I sometimes wonder about us “we”. I for one would rather burn in eternal fire then to be the one that caused another one to “fall”. A deep charactor flaw I am sure but it really bothers me. Its like a great great great grandparrent makes a mistake so we torture the baby child forever because of it. Now I accept that I, personally fell, many ways many times, but it was my fall, it was not Adam or eve or for that matter God’s fault, it was mine.Heathen Dawn,
Just because Adam and Eve are, in my opinon, the “first humans” in a more allegorical than a literal sense doesn’t change the fact that somewhere along the line we screwed things up, and so suffer the consequences today.
God bless,
As for evolution, I find the idea of being a cosmic accident or even mistake much more comforting then being a spiritually dead eternal reprobated enemy of God from the foundations of the universe. I dont want to be God’s enemy. I actually dont want to be anyones enemy, another charactor flaw on my part.