Hello, Lost&Found,
I was exchanging information with someone last
night and I noted that while I have listed the good
things that I have done, I haven’t “similarly published”
the sins of 50 years.
The “adult-rational” part of me has been sinning
as all human beings do…and that is totally
separate from the younger, dearer Tiny Timid.
If God has accepted my repentence for the
arrogance, anger and occassional verbal
visciousness that I have treated others with across
the years, then I hope that He will listen to
Tiny Timid’s prayers for you, dear Lost&Found.
It wouldn’t even have occurred to me to
“throw the first stone” at the woman cowering
in fear. I am wayyyy too cognizant of my own
genuine sins…those done by the grown-up
Reen, who pleads with God to have mercy and
forgive. I think He does, don’t you?
I was exchanging information with someone last
night and I noted that while I have listed the good
things that I have done, I haven’t “similarly published”
the sins of 50 years.
The “adult-rational” part of me has been sinning
as all human beings do…and that is totally
separate from the younger, dearer Tiny Timid.
If God has accepted my repentence for the
arrogance, anger and occassional verbal
visciousness that I have treated others with across
the years, then I hope that He will listen to
Tiny Timid’s prayers for you, dear Lost&Found.
It wouldn’t even have occurred to me to
“throw the first stone” at the woman cowering
in fear. I am wayyyy too cognizant of my own
genuine sins…those done by the grown-up
Reen, who pleads with God to have mercy and
forgive. I think He does, don’t you?