My Position on Homosexuality

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If we are to base our understanding of natural law we must base it on what we see.

We see not that sex if procreative and unitive but that it can be either, or, or both…and muc more besides.

The demand that sex must be both is not a function of natural law, or the observation of nature, but an assertion of doctrine that was based on imperfecto bservations.

Sex between same-sex couples is purely unitive (assuming consent). And may even be considered purer than mixed-sex unions because the procreative function is frustrated (unless a miracle occurs) because that instinct plays no part.
You are mixing up the definitiion of Natural Law as empirical science and the laws of “science” with Natural Moral Law.
Island Oak:
I think if the Church is to support its homosexual members in fulfilling their moral obligation, it has to do a better job of educating and supporting these people throughout their lives.
And that’s what the church** is** doing by calling homosexuals to a celibate life so they can fully participate in the sacraments.

The Church is educating homosexuals about their not being ‘born’ that way. They offer their services to help them delve into and face the issues which lead them to believe SSA is all they can ever know. They offer reconciliation for past sexual encounters (the same as they do for heterosexuals engaging in sex outside of marriage). They offer the grace of Christ through the Eucharist to further help them in their journey to Him. They offer them roles in the church community of service so they can recognize and appreciate their worth to their neighbors.

For some people, they see these efforts as repressing, denying homosexuals of experiencing ‘love’. The Church is trying to keep these people from doing something unnatural which they will regret later in life and which will remove them from the grace of God. No matter how much emotion, sincerity, ‘love’ you put behind the physical union of same-sex partners, at the most basic level it is still disordered. The human anatomy was not designed to be used in that manner. Period.
The Church is educating homosexuals about their not being ‘born’ that way. They offer their services to help them delve into and face the issues which lead them to believe SSA is all they can ever know.
I disagree. While the Church’s statement in the Catechism is hopeful and humanizing, merely saying that a person is called to chastity doesn’t necessariy help them deal with the underlying root causes of SSA. If you want to get to the root causes, you have to do a LOT of investigation on your own and then try to work through those issues alone. The Courage Apostolate is helpful in realizing that one isn’t alone in being same-sex attracted and trying to live a chaste life while at the same time having a degree of same-sex attractions, yet it is not set up to help a person work through the serious issues that caused the condition in the first place. I would love to see an approved ministry of the Church that does just that.
I disagree. While the Church’s statement in the Catechism is hopeful and humanizing, merely saying that a person is called to chastity doesn’t necessariy help them deal with the underlying root causes of SSA. If you want to get to the root causes, you have to do a LOT of investigation on your own and then try to work through those issues alone. The Courage Apostolate is helpful in realizing that one isn’t alone in being same-sex attracted and trying to live a chaste life while at the same time having a degree of same-sex attractions, yet it is not set up to help a person work through the serious issues that caused the condition in the first place. I would love to see an approved ministry of the Church that does just that.
Well I guess I consider the Church’s statement in the Catechism, along with encyclicals and other literature issued for those of us in the trenches as education. But I see your point, in that it isn’t enough.

I agree with you completely that it would be wonderful to follow up said writings with an agency staffed with Catholic psychologists and other support professions, but in the meantime, it’s pretty much up to us front-line Catholics to carry out the teaching and to provide the services. At least we have proper direction from the Church.
When a single person decides to marry, they are inviting another person to join them in expressing their love for God. They are acknowledging that God sent this person to them so that together, as one, they can share in God’s love for humanity by offering themselves to Him in order to bring new life into the world. They empty themselves completely to God each time they embrace so that God may act through their union.

I just read this from a post of yours. You are welcome to your impersonal views with regards to marriage and love. One person (of the same faith) is pretty much as good as the next then, since love is an expression directly made to God, not another. Personal attachments are to be avoided. Intimacy only with our creator. The other person a means to this. Would you say this to your husand or wife? “I love you only becuase I ought to, with no affection for you individually” .
Ega? I have been wondering why so many homosexuals have been coveting the fruit of heterosexual unions these days…it seems so more now than ever before in history. Homosexuals want children…what do you make of that?
If the desire to ‘have’ a marriage, will they then support for alimony?

