Well, if you’re proposing a solution to a problem this serious, you kinda have to give details. Otherwise it’s just a fantasy.I don’t know, I’m not the one legislating the details.
Well, if you’re proposing a solution to a problem this serious, you kinda have to give details. Otherwise it’s just a fantasy.I don’t know, I’m not the one legislating the details.
Who’s going to pay to train and arm teachers?I kinda like @redbetta’s idea but me, I’m just talking about the teachers.
Hello Sir,Or add to the casualties. My old shooting instructor used to advise against consuming sugar or caffeine 48 hours before a competition, because it would mess with our aim. If merely drinking coffee is enough to compromise the accuracy of one’s shot, how much worse is it going to be when:
- You’re in a crowded area full of people screaming, panicking, and running.
- You have a moving target who is also trying to kill you.
- Your target likely has more firepower than you.
- You have an ungodly amount of adrenaline coursing through your body.
Calling on HIs name to protect me from ever becoming immune to the slaughter of innocent people, I am proud to do.Also, you constantly bring up God in defense of your positions. I find it funny how the left side of the aisle has become more sanctimonious than the supposed “religious right.”
IT IS a Catholic forum, lest we forget. And, I call on HIs name when I choose. This I will not be dictated to by anyone. Peace…(as sanctimonious as it may seem)You can call on His name without making a show of it on a public forum.
Your suggestions have been suggested many times and we see no change in our culture of guns which as of now is a culture of death.And, I am not suggesting that everybody get a gun without going through the training.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
It is if they can’t afford it, yet you still expect it to be the solution.It is not something unreasonable to ask.
So every teacher should carry a gun? The most important qualification for becoming a teacher should be the ability to carry and use a gun?Teachers can pay. If you don’t, then you don’t become a teacher. Simple as that. Gotta pay for a lot of things in life.
So create added costs that they have to meet, and if they can’t, blame their “unwillingness” to follow the solution rather than reassess the solution?Teachers already often pay for school supplies out of pocket.