More "woke" brainwashing before and during Toy Story 4

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I don’t think it’s a lack of creativity, more like a desire to make a lot of money with minimal effort. Hence the sticking to old formulas and all the nostalgia-milking.
I am NOT advocating the end of pushing STEM, but I believe in a balanced approach in education, and I definitely don’t believe that STEM should be emphasized more for one sex than the other. I think that students should be well-educated about ALL the options that are available, and I think that parents should expose their child to all kinds of careers.
I agree with you here.

STEM has been overemphasized in schools that other subjects such as the arts and humanities have been neglected.

Even more neglected is the field of philosophy which in my opinion should the the basis for education.
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There was a lot of pretty overt racism in Disney of the 1960s and earlier era too… just because the sins of the world have changed, doesn’t mean terrible sins weren’t promoted in the past too.
This!!! I never considered STEM or tech because that’s all math and science and I’m not into that (though I did like calculus). I went and got my English and sociology and criminal justice degrees.

Then at the age of 30, I found out that not only am I good at coding, I LOVE it. No one ever told me what it was really like to do that kind of work. Now I’m considering software engineering for a mid-career diversion.
Sorry, my bad on Superman and Batman.
I agree with your take.
There are not many old movies that have not been remade.
Unfortunately, most of the remakes are not very good. They are just in color, instead of black and white. 🙂
A lot of movies get remade that don’t even warrant a remake, like classic Disney films. I don’t even know what is the point of making live-action remakes of animated Disney films because Disney is known primarily for animation and these works are known as masterpieces for that particular art form. To make it live-action is a step down and seems less artistic.
I’m surprised that people are even still going movies by studios that produce such lazy products. There are more forms of entertainment than ever and other, smaller studios. Why patronize an entity that takes you for an idiot?

I’ll stick to the library and Internet, thank you.
I think the bottom line always has to do with money. Hollywood care more about making money than producing a quality product.
Steven Spielberg movies are usually top quality. He is a movie maker.
Ron Howard also does a terrific job.
Of course, one of my favorite film makers was Alfred Hitchcock.
The best thing we can do it to refuse to attend mediocre movies.
We can demand better from Hollywood.
The only thing they seem to listen to understand is $$$$$.
Not saying your promoting fathers who simply work and never see their kids… but that seems to be the logical conclusion to the whole “dads do whatever you can to ensure mom never has to leave the house and just raises kids” message.
Of course I’m not saying that Dad should be an absentee father, although in the past, plenty of fathers WERE absentee and mom was able to have the choice to stay home and rear the family. My dad worked multiple jobs–he was a pipefitter and he farmed, and he also did a lot of freelance work on the weekend with a couple of buddies (back in the days before everyone had to be bonded and part of a union to do that kind of work). It never occurred to me to be resentful, because when he was home, he was HOME–he played with us and took us places, and when I was ready to go to college, he wrote a check because he had the money. I was very grateful for his more than adequate provision for the family.

My husband’s dad (my dear FIL!) had two jobs–he was a junior high teacher all day and then went to a factory for a 2nd shift job as a welder. My husband said that it was tough not having him around during the week. But he more than made up for it by taking his family weekend camping trips, rock climbing, teaching rocketry and photography and lapidary to his children, and being the kind of dad who was hands on, just like my dad. Just like a lot of dads back then who were trying to grab a piece of the American Dream.

All I’m saying is that not all females will be interested in STEM (or STEMC, if anyone prefers). And that’s OK.

I’m also saying that it’s nice when a woman has the CHOICE to rear her own children 24/7. I take most of the credit for the way my daughters turned out (they’re in their 30s now)! I can look back on things that we did together and lessons that I taught them that bore abundant fruit as they grew up. Yes, there were plenty of others who influenced them for the good–teachers, church workers and friends, neighbors, other relatives, various media “stars”, fictional characters from books, club leaders, COACHES, etc.–but I and my husband were their primary care-givers, and we have never regretted that choice, and we are glad that we HAD that choice.
Even more neglected is the field of philosophy which in my opinion should the the basis for education.
speaking as someone with a minor in philosophy and a son who majored in philosophy I can’t agree more.
In a similar vein, wouldn’t it be great if they included logic as a mandatory subject in high school curricula? Imagine the conversations that could be had on future internet message boards.
Then at the age of 30, I found out that not only am I good at coding, I LOVE it. No one ever told me what it was really like to do that kind of work
Strangely enough, I took physics in high school and aced the class. I never took biology. I hated biology. But I was focused on an art career. Ended up that philosophy was what I loved most, but not exactly a major employment field.

Turns out I was more technical than I thought and succeeded in getting the university to change its required courses for a Graphic Design degree by first allowing me to take print technology classes as art electives. I took one computer class and dropped it in the second week. Computers were stupid as far as I thought.

Enter the Macintosh… a machine that appealed to my visual/techincal world. Completely self taught I learned to take them apart, put them back together and how to make software play nice with others.

I don’t have a single IT degree but I’m the go to person in the office on how to get any kind of electronics to work. I’m also cross platform with Windows although I find it to be more annoying than Apple, except for Excel. I love Excel!

In hindsight I would have made a great engineer or map maker. For now I’m in data processing and use my computer skills for all kinds of creative arts.
The voice-over states, “this is your average American family.” (white man and woman with children shown). Next, “this is also your average American family.” (black man and woman with children shown). Then it was, “this is also an average American family” where two women and children are shown, and of course next we are told that two men with children is also an average family. The strategy is to repeat these lies often enough so eventually everyone believe it, I guess.
There is nothing wrong with women in STEM. There is nothing wrong with black people. There is nothing wrong with Jewish people. There is nothing wrong with Mormon people. And there is nothing wrong with homosexual people. They may not share your beliefs, but they are, well, people. People trying to do their best.

Maybe their belief in God includes Joseph Smith and tablets. Maybe it includes gay women raising a family. Maybe it includes a child born out of wedlock. Not everyone has to agree with Catholic teaching. Our country was founded on the premise of religious freedom, to be free from religious judgement.

Love the sinner.
In a similar vein, wouldn’t it be great if they included logic as a mandatory subject in high school curricula?
Wouldn’t it be great if they didn’t dumb down all the high school courses? Loved logic, thought it was so much fun. Hated algebra. My mother was a math wiz, she could never understand how I could do logic problems but would struggle with algebra.

To me it was always about the pictures. Aced geometry… all about pictures. Logic… all about stories. Algegra… numbers! just couldn’t see the meaning behind the numbers.

Macintosh all about the pictures… I was totally in with that.
Are we really complaining about pro-gay propaganda and encouraging girls to do science in the same breath?!
I think this is a case of caring more about opposing liberalism than about upholding orthodoxy.
The best thing we can do it to refuse to attend mediocre movies.
But how do you know it is mediocre unless you go see it?
I love Excel!
I know a lot of software engineers who hate Excel with a burning passion. A lot of software engineering projects start as attempts to replace some Excel spreadsheets, but no matter how superior the product is to doing things in Excel, the business people refuse to change. As such, some see it as the enemy of software innovation.
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