It is known that homosexual relationships do not last too long. When I was with a guy, it lasted 14 years, but after 7 it was apparent that we were both searching ‘more something more.’ i.e. the relationship was not satisfying…(i’m trying to keep it clean here).
Originally Posted by felra
*God did not necessarily give those folks afflicted with SSA a special dose of “burden” per see. *
Island Oak:
You’re kidding, right? Maybe God didn’t, but the Church sure has. While the heterosexual community is confined to sexual expression within the marital union, subject to occasions of abstinence you identified, there is a recognized, celebrated, sacramental opportunity for sexual, social, and intimacy expression that is simply absent and denied anyone with SSA. While you may be in full agreement with the teaching, don’t minimize the impact on those subject to it.
You whole emotional plea against the Church rests on the Church refusing to offer nothing but the truth to those afflicted and struggling with SSA. Yours is a distorted and superficial emotional reasoning–"Identify for me even one acceptable sexual outlet a faithful adult homosexual is EVER permitted?" This all but a taunt and a tease to those afflicted with SSA and who are taking up their cross daily and following Jesus faithfully.

Thank goodness that the Church does not offer the teasing form of empathy that you offer. Amazing how folks employ a distorted sense of empathy to falsely accuse the Church of lacking in compassion. The true compassion that the Church extends speaks to the core of the person and rests on a true understanding and appreciation of dignity of the person and the suffering that is the result of living in a fallen world and personal sin choices.

You need to get it right and quit pointing the finger outward at the Church.
You whole emotional plea against the Church rests on the Church refusing to offer nothing but the truth to those afflicted and struggling with SSA. Yours is a distorted and superficial emotional reasoning…

You have utterly misread, misunderstood and twisted my words to conform it to your paradigm. Unfortunate and unintended as I will charitably assume it was, it nevertheless exemplifies an underlying and insidious antagonism that many within and outside the Church perceive as pervasive and directed towards those who struggle with SSA.
Island Oak:
You have utterly misread, misunderstood and twisted my words to conform it to your paradigm. Unfortunate and unintended as I will charitably assume it was, it nevertheless exemplifies an underlying and insidious antagonism that many within and outside the Church perceive as pervasive and directed towards those who struggle with SSA.
What? Not taking ownership for your posts when confronted with distortion? First the Church, now you are pointing the finger at me … :nope:
I would be delighted to have the opportunity clarify any “distortion” I have allegedly created. You are responsible for cleaning up your own messes.
Island Oak:
…it nevertheless exemplifies an underlying and insidious antagonism that many within and outside the Church perceive as pervasive and directed towards those who struggle with SSA.
This is a rather interesting statement…

I can certainly understand, based upon many Christian’s reactions to people with SSA, one getting the impression that their uncharitableness toward them is directed by the Church to which they claim allegiance.

But Island Oak, people are people. The Church’s official position and teaching with regard to people of SSA is **not **insidious antagonism directed toward them. It is one of love, empathy, compassion, caring.

Granted, we, on the front-line, have a lot of growing up to do to come to embrace that teaching. You can tell from the forums here what a struggle it is when socially we’ve been trained over the centuries to despise and reject those people. Thank goodness the Church has remained steadfast in preserving the Truth - Christ’s Truth - that those with SSA deserve our love and compassion and that we are called to help them remain in the grace of God.
Yes, God knew you before you were.

One correction to a good post. Animals do have souls. Souls are what animates the living. The distinction being animal souls are not immortal.
Buffalo, you’ve got mail 🙂 …but your box is full 😦

These are the references from the Catechism…

**363 **In Sacred Scripture the term “soul” often refers to human life or the entire human person.230 But “soul” also refers to the innermost aspect of man, that which is of greatest value in him,231 that by which he is most especially in God’s image: “soul” signifies the spiritual principle in man.

366 The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God - it is not “produced” by the parents - and also that it is immortal: it does not perish when it separates from the body at death, and it will be reunited with the body at the final Resurrection.235

1703 Endowed with “a spiritual and immortal” soul,5 The human person is "the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake."6 From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude.

Perhaps, this 1703…distinguishes a human soul from that of an animal??? In which case, any understanding of animals and plants having a soul should not imply that soul is equivalent to ours.
Buffalo, you’ve got mail …but your box is full

These are the references from the Catechism…

**363 **In Sacred Scripture the term “soul” often refers to human life or the entire human person.230 But “soul” also refers to the innermost aspect of man, that which is of greatest value in him,231 that by which he is most especially in God’s image: “soul” signifies the spiritual principle in man.

366 The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God - it is not “produced” by the parents - and also that it is immortal: it does not perish when it separates from the body at death, and it will be reunited with the body at the final Resurrection.235

1703 Endowed with “a spiritual and immortal” soul,5 The human person is "the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake."6 From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude.

Perhaps, this 1703…distinguishes a human soul from that of an animal??? In which case, any understanding of animals and plants having a soul should not imply that soul is equivalent to ours.
I must be one popular guy!! 😃 or maybe not - maybe they are criticisms! :crying: I will fix it! :bounce:
Here is my position on homosexuality.

We as Catholics believe that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. We recieve this belief via two sources, Natural Law and Revelation.

