Hey, Kujo:
http://www.microtrade.org/uploads/images/Supp Educ Megaphone Pic LR.jpg
I’m not sure how many times we can say it before you acknowledge it. Thought this might help get your attention.
By the way, you
NEVER ADMITTED that what St. Louis de Montfort wrote was actually Catholic teaching - instead you completely sidestepped the whole matter. Would you please admit this now so we don’t have to address this again?
God Bless,
“We”? There are millions within the Catholic religion that concider themselves “Maryologists”. Praying to her, collecting statues and paintings, making shrines about her, having rosaries around, wearing scapulars so they will “escape hellfire” (Mary supposedly said that), showing up at places saying “I will”, “I will”, “I will”.
She’s “supposedly” pointing the way to Jesus but yet people still follow her.
John the Baptist said "He (Jesus) must increase and I must decrease. He told his own disciples to follow Jesus and they did.
How would you feel if people followed you around and you said “follow Jesus” and then they kept following you? Day after day, week after week. You’d call the police on them for stalking. Upon investigating their homes, the police find pictures, paintings and statues of you. They have newspaper clippings about you and designated a whole room just for you.
They keep on coming over to your house and calling you about Jesus. Even though you point them the way, they keep coming to you instead. Some of them even bow at your feet and don’t want to leave.
Another scenerio:
I know nothing personal about you, but let’s just say that you have a son that excells in sports. How about baseball?
Your son goes straight from high school to the minor leagues! After being coached by some professionals, your son makes it to play for the Atlanta Braves.
His 99-mph fastball, as well as some awesome other pitches, can’t be hit. He pitches a 2-hitter on his first appearance!
But wait! This is the National League! He gets to bat, too! He hits two singles and a game-winning home run!
Immediatly, reporters from television, radio and newspapers flock to see you. Your son gets carried off the field and so do you, too.
Why you?
Ever hear from the parents of Nolan Ryan? Even Michael Jordan’s dad wasn’t put in a big spotlight. Even when Michael mentioned his dad or was with him, there was a photo or two. One or two interviews. That’s it. His dad stepped back and let his son be the star. Michael played all those games, made all them baskets.
Sure, Michael’s dad is known, but you don’t see old film clips on ESPN Classic. It’s all Michael.
But you know better. Popes know better than Jesus. Even though He redirected the crowds towards obeying God rather pointing towards Mary or His earthly siblings. It’s not written anywhere that His disciples followed Mary, consulted her or pointed people towards her at all.
But your religion knows what Jesus REALLY meant.
Hollywood celebrities have taken people and newspapers to court over it countless of times.
Yet, it ain’t called “idolitry” or “worship”.
You can turn blue in the face behind a megaphone but you’re only lieing to yourself.