I tell you what. Ask God how many souls are in heaven and how many in hell.
I bet the numbers are lopsided in the wrong direction, which proves my point.
Universal salvation is not happening.
And when people are created imperfect, they make mistakes - sin. How are people supposed to cooperate when their imperfections get in the way?
And how to get this grace?
And this is why people go to hell.
God’s “sufficient grace” is a fragile glass of water, being held by a runner running the race. As he runs, he spills water (grace) and eventually empties the glass, requiring him to refill (confession). If he gets to the finish line with an empty glass, elevator down.
The problem is that the runner is blind and does not see how much water is in the glass.
God did not give us a fuel gauge for our level of grace, so there is no way to know if we even have sufficient grace at all! We may be running on empty and not even know it!