Minneapolis is liberal, its police force is not. About 94% of our police don’t live in the city, they live in the suburbs which are considerably less liberal and more racist. These police officers are not our neighbors and we’re certainly not “their people.” They’re just contracted by the city and corporate organizations to come shoot or arrest as needed.
I say that as a resident of the Longfellow neighborhood, ground zero for the protests. My son and I participated in peaceful protest at Lake Street two days ago. Our neighborhood leaders are discussing our own plans for neighborhood watches and to organize clean up and support bof our local businesses. What you need to understand is that very first act of violence was perpetrated by the police against a black man. And then, the first broken window was done by a white, off duty cop from St. Paul who was confronted by some of us protesters and promptly ran away like the coward he is.
After that act of violence by a “protester” the police “retaliated” from the third precinct by lobbing tear gas at peaceful protesters. In their urgency to relieve burning, they ran to Target to get milk. Only Target refused to sell it to them. THAT is when protesters got really angry and forcefully took milk. At that point, other opportunistic people showed up and began looting.
Even Arodondo, the police chief, stated that looters they were picking up were not from our neighborhood or even the city, but most were from outside the Cities.
This is why the protests during the day are almost all peaceful and why they turned violent at night. Under cover if night, other agents from far right groups trying to invite an outright race war, and far left people trying to invite anarchy, use the opportunity to wreak destruction.
They are fooling no one. Our small businesses know we are going to help them rebuild and they know that violence is being used to undermine the protests against white supremacists. That is why so many of them still voice support for our movement even having had their businesses burned down.
So understand this, we are not done yet and the 75,000 people who showed up this weekend to try to hijack our cause will not succeed in stopping us. I and my family oppose racism and the thugs in uniform who use their legal protection to kill people of color with impunity.
George Lloyd will not have died in vain. R.I.P. George!