'If gays don't like it, they can choose another pasta': Barilla pasta faces global boycott after chairman says brand would never feature a homosexual

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I wouldn’t say this is a targeted boycott by a gay lobby. The head of the company basically came right out and dared them to boycott him.

As for the pasta company’s “family values” they do fall short of Catholic teaching. He stated that he does support gay marriage (but not gay adoption).
It’s the company’s right to choose how they want themselves represented in their advertising. And it’s the consumer’s right to choose who they’ll give their money to.

No problem.
I agree. If I were the CEO I would have left it at “No, we won’t be having any same sex couple advertising my brand.” The fact that he took it one step further was sheer stupidity on his part. Let him reap what he sowed.
a same sex couple in good Luck charlie??? :eek: that is one of my daughter’s favorite shows (dog with a blog too) and my thoughts were the same as yours, I had no idea about this and I am in shock. I am going to send an e-mail too to Disney Channel. One question did you use the e-mails from Disney Channel’s website? Or to the producers of the show? I think it would be great if I can send them to the same person you did so they can see there is several people unhappy about this. I think it is very important for US to stand up and start taking this measures (complaining and sending emails) so our voice can be heard. Amy other parent reading this thread please send letters of emails to the Disney channel too.
How did you not know this? Disney put out massive amounts of press releases and it was front page on almost every news source. They specifically did this so parents would be informed that there would be a same-sex couple on the show. They were not, in any way, trying to do this secretly. I’m not saying it was right for them to add a same-sex couple [probably not since it’s Disney Channel, though Good Luck Charlie is aimed more at tweens who probably have experienced gay friends already], but they did everything they could to make sure you knew that they were adding the couple.
I wouldn’t say this is a targeted boycott by a gay lobby. The head of the company basically came right out and dared them to boycott him.

As for the pasta company’s “family values” they do fall short of Catholic teaching. He stated that he does support gay marriage (but not gay adoption).
Yeah, this is different. This wasn’t someone coming out and being like “I support traditional marriage” and then having a boycott result. This was a guy who came out and said “I don’t want your business; boycott me, because I have no interest in gay customers.” I have no problem with any group of people boycotting when someone does that.
a same sex couple in good Luck charlie??? :eek: that is one of my daughter’s favorite shows (dog with a blog too) and my thoughts were the same as yours, I had no idea about this and I am in shock. I am going to send an e-mail too to Disney Channel. One question did you use the e-mails from Disney Channel’s website? Or to the producers of the show? I think it would be great if I can send them to the same person you did so they can see there is several people unhappy about this. I think it is very important for US to stand up and start taking this measures (complaining and sending emails) so our voice can be heard. Amy other parent reading this thread please send letters of emails to the Disney channel too.
I’ve got news for you. Bert and Ernie are a little suspicious, too.
This was a guy who came out and said “I don’t want your business; boycott me, because I have no interest in gay customers.” I have no problem with any group of people boycotting when someone does that.
Except he never said that. Just because he isn’t interested in “gay” focused advertising doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in having homosexual customers.

No corporation should be bullied into changing an advertising strategy simply to placate a vocal minority. His comment was that if people didn’t like his decision (to stick with his planned advertising strategy) that they could eat another brand of pasta. What’s wrong with that?
Except he never said that. Just because he isn’t interested in “gay” focused advertising doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in having homosexual customers.

No corporation should be bullied into changing an advertising strategy simply to placate a vocal minority. His comment was that if people didn’t like his decision (to stick with his planned advertising strategy) that they could eat another brand of pasta. What’s wrong with that?
He said that gays should eat another brand of pasta, period. Or would you argue that if he came out and said “I will never show a Catholic family in a commercial, and if Catholics don’t like it, they can eat another brand of pasta” would NOT be arguing that we should change pasta brands?
He said that gays should eat another brand of pasta, period. Or would you argue that if he came out and said “I will never show a Catholic family in a commercial, and if Catholics don’t like it, they can eat another brand of pasta” would NOT be arguing that we should change pasta brands?
He said “gays” could chose to eat another brand of pasta if they didn’t like his decision on how to do advertising. The “period” is purely in your imagination. 😦

And the Catholic example is a red herring. No one would be able to tell if actors in a pasta commercial are portraying a Catholic family. Everyone is going to notice if the family in the commercial has two “mommies” or two “daddies”. Nor can I imagine a Catholic group trying to bully a pasta company into changing its advertising to forward some kind of pro-Catholic agenda. 🤷
He said “gays” could chose to eat another brand of pasta if they didn’t like his decision on how to do advertising. The “period” is purely in your imagination. 😦

And the Catholic example is a red herring. No one would be able to tell if actors in a pasta commercial are portraying a Catholic family. Everyone is going to notice if the family in the commercial has two “mommies” or two “daddies”. Nor can I imagine a Catholic group trying to bully a pasta company into changing its advertising to forward some kind of pro-Catholic agenda. 🤷
You don’t think Catholics would boycott a company that said that they were immoral people and raised their kids in “evil customs?” And before you argue this wouldn’t happen, you haven’t been to the Deep South where there’s a LOT of anti-Catholic sentiment. I encountered a bit even in Dallas. That’s not bullying; that’s just not supporting a company that is perpetuating the idea that you’re an evil person.

Also, it’s fairly easy to portray Catholic anything in advertisements. Catholicism is one of the most visual religions in the world. Hence, why movies always use Catholicism as the religion of choice, oftentimes with false stereotypes. I will agree that it’s not quite as obvious as the fact that there are two moms or dads, but it’s still not as hard as you’re making it out to be.
Would love to hear what Fulton Sheen would say if he were still alive. I agree, it wasn’t the smartest that he said they could buy other pasta, that’s not good for marketing. However, they are not giving into what the gay agenda wants them to, and that is worth supporting them. 😃
I wonder if the boycott will end after he apologized? Lets just hope they don’t feel bad to appease the liberals more and start featuring gay couples.

A little off topic for this thread, but just wanted to make you all aware:

Enjoy your Barilla Pasta!!!
You don’t think Catholics would boycott a company that said that they were immoral people and raised their kids in “evil customs?” .
Sure but that’s not even remotely similar to the Barilla pasta dust-up. He is a “gay marriage” SUPPORTER. He doesn’t say that homosexuals are immoral or are raising their children in evil. He just doesn’t want to change his advertising.
Thats too bad… he shouldn’t have to apologize.
Guido Barilla Apologizes

To all those who have been offended, including the thousands of employees and partners who work with Barilla around the world, I apologize for and regret my insensitive comments. I understand that they were hurtful and they are not a genuine view of my opinion. more]
I now go to Chick Fil A more now because of their stance to uphold the true definition of marriage. Whenever I go there, there is always a long line in the drive thru, and a good number of people inside. I now will buy more barilla pasta. I just hope they do not give in by some people boycotting. There should be a worldwide barilla pasta appreciation day, like there was with Chick Fil A last year. Thank you Barilla Pasta for standing up for the true definition of marriage, you have my support and I’m sure a lot of support from the people on this forum!!
Another proud, hateful bigot.
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