Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right, and we were wrong

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Motherwit . . .
Well we’ll see what Sweden decides in the next few days about a lockdown.
In the meantime Motherwit,
I assume you are you happy that
Sweden’s death rate is approaching ZERO.

Right? This IS good news right?
I’m relieved that the death rate has dropped and concerned that some will distort the data to argue against lifesaving methods in future.
Motherwit . . .
I’m relieved that the death rate has dropped . . .
That’d be dropped to approaching ZERO, and being in line with their neighboring countries.

I am happy you are “relieved” about Sweden’s death rate Motherwit.
That’d be dropped to approaching ZERO, and being in line with their neighboring countries.

I am happy you are “relieved” about Sweden’s death rate Motherwit.
Yes I’m relieved because it’s hard to be happy when vulnerable people are still suffering and dying.
Motherwit . . .
Yes I’m relieved because it’s hard to be happy when vulnerable people are still suffering and dying.
OK so you are not happy (“hard to be happy”) despite Sweden’s death rate approaching ZERO.

Have you expressed unhappiness over Australia?
How about over Spain?
Would you mind linking me to the angst you have expressed concerning England please?

Because all of these countries with their masking up, quaratining HEALTHY people, etc. still are having
"vulnerable people . . . still suffering and dying."
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Add the UK to the list of countries with socialized medicine but still having problems with coronavirus.
More good news to be happy about, indicating that we should protect the vulnerable, but let the rest of us work, produce, and live life:

It would make sense for colleges to treat their students like prisoners if those on campus were a demonstrable public health risk. Yet the data so far show the exact opposite.
Brown University epidemiologist Andrew Bostom tweeted Tuesday that he had tallied up just over 26,000 students testing positive for COVID-19 (which itself may double-count the same person for multiple tests), based on reported figures from 29 universities, all but three public, stretching east from Arizona.
Yet he could not find a single reported hospitalization among those supposedly infected students.
Yet he could not find a single reported hospitalization among those supposedly infected students .
You would not expect hospitalizations from college age kids, but you can expect community spread from them that eventually results in hospitalizations of others. This tweet did not address that issue at all.
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I promised myself to run away from them [asymptomatic cases] if I dont see they have masks, but then I forgot another day, because I always have N100 and a face shield.

I think maybe they did not have many infections and fatality because they have used HEPA air purifiers. 🤫
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Not surprising given the utterly incompetent response of the federal government.
99% of the COVID response is legally controlled by State and Local govt.
Stop trying to push their responsibility off to the Fed Govt
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You would not expect hospitalizations from college age kids, but you can expect community spread from them that eventually results in hospitalizations of others. This tweet did not address that issue at all.
There you go again.

Haven’t people of your ilk torn down the economy hard enough? Why are you so deadset against young people anyway? You need them to have jobs and pay their taxes so the health care system we all depend on will continue to function. Your generation needs my generation and younger to go back to work to pay taxes that help your generation. Printing money only goes so far.
Hat tip to @HarryStotle (from here).

I never understand how these ‘analysts’ fail to follow the normal virus trajectory in making their claims. The UK’s case spike became evident around mid September and has gradually been climbing. As every decent scientist will tell you, the death spike begins about 2 or 3 weeks after the case spike is seen. And that’s what is happening. It’s a sad reality but lets meet back here at this claim in 2 to 4 weeks and reassess the claim this fellow is making about no correlation between case spike and subsequent death spike. And believe me it gives me no pleasure to know this will happen but it will.
Motherwit . . . .
I never understand how these ‘analysts’ fail to follow the normal virus trajectory in making their claims. . . . . As every decent scientist will tell you, the death spike begins about 2 or 3 weeks after the case spike is seen. . . . . It’s a sad reality but lets meet back here at this claim in 2 to 4 weeks and reassess the claim this fellow is making about no correlation between case spike and subsequent death spike.
Why wait “2 or 3 weeks”?

We can just look at the case trend in Sweden 2 or 3 weeks ago (or 4 weeks ago) and see it was on the rise.

Then we can look at the death trend right now and see it still is approaching zero.

Here is the Worldometers trends for CASES of corona virus in Sweden as of Oct. 12th. (Cases rising.)

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And here is the Worldometers trends for DEATHS of corona virus in Sweden. (Deaths continue to approach zero.)

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As I say lets meet back here in a couple of weeks. The trajectory of spikes in cases and the subsequent spike in deaths is well documented. It won’t be as devastating considering the advances made with experience, but it’s inevitable.
Motherwit . . .
The trajectory of spikes in cases and the subsequent spike in deaths is well documented.
Yes it is. I just documented it.

That cause and effect is dynamic
depending on the population, the degree of antibody (B-Cell immunologic function), and now we know even the degree of T-Cell immunity.
Looks like things are picking up in Sweden
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Lighter Side, the deaths have plateaued.
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Things will “pick up” for all eternity if you keep posting “cumulative” results.

The “daily” new cases, I have already posted.

And you forgot the daily death trends chart RidgeSprinter.
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