Mary- other children

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This is what I do to Evangelicals when they get too cheeky:

I have read your post’s, you do nothing of the sort. Your an angry person aren’t you? Do you really eat people? Oh wait im getting of subject, I will start a thread on that. LOL, just joking wit ya.
John1717 said:
**Mary is the mother of Jesus but not the mother of God! Jesus is one person with two natures, one human and one didvine. To say that Mary is the mother of God, denies the fact of Jesus’ humanity. **

Let’s use the logic you’re so fond of!

Jesus is God,
Mary is the mother of Jesus,
Mary is the mother of God!

**God is a Trinity, **
Mary is the mother of God,
**Mary is the mother of the Trinity! **

God the Father subsists within the Trinity,
Mary is the mother of the Trinity,

**Mary is the mother of God the Father! **

This demonstrates that your logic is flawed! :yup:

Your logic is flawed, my friend.

First, Jesus is the Second Person of the Divince Trinity and therefore God.

Mary is the Mother of Jesus who is the Second Person of the Divine Trinity.

Therefore, Mary is the Mother of the Second Person of the Divine Trinity who is God.

Mary Mother of God.

You cannot seperate the natures. Jesus is either always the Second Person of the Divine Trinity (as in the womb of Mary) or he is not. If he was the Second Person of the Divine Trinity in the womb that would make Mary his mother.

To be the Mother of Jesus is to be the Mother of God. You cannot seperate them.

Hi John,

You said that contacting the dead was forbidden in the Bible… mmm… let’s see who Jesus was talking to on top of the mountain, Moses and Elijah. 2 supposedly “dead and long gone” characters in the Bible.

Or maybe they lived on in secret, hiding in a cave on the mountain until it was time for them to make an appearance together with Jesus?

Contacting the “dead” forbidden you say? Apparently Jesus did not have a problem with it. Why should we?
Hey anwk, you are talking about Jesus here, he has the authority to do that, You don’t have the authority nor can you talk to the dead. You can put yourself up there with Jesus in an authoritive level if you want but I won’t.
Hi John,

You said that contacting the dead was forbidden in the Bible… mmm… let’s see who Jesus was talking to on top of the mountain, Moses and Elijah. 2 supposedly “dead and long gone” characters in the Bible.

Or maybe they lived on in secret, hiding in a cave on the mountain until it was time for them to make an appearance together with Jesus?

Contacting the “dead” forbidden you say? Apparently Jesus did not have a problem with it. Why should we?
Hey anwk, you are talking about Jesus here, he has the authority to do that, You don’t have the authority nor can you talk to the dead. You can put yourself up there with Jesus in an authoritive level if you want but I won’t.
Hey anwk, you are talking about Jesus here, he has the authority to do that, You don’t have the authority nor can you talk to the dead. You can put yourself up there with Jesus in an authoritive level if you want but I won’t.
what makes you think He doesn’t now?
Hey anwk, you are talking about Jesus here, he has the authority to do that, You don’t have the authority nor can you talk to the dead. You can put yourself up there with Jesus in an authoritive level if you want but I won’t.
Elijah was taken up body and soul . I think this event points to the likelyhood that Satan was corrected as St Michael asked in regards to Moses. I’m wondering when Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind body and soul his earthly life ended, did his life end as well?
Hey anwk, you are talking about Jesus here, he has the authority to do that, You don’t have the authority nor can you talk to the dead. You can put yourself up there with Jesus in an authoritive level if you want but I won’t.
After the crucifxion many bodies of Saints rose up and appeared to people.Are you saying then that God put them in sin by allowing it?Oh, what is death,by the way?If we die in Christ do we not live in Christ?Or have you decided to give death its sting again?
Hey anwk, you are talking about Jesus here, he has the authority to do that, You don’t have the authority nor can you talk to the dead. You can put yourself up there with Jesus in an authoritive level if you want but I won’t.
So then you would say that the resurrection was for nothing Dave?So you are saying when our body dies we are seperated from the body of Christ?So Paul was wrong in saying oh,death where is your sting?Do you contend that we float in a perpetual limbo until the judgement day?Dave you have to throw Revelations out of the Bible to believe that.God Bless
After the crucifxion many bodies of Saints rose up and appeared to people.Are you saying then that God put them in sin by allowing it?Oh, what is death,by the way?If we die in Christ do we not live in Christ?Or have you decided to give death its sting again?
Hi Lisa ,Those that rose up were given glorified bodies just like Jesus. 👍 God Bless
I have read your post’s, you do nothing of the sort. Your an angry person aren’t you? Do you really eat people? Oh wait im getting of subject, I will start a thread on that. LOL, just joking wit ya.

do you have a sense of humour? I am not angry.

Yes, you are once again trying to hijack the subject. It is known as a diversionary tactic when someone does not have an answer.

Hi Maggie. I thought you were doing some spring house cleaning in the rcc church. 😃 Many are called but few are chosen. 😉 God Bless
No Jim,

they are Evangelicals who give me cheek. They end up where they belong 😃 swallowing their words when they realise that they have made a mistake.

Hi Lisa ,Those that rose up were given glorified bodies just like Jesus. 👍 God Bless

do you believe that when you die that your soul separates and continues to live?

John1717 said:
**Mary is the mother of Jesus but not the mother of God! Jesus is one person with two natures, one human and one didvine. To say that Mary is the mother of God, denies the fact of Jesus’ humanity. **

Let’s use the logic you’re so fond of!

Jesus is God,
Mary is the mother of Jesus,
Mary is the mother of God!

