Short-term change perhaps but no lasting results.
With someone else writing the address. Let’s just say his ability to match the tone of, oh, for example, the Queen, isn’t a strength of his.I believe he should address the nation and talk to the protestors.
Someone should be crafting a very careful speech, handing it to him, and ensuring he reads it word for word.How can any President NOT address the nation at a time like this? However, if Trump does speak, he needs to be careful to show some sympathy with the protesters and particularly toward the death of George Floyd. Then he might show his toughness in fighting the criminals who are looting.
Fortunately, the semi didn’t hit anyone. Although the initial reporting indicated it was intentional (and the video looks horrible!), there’s been a lot of conflicting reports. I’ve watched the video 50 times and the only explanation that matches the facts is that he accidentally found himself on the closed freeway and was trying to stop. I think it’s likely that will be the final explanation once it’s all sorted out.a semi trailer truck has ploughed into protestors
It’s been pretty overwhelming to see all of this.What are your thoughts on this? Are they justified in their destruction because it’s for a good cause?
Trevor Noah posted an insightful video about this. The incident with Amy Cooper definitely riled people up, because people saw a white individual who understands the dynamics between black people and the police, and tried to use it against a man. People always talk about this, but it’s one thing to see someone blatantly trying to do it on camera. Also staying at home and being agitated at ineffective government etc does contribute to it.I had one thought today. I wonder if the lockdown and subsequent high unemployment has contributed to the pool of people available to go and protest, riot or otherwise engage in activity apart
He has been charged now.Fortunately, the semi didn’t hit anyone. Although the initial reporting indicated it was intentional (and the video looks horrible!), there’s been a lot of conflicting reports. I’ve watched the video 50 times and the only explanation that matches the facts is that he accidentally found himself on the closed freeway and was trying to stop. I think it’s likely that will be the final explanation once it’s all sorted out.
I apologize for not rioting when whites were killed by police for no reason.If you don’t respect the life of every human being, you are the problem.
That is a silly comparison. A good case can be made for racial violence affecting the Minneapolis riots. There is no serious case that abortions have caused the Minneapolis riots.Yea, I know, don’t bring abortion into this discussion. Well, you, don’t bring racial violence into it.
Not sure what is not understandable about this statement. If you want to claim racism, you need to show actual evidence that Officer Chauvin’s actions were motivated primarily due to the person’s status as an African American. I have not seen any actual evidence of this demonstrated either in the video or elsewhere. Not saying this isn’t the case, additional evidence may come out that proves this link. But to date, there is nothing to indicate this was the motivating factor. People of all races are killed by officers. Sometimes this involves, white on black, black on white, white on white, and black on black. Just because a white officer used excessive force on a suspect does not prove racism, anymore than it would prove racism if a black officer used excessive force on a white suspect. If you want to charge that the crime was motivated by racism you will need to provide more substantial evidence to sustain this claim.Not to be uncharitable but what?
No it isn’t. Truth is independent of what someone might believe. It is objective of the observer.These are conflicting statements.
No it doesn’t. Each crime is its own entity. We don’t try any other criminal offense based on information from other crimes committed by other defendants. Each criminal charge must be proven based on the evidence provided in that individual case.It occurs within the context of many incidents.