their advertising to appease the liberals. If they featured the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in their advertising, that would be hilarious!😃
I already love Barilla. They have these simple packaged pasta dishes that are so easy to make for a bachelor like me. They are shelf-stable (no refrigeration), come with a variety of pastas (even now with meat!) and cook in the microwave one minute. All you have to do is tear the lid a little to vent, 60 seconds on high to cook, let cool, remove lid, pour sauce and enjoy.

I have to confess that lately I have been throwing out the sauce from some and using British HP steak sauce over the pasta instead, for some tangy variety. But their spicy marinara and their tomato basil sauces are wonderful. There is also whole-grain pasta available.

I have been buying these at 7-Eleven (expensive) and Target (Population Control supporters) and now I fear for my supply if Target decides that Barilla Family Values are not consistent with homosexualism. But my Mom likes to shop there.
I never used Barilla and definitely won’t now only because of their incredible stupidity. It has nothing to do with being PC. Why the hell would you want to offend any portion of a possible customer base? You don’t have to feature gays in your ads but you definitely don’t have to answer that question in the hostile manner in which they did. This is the difference between being homophobic and not agreeing with one’s sexual orientation.
I never used Barilla and definitely won’t now only because of their incredible stupidity. It has nothing to do with being PC. Why the hell would you want to offend any portion of a possible customer base?..
Its offensive to hold to the same belief that the Catholic Church teaches?

Its not offensive to me. If everybody had taken the same stand years ago then this whole gay marriage perversity would have never gotten as far as it has.

I applaud their action.

You say you won’t use it now only because of their incredible stupidity and that it has nothing to do with being PC. Then tell me this: Do you boycott every business that makes dumb decisions?

In fact, your decision has EVERYTHING to do with being PC because you do NOT boycott every business that makes dumb decisions
Not snide at all. I’m just happy you support progressive ideas.

As a previous poster stated,this is veering way of the topic of the OP.However,I want to briefly respond,I think it’s admirable that the CEO of Costo pays a generous wage.That is his prerogative.I don’t agree with his comment that the minimum wage should be raised across the board,making it a law for other businesses.Much as I didn’t agree with Warren Buffets’s comments re higher taxes.Fine he can pay as much as he wants,but don’t force all taxpayers to do the same. Minimum wage jobs are supposed to be entry level jobs,raising the wage to what would be considered acceptable to support the average family is unsustainable.Nuff said!
His business, he can do what he wants. If they refuse to advertise with same sex families, it’s in their rights, if they felt the need to only advertise with same sex families, they can do what they want. If people are going to boycott a product based on personal values like this then there is a problem. I could understand if maybe they gave money to certain groups people didn’t agree with. But this is a ridiculous reason to boycott
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