'If gays don't like it, they can choose another pasta': Barilla pasta faces global boycott after chairman says brand would never feature a homosexual

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You don’t say! But didn’t you post…

Maybe no one needs to be telling the Pope what his classification is. He is the chief to our indians.
My definition is not the narrow one. It’s broad in scope. I think the pope fits the broad definition especially since he said he was not a right winger nor ultra conservative.
My definition is not the narrow one. It’s broad in scope. I think the pope fits the broad definition especially since he said he was not a right winger nor ultra conservative.
And, what is the Pope’s definition of “right winger” and “ultra conservative?”
BTW…as back up to my “narrow definition,” here is a partially redacted, so as not to mention individual parishes, guide for people seeking a “progressive parish” in St. Louis. Note: This is written by a “progressive Catholic,” so I’m assuming they understand what it means to be “progressive;” though they do remind readers that the definition can vary:
Looking for a progressive parish?

February 26, 2011

If you are new to St. Louis, looking for a parish can be an imense task. St. Louis is known as the “Rome of the West” and for good reason. It is one of the largest Catholic cities in the United States. And like any large religious community, it is bound to have diverse worship styles, social structures, organizations and viewpoints. Especially if you are pro-choice or gay/bi/ally it can be a frustrating, discouraging (sometimes terrifying) search. Here are a few suggestions to help*.

Roman Catholic Church

[Name removed] Parish --Diverse Ethnic backgrounds. Social Justice aproach to ministry, financial management and community outreach. LGBTQ and Ally friendly.
There are certianly other progressive Roman Catholic Churches in St. Louis–[please provide comments to complete this part of the listing. When posting, please keep in mind that what you consider “progressive / liberal” may not be another’s definition of that term and please provide details.]

(Formerly?) Roman Catholic

[Name Removed]: This parish is/was(?) the center of the Polish Catholic Community. The church building is on the list of historic landmarks. Due to disputes over financial control durring Archbishop Burke’s reign, and presently because of supposed “theological inconsistencies” (ie. not being homophobic, mysoginistic or elitest) the parish and the priest remain excommunicated. As scary as that word is to Cradle Catholics, it is a pleasant, well-adjusted community worth at least one visit.

[Name Removed]: Reverends Rose [last name removed] & Marybeth [last name removed] celebrate Mass in Hope Chapel at the First Unitarian Church [location removed]. They were excomunicated for seeking ordination (which Rome claims is on Church-Law-violation-par with sex abuse of minors) in 2007. They are part of the Women Priests movement, a movement believed to have Apostolic succession and made up mostly of in-good-standing Roman Catholic laypersons (including Sisters), priests and bishops. The ordained women and their open supporters (those who take Communion from them) are said to be excomunicated.

Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC)

[church name removed] is a church also believed to have Apostolic succession due to a few bishops who dissented from Papal Authority in the late 1800’s and ordained valid priests who disagreed with Rome’s unquestioned and all-powerful oversight. This community is directed by the laity (the priests are apointed by communal elevation, not by apointment) and has unique directives for it’s finances. Social Justice oriented, pro-choice friendly, LGBTQ and Ally friendly.
Liberal Catholic Church (LCC) & Old Catholic Church (OCC)

unable to find local parish–[If you know of one, please include in comments]
This listing should not be interpreted as a personal endorsement of these communities. All prospective parishoners should do their own investigation including examining social structure, finacial and administrative practices and psychological tactics. The potential for financial, physical, sexual or spiritual / emotional / psychological exploitation exists in all communities regardless of liberal or conservative leanings.]

