Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right, and we were wrong

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Motherwit . . .
“Sweden registered 31 new deaths since Friday, taking the total to 5,969 during the pandemic.”
And it looks like mask-happy Spain is in the hundreds, but I just glanced at it.

Motherwit. Would you please be so kind as to go add them up from Spain and post them here?

Here is the website.

Please use the same methods (if you included Friday with Sweden, please do so too with Spain).

I would do it, but I am off to Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to pray for our country.

Thanks and God bless.

PS I will be praying for all of YOU CAFers here too! (And please pray for me.)
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I could just as well compare Sweden to Australia or New Zealand but it’s more relevant to compare it to Finland (5 deaths since Friday) or Norway (1 death since Friday). Those countries with similar populations in the same region have taken an approach that continues into the second wave, to keep the citizens safe.
We keep hearing about the death numbers lagging by a couple of weeks after new cases start to rise.

The graphs show that is just not true. In Spain death numbers followed closely behind cases in the first wave and rose precipitously right away.

The second (and third?) wave(s) in Spain positively dwarf the first wave in new cases and have now lasted at least twice as long as the first wave with the death numbers remaining far less than a quarter of the numbers in the first. Death numbers are about 1/10 of what they were relative to cases.

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In Sweden, Finland and Denmark new cases are up at least double, but Denmark at least 4 times the levels of the first wave.

Again, deaths are a fraction of what they were in the first wave, despite that the new waves have been nearly as long, timewise, in two cases and longer in the case of Denmark.

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In the US deaths and cases are pretty much the inverse of each other over time. New cases are 3 to 4 times what they were in the first wave but deaths are far less than half.

The relationship of far lower deaths compared to higher numbers is consistent in almost every country that had distinct waves of cases.

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Motherwit . . .
I could just as well compare Sweden to Australia or New Zealand but it’s more relevant to compare it to Finland (5 deaths since Friday) or Norway (1 death since Friday).
Motherwit. You do realize your own post concerning Finland and Norway contradicts your point about the two to three week death-surge right?

Finland and Norway too, have had surges in cases even two and three weeks ago and on.
Yet as you pointed out, 5 deaths and 1 death as per your post. This flat-line in deaths, despite a surge in cases.

Would you please post the photographs of Finland and Norway’s case graph from recently?

Or would you like me to do that?
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Motherwit . . .
I could just as well compare Sweden to Australia or New Zealand but it’s more relevant to compare it to Finland (5 deaths since Friday) or Norway (1 death since Friday).
Sweden, Norway and Finland don’t post everyday makes it a bit hard because for example 6 days ago I posted the daily Swedish death rate of 5969 and today 6 days later the figure is 6022. That’s 53 deaths in the last 6 days.

But look at the US graph. It’s updated religiously everyday.

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The first rise in cases peaked around mid July.

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Then the peak in deaths was between beginning and middle of August.

The second rise in cases began about 10 October.

The second peak in deaths when it started to be 1000+ per day is towards the end of October and into December.

That’s really not rocket science though. It’s just common sense.
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Well hopefully the news on the vaccine is true and they can get it out to get things under control . If its true there is no need sacrifice the vulnerable for social interaction - if the vaccine works as they said and if everyone takes it vulnerable people will be protected.

The problem will be getting people to believe it but it could save thousands of life’s.
Have to see what happens
I do have a question for antivaxers - do you trust pharmaceuticals ? I was doing an antibiotic and I was reading about the side effects and one of them was instant death not being a person who ever has reactions to medication i did it no problem but some one actually died from taking this medication . There are a lot of drugs out there that do nasty things to people - you have seen the commercials for every side effect it means it happened to someone. I’d say you have about the same risk doing a vaccine.
BT3241 . . .
I do have a question for antivaxers . . .
Why not just start a thread on it?

I haven’t seen any “antivaxers” here so you might have a paucity of responders.
Motherwit . . . .
Sweden, Norway and Finland don’t post everyday makes it a bit hard because for example 6 days ago I posted the daily Swedish death rate of 5969 and today 6 days later the figure is 6022. That’s 53 deaths in the last 6 days.

But look at the US graph. It’s updated religiously everyday.
Yes but so what?

You have been using Sweden for the “spike” point (that never occurred).
Then you said I should look at Finland and Norway.

So I looked at Finland and Norway. And that didn’t show a two or three week lag in cases to deaths either.

