Is it immoral to take gov't unemployment money we didn't pay for?

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I feel it is immoral to take this government money because she did not pay any meaningful amount of unemployment insurance
If your car were totaled, would you turn down payment in the amount in excess of your premiums?

The vary nature of insurance is that sometimes you pay in and receive nothing, while other times you receive back significantly more than you paid in. The point is to reduce the risk, not a windfall either way. [cue that simpsons episode where Flanders house burned down and he had now insurance because he thought of it as gambling . . .]

Unemployment insurance just isn’t a handout.
Edit: And Fauken is right. Please don’t call it the Chinese virus. China didn’t invent COVID-19 or use it against us: they’re victims of the pandemic like everyone else.
No he isn’t: this is the first time that naming the outbreak for the point of origination has been claimed to vilify the origin (E.g., the Spanish Flu).

In this case, either “Wuhan” or “Chinese” are an accurate adjective consistent with longstanding practice.

That said, my preference is the “Callous Chinese Communist Party virus”, to recognize the critical role the callousness and contempt for human life of the communist party’s suppression of information, denial of outbreak, and refusal of access to the world’s experts played in the spread . . . And as a bonus, the abbreviation is the appropriate CCCP 😆
How nice it would be if the Chinese government were equally careful in its use of language. Guess who’s calling it “the Italian virus” or, alternatively, “the Japanese virus”.
It’s not right when we do it or they do it. What China does is irrelevant.
The “Spanish Flu” of 1918 almost certainly originated in the USA, we named it the Spanish Flu, we’ve been racists here a long time, no reason to believe we’ll be giving it up anytime soon.
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I would take the money, at least until this Chinese flu subsides and the economy isn’t in lockdown. Besides, if you think about it, your taxes already pay for the unemployment anyway. Same goes for the Trump bux you should be getting in April ( it just got passed in the House and is expected to be signed by the president soon). If you aren’t going to take it for yourself at least take it for the welfare of your children.

God love you and your family and I hope He gives you strength to persevere during this Chinese flu outbreak.
Why we called it the Spanish Flu had nothing to do with racism. We called it the Spanish flu because the Spanish ( as in Spaniards from Spain) were the first ones to actually publish about it in their newspapers while all the other countries were busy covering it up.

So please stop using the “racism” card on everything. You diminish the meaning of the word racism by throwing it around willy-nilly like this.
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Then make sure you refer to the Spanish flu as the Kansas flu, it’s likely place of origin.
Why are people against calling it the Chinese virus? Can someone explain? Seems a statement of fact, no?
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Taxes are not the only way we contribute to the well being of our country. Whether or not you or your wife have pain in X amount, I’ll bet you contribute in many other ways. Voting, raising a family, working and buying to keep our economy healthy, and likely many other ways as well.

The government has chosen this route to help keep people afloat so when the apex of the pandemic has passed we can get back to business as usual much quicker, without a permanent loss of jobs, without millions of people homeless or bankrupt. Accepting the money and using it to strengthen your family and the economy is a good thing for our country.
I am on VA disability because I am a disabled veteran and my income can be considered a government handout. But no, I actually earned these benefits is what people usually tell me. If you are entitled to compensation as according to the law written and the government owes you a monetary sum then you are good to go. It’s when you take money that isn’t yours is when we tend to sin.
I hear it came from bats. I wonder why we don’t call it that, the way like we did with swine flu and bird flu.
I have heard different theories on where it came from. However, I will keep calling it the Spanish Flu since that is its historical name and most people know what you mean when you are saying, the Spanish flu. People will most likely understand that you are talking about Corona when you say the Chinese or the Wuhan virus people we have been pretty sure of its origins for a while now. As for me, I just type Corona because it’s faster.
When you think about it, the government is just giving you back some of the money it took from you. No sin in that.
The intent of this money is for you to spend it to help the economy. I also have never taken a government handout, but this is hurting a lot of businesses in our economy and they need help. I don’t qualify for any of this stimulus money, but I have no problem with what the government is doing. If you get it, spend it. Even if it’s a donation that will be used for someone else. I’ve increased donations to help since I’m able to.
I didn’t expect unanimous support in us accepting the money! That is comforting and a nice balance against my libertarian streak.

I like the idea of donating it to charity. Or perhaps even some extra money as donation to my son’s daycare. He loves his teacher (Ms Lauren) but she is surely facing ruin since 75% of her class left school and her income dried up along with it. Plus she is having her first child in August. Charity starts close to home.

Of course my wife is the final decider not me. 🙂
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