Sounds “progressive” to me, based on what I think a progressive is. 🤷

There are no notes on the site saying what brand of pasta they will serve at their community dinners. 😉 (how is that for stretching to stay on topic? 😃 )
I don’t consider being progressive a bad thing. In fact, I would go so far as to say it is a good thing.


favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters: a progressive mayor.
making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.: a progressive community.
characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.
( initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to any of the Progressive parties in politics.
going forward or onward; passing successively from one member of a series to the next; proceeding step by step.
The term progressive as defined above can be a god thingin some cases,but in terms of your response to the OP of this thread,advocating SSA,including advertisements with SSA families is in direct defiance of Church teaching,God’s natural law.As a Catholic,how can you endorse this?
The term progressive as defined above can be a god thingin some cases,but in terms of your response to the OP of this thread,advocating SSA,including advertisements with SSA families is in direct defiance of Church teaching,God’s natural law.As a Catholic,how can you endorse this?
Well, let me ask you this. Obviously advertising with 2 gay people in a relationship represented as a family is morally wrong. However, would you be willing to join the bandwagon to boycott JC Penney over its usage of Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson, merely because she is a lesbian, and despite the fact that Portia DeGeneres is never represented in said ads? This is more out of curiousity than anything else.

As for the term “progressive,” progressive practicing Catholics usually mean it to explain their view that the government needs to step in where society would fall short without it, namely in the welfare of the poor and disabled, and needs to butt out where society doesn’t need help, namely in big business tax breaks and payouts. I don’t know if I consider myself “progressive” because the term just feels weird, but I do consider myself “liberal” because I see the regulation of greed to be the second most important role of government, after the protection of human life. I do not see being “liberal” and being “Catholic” as mutually exclusive, nor do I think one’s views on social issues really determine whether one is liberal or conservative.

In my view, progressive vs. traditional is the scale upon which social issues rest, whereas liberal vs. conservative is the scale upon which economic issues rest. But others may have a definition of progressive that is more in line of what I mean by liberal, e.g. you can be pro-life, anti-SS’M", but “progressive” because you oppose economic greed.
Well, let me ask you this. Obviously advertising with 2 gay people in a relationship represented as a family is morally wrong. However, would you be willing to join the bandwagon to boycott JC Penney over its usage of Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson, merely because she is a lesbian, and despite the fact that Portia DeGeneres is never represented in said ads? This is more out of curiousity than anything else.

As for the term “progressive,” progressive practicing Catholics usually mean it to explain their view that the government needs to step in where society would fall short without it, namely in the welfare of the poor and disabled, and needs to butt out where society doesn’t need help, namely in big business tax breaks and payouts. I don’t know if I consider myself “progressive” because the term just feels weird, but I do consider myself “liberal” because I see the regulation of greed to be the second most important role of government, after the protection of human life. I do not see being “liberal” and being “Catholic” as mutually exclusive, nor do I think one’s views on social issues really determine whether one is liberal or conservative.

In my view, progressive vs. traditional is the scale upon which social issues rest, whereas liberal vs. conservative is the scale upon which economic issues rest. But others may have a definition of progressive that is more in line of what I mean by liberal, e.g. you can be pro-life, anti-SS’M", but “progressive” because you oppose economic greed.
Your example of Ellen Degeneras is specious. I happen to like Ellen,her sexual preference is disordered,however having her be a spokesperson for JCPenny isn’t an issue,because she isn’t representing the gay community through her ads.In the case of Barilla,the pressure is to normalize SSA by showcasing families of this nature in advertising.
As far as progressive to use your definition is to eradicate gov’t greed,how about starting with the bloated entitlement programs that the gov’t subsidizes through the power grabbing of honest hardworking tax paying citizens?:mad:
Link to the company’s position on Chairman Guido Barilla’s remarks here.

They say “Barilla recognizes cultural, gender and skills diversity as an essential value for the company’s well-being. . . . We will take advantage of the recent incident to learn and to promote even harder the diversity path that Barilla has undertaken.”

The company faces a boycott by homosexuals as a result of Chairman Barilla’s comment that he won’t use gay couples in his ads, since he promotes traditional family values. Clearly, the company is trying to stay afloat by backpedaling in face of homosexual pressure. This is understandable, I have had to apologize for telling people I supervised to do their jobs. Economics is a company’s bottom line.