Revelation teaches homosexual acts are disordered because God has said so. We believe God, therefore we think homosexual acts are disordered.

Likewise, Natural Law shows us that homosexual acts are disordered in that they stand in opposition to the natural order.

According to Natural Law, homosexuality is tantamount to suicidal genocide. Homosexuality exist because it relies on the nature order for survival. If only homosexuals existed the human race would die out in one generation. This is genocide. It is suicide in that it is inflicted on the self by choice.

I know this may seem harsh but the truth can be that way sometimes.

Here is my position on homosexuality.

We as Catholics believe that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. We recieve this belief via two sources, Natural Law and Revelation.

Revelation teaches homosexual acts are disordered because God has said so. We believe God, therefore we think homosexual acts are disordered.

Likewise, Natural Law shows us that homosexual acts are disordered in that they stand in opposition to the natural order.

According to Natural Law, homosexuality is tantamount to suicidal genocide. Homosexuality exist because it relies on the nature order for survival. If only homosexuals existed the human race would die out in one generation. This is genocide. It is suicide in that it is inflicted on the self by choice.

I know this may seem harsh but the truth can be that way sometimes.

Right on!

And it makes perfect sense that God would support His natural laws, after all He made them.

Now, He very well could have set up a different mechanism to procreate.

The heterosexual desire is not disordered as it incents through pleasure through the marital act. It is a beautiful thing. God has also called us to self mastery and self giving love.

ega - is there something intrinsically evil with these teachings?
If we are to base our understanding of natural law we must base it on what we see.

We see not that sex if procreative and unitive but that it can be either, or, or both…and muc more besides.

The demand that sex must be both is not a function of natural law, or the observation of nature, but an assertion of doctrine that was based on imperfecto bservations.

Sex between same-sex couples is purely unitive (assuming consent). And may even be considered purer than mixed-sex unions because the procreative function is frustrated (unless a miracle occurs) because that instinct plays no part.
Sex between same gender is not sex at all but mutual manipulation. The sexual organs are those that can, when combined, have the potential to create life. Sex by its very nature is life giving, why? Life comes from it. Same gender manipulation is not sex. It can bring forth no life. Life=sperm+ovum, not sperm+feces.

How odd, I have brown, blond and red hair. I am 5foot6, I weigh exactly 66.6kg. My flatmate is 6feet2, 102kg, and is dark blond with blue eyes.

A basic examination of the facts indicates you are mistaken on a physical level.

One assertion, one observation. You’re wrong.

As we go deeper we see many more variations, whether we drill down to the genetic or the psychological.

More observations, more evidence that there is not one perfect image of god.
Image does not mean physical appearence, but the ability to reflect the mutable aspects of God, i.e., goodness, love, selflessness, etc.

Not everyone has kids. it has been shown that for infertile couples a committed relationship is still good for the health. Thus we should extend marriage opportunities to same-sex couples that they too may enjoy the benefits as well as the society they marry in.
Infertile married couples is good for health/society as long as they stay committed to one another. The track record of homosexual couples staying committed to one another is terrible. Promiscuity rates are 8 times higher for unmarried homosexual couples than unmarried heterosexual couples. This is, I believe, from the AIDs journal. It is on these threads somewhere.
Funny how you dont notice what a restriction ‘marital acts’ constitutes when you cant get married.
Is it a restriction or is it a benefit to body, soul, and future spouse?
Unfortunately my library is in another country, but dilligent research will prove my points if you can be bothered.
I can be bothered.
When you prove anyone walked on water…
It is historically attested to.

There is no historical record of anyone at the time the man Jesus Christ walked the earth asserting that He did not perform miracles.

In fact, the historian Josephus (not a Christian) recorded that Jesus did perform miracles (such as walking on water) but indicated that the Jewish authorities (who were vigorously attempting to discredit him considering Christianity was growing at an extremely rapid rate and was claiming that the Jews killed God) claimed Jesus received his power from evil spirits. They never discredited that He did, in fact, perform the miracles.

Wouldn’t you think the Jewish authorities would make the claim that Jesus did not perform such miracles if He really didn’t?
Naah mate. It isnt rare knowledge, you can find out for youselves if you can be bothered, I’m just here to let you know its out there.

Oh, and I havent seen anything opposing my view except apriori reasoning. Nothing but quoting the beliefs in question to prove the beliefs…highly circular.
You’re the classic atheist/sceptic: You seem to enjoy your attempts to cut down people to size. You constantly beg the question and yourself engage in circular reasoning. However, it’s highly unlikely that you’llt get anyone to change their deeply held beliefs on this forum so maybe it’s time to move on.
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