Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right, and we were wrong

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LeafByNiggle . . .
That is not considered by the medical community to be a demonstration of effectiveness.
If what you were saying were true, Google, Facebook and others would not have to be attempting to muzzle the medical community.

For the 159th time. If there were “no demonstration”, you could not get this past a human studies committee (which you keep ignoring).

Yes. There are higher standards of effectiveness to be reached which admittedly are still lacking.

And the left is politically doing everything they can, so that these standards cannot even be discussed and investigated.

Which is another reason you know their “concern” is FAKE.
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LeafByNiggle . . .
That is not considered by the medical community to be a demonstration of effectiveness.
For the 160th time, yes you could. All it takes is some positive in-vitro results, and the past studies of safety when used for malaria. You have to have safety, and that has been adequately demonstrated. Effectiveness has not.
This drug was shown to stop duplication of the virus in a lab. Obviously it has no effect if the virus doesn’t exist. It may not be too effective if the virus has advanced enough either.
LeafByNiggle pretending there are no clinical parameters you need to get past a human studies committee . . .
All it takes is some positive in-vitro results
All I can say here Leaf is you are not only wrong, but you are WAY off.

You can get invitro results of cyanide killing bacteria.

Try putting THAT forth
(“Hi. I am Leaf and I giot a great new cyanide-based antibiotic that works great in a petri dish that we can try on a few hundred human beings!”)
to a human studies committee and beginnning clinical trials on THAT.

(I am not trying to be insulting here Leaf, but this bit about ONLY needing in vitro studies to initiate a human study is just plain ignorant of the facts).
LeafByNiggle . . .
You don’t get data that shows an absence of something.
Except that hydroxychloroquine is ALREADY an approved drug (but with corona virus it is being used off-label).

And there HAS been promising results.

I have posted many reasons illustrating this before.
You have blew this off as anectodal (and to a certain extent this is correct. But it is the best you can do in the begining with a NEW virus,)
It’s okay. Sometimes I have to wear a diaper on my face too. I generally won’t patronize stores and restaurants that enforce it, but there are times when I just do it to humor them.
Why do you insist on demeaning those who are attempting to protect others?
LeafByNiggle pretending there are no clinical parameters you need to get past a human studies committee . . .
All it takes is some positive in-vitro results
But you can also get invitro results that show that cyanide is deadly to human cells. So if one takes ALL the invitro results into account, they would discard cyanide for that reason. Obviously clinical results cannot be a prerequisite to approving human studies because human studies is exactly where one gets clinical results. So you would have a catch-22.
Except that hydroxychloroquine is ALREADY an approved drug (but with corona virus it is being used off-label).
which says nothing about its effectiveness against covid-19. It is only evidence of safety.
Why do you think SARS/Cov2 is more like the flu than polio?
Could it be because the flu is a coronavirus and polio is not?
That alone does not prove anything about its ability to be wiped out by a vaccine.
The flu isn’t a coronavirus,

It’s an influenza virus.
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That alone does not prove anything about its ability to be wiped out by a vaccine.
You were just asking about why we see the flu as more similar than polio.

As to a vaccine, I think we will achieve one simply because there are so many resources being poured into it.
LeafByNiggle . . .
Obviously clinical results cannot be a prerequisite to approving human studies . . .
That’s false with off-label usage of an already approved drug.

And your invented idea aside, painstaking animal trials would need to be done before human studies can be commenced.
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LeafByNiggle . . .
None of which helps you to demonstrate that HCQ is effective against covid-19.
Too funny Leaf.

I am not the one making data presentations to human studies committees to get approval for hydroxychloroquine.

I don’t need to “demonstrate” anything.

For everybody else.

Don’t be fooled. This national push by the national leftists is political and profiteering in nature.

They have told you this by their actions.
umamibella on the report of
Sweden being correct with their no lockdown strategy
(Sweden’s strategy to obtain immunity for their country)
blaming “the reporter” . . .
Immunity is thought to be looking like only a few months, studies show, and if they are accurate then the herd immunity strategy is going to fall apart.
The reporter doesn’t need to think it through.
The reporter just needs to report.

In this case the reporter got it right.

The reporter’s report is exactly consistent with what the World Health Organization (WHO) has said too . . . .
Please dont quote WHO articles from May. We are almost in September now and what was reported in May, 2020, from studies in Feb, Match, April, in many cases is very different to the reality of August 18, 2020.
Yes the reporter needs to think this through and report up to date current facts and death tolls.

If you want to back up the reporter, dont use old studies.
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umamibella . . .
Immunity is thought to be looking like only a few months, studies show, and if they are accurate then the herd immunity strategy is going to fall apart.
The problem with this is, it assumes B-cell immunity is all that is taking place.

Please explain the role of T-cell immunity as at least a possible protector against corona virus,
and then we can then together explain why such “studies” that say we cannot be close to acheiving herd immunity cannot tell the whole story.
umamibella . . .
Please dont quote WHO articles from May. . . . If you want to back up the reporter, dont use old studies.
What “study” are you talking about?

I am talking about a WHO statement. Not a “study”.
A WHO statement as far as I can tell, they have never retracted.

And by the way. Why do you think you get to tell me which “studies” I can quote?
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