If you were to research the prophecies of the Old Testament in regard to the coming and life of the Messiah they are very easily related to the Life and passion of Christ. It would be extremely difficult at best to even justify doubt they are not one in the same. In this regard it is obvious that God the Father and Supreme Being and Creator spoke through these prophets in expressing Jesus forthcoming. This is to speak nothing of the events that took place during His life and Ministry. Scholars and Historians alike regardless of their theological beliefs or non-beliefs have concluded based on history and archeological finds that He and the events that took place are authentic including the crucifixion. A further understanding of human nature will support the events of His resurrection as well.Ahh…yes to a degree, I can understand why people “love” christ for what he was claimed to have done. But I’m afraid to say, as soon as you go down that path you are to me, still somewhat heading in the wrong direction.
“What He has claimed to have done?”
As far as reason for His suffering, the question is not whether God so loved us as to send His Son to suffer for us, but that the sinful lives all lived led to our putting Him under such torture and suffering and death. God knew what it would take for us as human beings to understand the depth of love He holds for us and yet still there are those who do not accept what He offers each of us in His love and mercy.
As far as suffering on our part, the suffering of the world is generated by the father of this world for many reasons all of which lead to a test or weakening faith or placing blame on God for what goes wrong and how we suffer. Yet no one blames Satan. Isn’t that ironic?
Review the following excerpts:
“ …Jesus was not simply true God, but also true man. As true God, Jesus could not suffer, yet in his humanity
this was possible. Knowing the future even in His human intellect, Jesus’ humanity naturally recoiled from the sight of the immense suffering He was about to endure. Yet ultimately there was no disobedience towards His Father, for Jesus’ human will triumphantly submitted to the Divine: “nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt” (St. Matt. 26:39).
As for the Disciples, they were not exempt from the deficiencies that afflicted all men. According to the Scriptures they suffered from pride, weakness, ignorance as well as cowardice: “And he said to them, ‘Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?’” (St. Mark 4:13).
These faults manifested themselves on a number of occasions long before Jesus’ passion and persisted (as in the case of Judas’ greed) despite having the benefit of Jesus’ intimate teachings and example for three years. What transformed all of them after the death and resurrection of Jesus was the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost: “And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be
with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you” (St. John 14:17).
After Pentecost, the Apostles preached the resurrected Christ with courage and conviction: “Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified … And fear came upon every soul; and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles” (Acts 2: 26 & 43).
But even if they were now men of courage, the Apostles had nothing to gain from foisting a huge deception upon the world. Why would the Apostles compile written Gospels all speaking of the crucifixion of Christ that also showed themselves to be ignorant, cowardly, and denying; and why would they continue to preach
the resurrected Christ even unto death? These are facts that testify to their sincerity.
Whenever Jesus spoke or preached, He frequently quoted from the Old Testament Scriptures. This is not surprising, considering that the Old Testament contains over three hundred prophecies relating to the coming of the Messiah. Perhaps the most prophetic messianic part of the Old Testament is Psalm 22 (21). It is from this psalm that Jesus uttered the above words. Why did He do so? To prompt the Scribes and harisees before him into a certain realization. The Scribes and Pharisees generally knew the Scriptures by heart. Simply by hearing the first line of a psalm their memories should have been triggered, and recalled the whole psalm. Jesus wanted the Jews to recall the whole of Psalm 22 (21) and realize that they were fulfilling it step by step while watching and mocking Him on the Cross. However, the Jews failed to pick up the hint and thought that Jesus was just calling upon Elias.
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