Now I’m not sure whether to support Barilla pasta or not

What I know I don’t support is the homosexual community’s attack on anyone who doesn’t fall into line with their demands. People are afraid to say what they think at work for fear of losing their jobs. Just like the Komen backpedal in face of Planned Parenthood’s attacks.
Your thoughts?
Thats too bad to… shouldn’t have to apologize for that statement. Tired of this ‘gay’ agenda. The way they bully ppl isn’t right IMO.
Link to the company’s position on Chairman Guido Barilla’s remarks here.

They say “Barilla recognizes cultural, gender and skills diversity as an essential value for the company’s well-being. . . . We will take advantage of the recent incident to learn and to promote even harder the diversity path that Barilla has undertaken.”

The company faces a boycott by homosexuals as a result of Chairman Barilla’s comment that he won’t use gay couples in his ads, since he promotes traditional family values. Clearly, the company is trying to stay afloat by backpedaling in face of homosexual pressure. This is understandable, I have had to apologize for telling people I supervised to do their jobs. Economics is a company’s bottom line.

Now I’m not sure whether to support Barilla pasta or not

What I know I don’t support is the homosexual community’s attack on anyone who doesn’t fall into line with their demands. People are afraid to say what they think at work for fear of losing their jobs. Just like the Komen backpedal in face of Planned Parenthood’s attacks.
Your thoughts?
I’m sorry I bought their product now that they caved. Cowards.

No more for me.
It is truly sad that such a small group of people can force just about anybody to forswear their beliefs!

Didn’t God say to go forth and multiply?

If so, how can a non-fruitful relationship follow this command?

Far more of us need to stand up and create such a stir as was done in the Chick-fil-a case.
Unless they actually start using gay couples in their advertising, they haven’t really “backpedaled.”
Frankly when I buy pasta I could not care less what the Pasta companies view on homosexual marriage it.
Your example of Ellen Degeneras is specious. I happen to like Ellen,her sexual preference is disordered,however having her be a spokesperson for JCPenny isn’t an issue,because she isn’t representing the gay community through her ads.In the case of Barilla,the pressure is to normalize SSA by showcasing families of this nature in advertising.
As far as progressive to use your definition is to eradicate gov’t greed,how about starting with the bloated entitlement programs that the gov’t subsidizes through the power grabbing of honest hardworking tax paying citizens?:mad:
Anyone care to venture how that line of advertising worked out for JCP?

Latest on JCP after they tried to “rework” their image and added her as a spokesperson (and later dropped).
J.C. Penney Ousts CEO Ron Johnson after 25% Drop in Sales in First Year
Though Johnson arrived at Penney’s in 2011 to great fanfare, he ultimately lost the confidence of the board and investors once he put forward his aggressive plan to “reinvent” Penney’s stores without testing out the changes first. Without hesitation, Johnson refurbished stores and introduced new lines of merchandise; at the same time, he cut back clearance sales and coupon offers, staples of Penney’s customer base of bargain hunters.
The decision to drop clearance sales and coupons was also accompanied by the choice last May and June to feature a lesbian and gay couple and their respective children for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day catalog ads. The ad followed Penney’s hiring of lesbian Ellen DeGeneres to be the company spokesperson.
After Missteps, Does J.C. Penney Stand Another Chance?
The fanfare that originally accompanied Johnson seemed well-placed. He previously headed retail for Apple, and before that for Target, both of which had flourished.
At Johnson’s first big investor presentation last year, hired spokeswoman Ellen DeGeneres talked about giving J.C. Penney a breath of fresh air.
“We’re fine with growing old; we’re not fine with growing stale,” she said in the ad.
Now if only those living in extreme poverty had this kind of lobbying power! Where are our values and priorities?
Now if only those living in extreme poverty had this kind of lobbying power! Where are our values and priorities?
What in the world does that have to do with Barilla’s advertising decisions, comments, and the boycotts/support resulting from them? Has a CEO come out and said “if the poor don’t like it, they can do x?”
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