The Bible says clearly that we should pray for one another, edify and exhort.
I agree.
YOU, yes you, can go to God by yourself in the way that Jesus taught us to pray.
I agree.
You didn’t have to ask me to pray for you at all.
I agree.
But you wanted it, and you did it out the wickedness of your heart.
(1) I didn’t ask.
(2) Please don’t judge my heart - that is a matter for God, not you.
(3) My response was meant to be more light-hearted than anything else; I apologize if you didn’t take it that way.
You seek to hurt me. I seek to save you.
Again, please don’t judge my motives, as our motives are the same - we are both seeking to bring the Kingdom of God to the other. I appreciate your concern and love for me, please understand that I mean the same in return.
You treat Mary like a deity, a “spiritual being”.
Did you read my first post on this thread (the Protestant/Catholic quote game)? Did you read what St. Louis de Montfort wrote? Would you please re-read it? Several popes have praised this work as authentic Catholic teaching, so it would be nice if you agreed with the popes that this was, in fact, a Catholic understanding.
Jesus, being our Example, IS the way we should go.
I agree! Jesus is Lord and Savior unlike all others, and we should worship no one other than God! To do otherwise would be to sin against the 1st Commandment.
Believe me, if Catholics actually taught what you accuse, I would be the first to leave.
“Co-Mediator” (capital M) will mean that the pope will give

to praying in the name of Mary instead of Jesus, if you want to.
Is that actually what it would mean? Could you please provide a source? Everything I’ve ever read on it as a Catholic has said that the Church condemns the very thought of worshipping anyone other than God.
Dangerous times are here.
I agree.
Celebrate your Mass in your temple AND away from it, but put the center of your focus only on Jesus.
I agree!
Countless times He points towards Himself just as the believers who followed Him did. We should ALL do just that.
John the Baptist, “He must increase while I must decrease.”
Bible trivia time - what was the last thing Mary was recorded as saying in the New Testament? I would assert it is one of the most profound teachings in the Bible.
If we see them elevating another, we must intervene.
I disagree - we are to honor those whom God has honored, respect those whom God has commanded us to respect, lift eachother up as Christians, and worship no one other than God.
God Bless,