LeafByNiggle pretending there are no clinical parameters you need to get past a human studies committee . . .
All it takes is some positive in-vitro results
But you can also get invitro results that show that cyanide is deadly to human cells. So if one takes ALL the invitro results into account, they would discard cyanide for that reason. Obviously clinical results cannot be a prerequisite to approving human studies because human studies is exactly where one gets clinical results. So you would have a catch-22.
Except that hydroxychloroquine is ALREADY an approved drug (but with corona virus it is being used off-label).
which says nothing about its effectiveness against covid-19. It is only evidence of safety.
Why do you think SARS/Cov2 is more like the flu than polio?
Could it be because the flu is a coronavirus and polio is not?
That alone does not prove anything about its ability to be wiped out by a vaccine.