
The first edition of McConkie’s Mormon Doctrine, a book which contained sufficient errors that the First Presidency declared that the book was “not approved as an authoritative book”[5] and that it should not be re-published, …
When the first edition of Mormon Doctrine went into widespread circulation, the idea that the “great and abominable church” was the Catholic Church became embedded in popular belief, despite the fact that this idea was never sanctioned or preached over the pulpit. A second edition of Mormon Doctrine was eventually released with the offending language regarding the Roman Catholic Church removed. In the second edition, McConkie states:
The titles church of the devil and great and abominable church are used to identify all churches or organizations of whatever name or nature — whether political, philosophical, educational, economic social, fraternal, civic, or religious — which are designed to take men on a course that leads away from God and his laws and thus from salvation in the kingdom of God. [7]
This statement more closely aligns with what the scriptures themselves say, without any additional interpretation. Modern church leaders have stayed close to the definition in the Book of Mormon, by identifying the “great and abominable” church as any organization the leads people away from the Church of Jesus Christ.