**Do you think we will see that death “spike” that you said was coming **
if we just wait another six days? Is that what you are saying?
Sweden, Norway and Finland don’t post everyday makes it a bit hard because for example 6 days ago I posted the daily Swedish death rate of 5969 and today 6 days later the figure is 6022. That’s 53 deaths in the last 6 days.

But look at the US graph.
Now you are equivocating to the US graph after criticizing me for using Spain.


Here again is what you said . . . .
I never understand how these ‘analysts’ fail to follow the normal virus trajectory in making their claims. The UK’s case spike became evident around mid September and has gradually been climbing. As every decent scientist will tell you, the death spike begins about 2 or 3 weeks after the case spike is seen. And that’s what is happening. It’s a sad reality but lets meet back here at this claim in 2 to 4 weeks and reassess the claim this fellow is making about no correlation between case spike and subsequent death spike. And believe me it gives me no pleasure to know this will happen but it will.
Bold mine added for emphasis.

Where is the correlation?

Are you going to post the graphics of Finland and Norway (showing lack of correlation) or should I do it?


Here is the “Daily New Case” curve for Sweden:

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Here is the “Daily New Death” curve for Sweden:

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There is no correlation here with daily cases and deaths. It is not even close. If there was this correlation we would expect to see four or five hundred deaths each day when you compare to cases and deaths back in say, May.
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Motherwit . . . .
Sweden, Norway and Finland don’t post everyday . . . .
Where did you get THAT information Motherwit?

Here is Finland posting everyday at least the last two days.

November 8th . . . .

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November 9th . . . .

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Ok but you haven’t posted the death graph to compare. That shows…

June 8 deaths coming at the end of the first wave.
July 1 death
August 7 deaths
September 8 deaths
October 14 deaths
November 5 so far as of the 9th day with the likelihood of higher than Octobers figure by the end of the month.

You can see that uptick in August deaths trailing a couple of weeks behind the early uptick in cases at the beginning of the month.
Daily New Cases in Finland Trend Graph . . .

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Daily New Deaths in Finland Trend Graph . . .

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Daily New Cases in Norway Trend Graph . . .

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Daily New Deaths in Norway Trend Graph . . .

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Daily New Cases in Sweden Trend Graph . . .

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Daily New Deaths in Sweden Trend Graph . . .

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If this correlated, we would see many more deaths now, than in April in all three countries.

It doesn’t correlate. And I have already given at least three reasons for WHY that is earlier.

Aside from an expected winter uptick (that will probably worsen as winter goes on by the way), the death rate is approaching zero.

It is probably pretty close to what it will be in corona virus epidemics many years from now.
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If this correlated, we would see many more deaths now, than in April in all three countries.

It doesn’t correlate. And I have already given at least three reasons for WHY that is earlier.

Aside from an expected winter uptick (that will probably worsen as winter goes on by the way), the death rate is approaching zero.

It is probably pretty close to what it will be in corona virus epidemics many years from now.
It is not approaching zero. You have to be able to think in forecasting. It is gradually on the rise trailing behind the still rising case numbers. This is todays Sweden graph.

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Another 12 new deaths 10 November although that hasn’t been updated on the graph as yet. But counting the deaths so far in the November updates it’s 38.
Here again is what you said . . . .
I never understand how these ‘analysts’ fail to follow the normal virus trajectory in making their claims. The UK’s case spike became evident around mid September and has gradually been climbing. As every decent scientist will tell you, the death spike begins about 2 or 3 weeks after the case spike is seen. And that’s what is happening. It’s a sad reality but lets meet back here at this claim in 2 to 4 weeks and reassess the claim this fellow is making about no correlation between case spike and subsequent death spike. And believe me it gives me no pleasure to know this will happen but it will.
Bold mine added for emphasis.

There is no such correlation.

Everyone here can look at it and see.
Here again is what you said . . . .
I never understand how these ‘analysts’ fail to follow the normal virus trajectory in making their claims. The UK’s case spike became evident around mid September and has gradually been climbing. As every decent scientist will tell you, the death spike begins about 2 or 3 weeks after the case spike is seen. And that’s what is happening. It’s a sad reality but lets meet back here at this claim in 2 to 4 weeks and reassess the claim this fellow is making about no correlation between case spike and subsequent death spike. And believe me it gives me no pleasure to know this will happen but it will.
But just look at the last graphs I posted. The case rise began early October and then look down at the death rise beginning 2 weeks after that. That’s what I was saying was going to happen in that post you cite
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