**God is a Trinity, **
Mary is the mother of God,
**Mary is the mother of the Trinity! **

God the Father subsists within the Trinity,
Mary is the mother of the Trinity,

**Mary is the mother of God the Father! **

This demonstrates that your logic is flawed! :yup:

So with this faulty logic you deny the Hypostatic Union and therefore you are a follower of Arius and Nestorius. This is neo-Nestorian teaching.
John1717 said:
**We ask the living to pray for us not the dead! Mary nor any other “saint” cannot hear our prayers, which should be directed to God alone. Contacting the dead is forbidden in Scripture! :yup: **

This is a diversionary tactic to drag the thread off-topic. I urge everyone not to respond when these people try this tactic.
So then you would say that the resurrection was for nothing Dave?So you are saying when our body dies we are seperated from the body of Christ?So Paul was wrong in saying oh,death where is your sting?Do you contend that we float in a perpetual limbo until the judgement day?Dave you have to throw Revelations out of the Bible to believe that.God Bless
Hey Lisa
Don’t go off on a a wild tangent here, this is what I was responding to.

Contacting the “dead” forbidden you say? Apparently Jesus did not have a problem with it. Why should we? ANWK

Just because Jesus can do it doesn’t mean we can. Of course I don’t believe that the resurrection was nothing. The death, burriel and resurrection of Christ is what gives Christians hope.

If we are Christians then we are not seperated from Christ, unless your catholic then you go to limbo or purgatory or whatever place the catholic church has made up.

I don’t throw any book out of the Bible, I don’t add too or take anything out of it either.
In Him and Him Only, Dave.
Hey Lisa
Don’t go off on a a wild tangent here, this is what I was responding to.

Contacting the “dead” forbidden you say? Apparently Jesus did not have a problem with it. Why should we? ANWK

Just because Jesus can do it doesn’t mean we can. Of course I don’t believe that the resurrection was nothing. The death, burriel and resurrection of Christ is what gives Christians hope.

If we are Christians then we are not seperated from Christ, unless your catholic then you go to limbo or purgatory or whatever place the catholic church has made up.

I don’t throw any book out of the Bible, I don’t add too or take anything out of it either.
In Him and Him Only, Dave.
Pugatory is not made up:rolleyes: Anyway those are some other verses that are avoided so you can deny Christs Church.Pugatory is a purification not total seperation from Christ.Wrong there were books taken out of your Bible Oudave.What kind of hope does it give you?If we are part of the body of Christ we do not cease to be at physical death.God Bless
PS Please don’t hit and run,dialog is difficult.Start a thread on these issues,one at a time,or rather one per thread,so we do not hijack the thread any further.
Pugatory is not made up:rolleyes: Anyway those are some other verses that are avoided so you can deny Christs Church.Pugatory is a purification not total seperation from Christ.Wrong there were books taken out of your Bible Oudave.What kind of hope does it give you?If we are part of the body of Christ we do not cease to be at physical death.God Bless
PS Please don’t hit and run,dialog is difficult.Start a thread on these issues,one at a time,or rather one per thread,so we do not hijack the thread any further.
Hi Lisa
All you have to do is check out my posts. You may not agree with me, but I never run.
In Him and Him Only, Dave.
Hey Lisa
Don’t go off on a a wild tangent here, this is what I was responding to.

Contacting the “dead” forbidden you say? Apparently Jesus did not have a problem with it. Why should we? ANWK

Just because Jesus can do it doesn’t mean we can. Of course I don’t believe that the resurrection was nothing. The death, burriel and resurrection of Christ is what gives Christians hope.

If we are Christians then we are not seperated from Christ, unless your catholic then you go to limbo or purgatory or whatever place the catholic church has made up.

I don’t throw any book out of the Bible, I don’t add too or take anything out of it either.
In Him and Him Only, Dave.
The comment is off topic. If you want to have a discussion on this topic then please start another thread so that people can respond there.

John1717 said:
We ask the living to pray for us not the dead! Mary or any other “saint” cannot hear our prayers, which should be directed to God alone. Contacting the dead is forbidden in Scripture! :yup:

I think yur on to something here.
Now, all we have to do is show where Mary is dead.
  1. We can find this in Verses ___________________ ?
Rev:8:3 And another angel came, and stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given to him much incense, that he should offer of the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of God.
  1. Now, how did that angel get a hold of those prayers before God did? And, why is HE offering them up for someone else in the first place? Who are those saints? Paul, I think, refers to people here as saints. How come their prayers did not get straight to Jesus?
  2. Our Intellect is in our Soul or body? If it is in our Soul, then does it live on after we are dead in the body? If the intellect lives on (so we can understand in the afterlife), then is the following true:
1 Cor 13:12 - “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”
  1. Does “KNOW FULLY” mean what it says or not?
Heb 12:1 And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us:
  1. Who are in this cloud “OVER OUR HEAD”? Witnesses to what?
Ps 103: “Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.”
  1. Why is this writer telling angels what to do? If they cannot hear him? Or can they hear him? What if 1 million Christians recited this verse at about the same time. Would the angels hear all at the same time, or is the whole verse a farce?
    If this writer can talk to the angels, can I do the same, by reciting this verse? Or can I make up my own say, to Michael the Archangel?
Matt 17:3 And behold there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with him.
  1. Is Jesus practicing Necromancy? If not why not? Looks a lot like conjuring up “DEAD”, at least for Moses.
When yur done with these, I have just few more before I join you in your non-religion religion.
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