Notre-Dame cathedral Paris is on fire

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I’ve been periodically searching online but have yet to find the answer to this:

Have the piece of the True Cross and the nail been saved? Are they still being sought?
They haven’t been mentioned specifically in any reports I’ve read, viewed or heard. If they weren’t rescued during the fire, I’m sure they will be sought once the building is declared safe to enter again.
Sky News in the UK had an encouraging video story about York Minster, which had a fire back in 1984.
Living in the North of England I have become a regular visitor to York and to its Minster .

As @DaveBj has said , you see no sign of the 1984 fire now .

You cannot with all the money in the world rebuild Notre-Dame de Paris with its 850 years of history . That is irreplaceable .
I prefer to think of it as adding another chapter to its history.
I’m inclined to believe this as well, as the wording of the article suggests it. However, the newspaper mentions four specifically as being among the relics rescued:
  1. the Crown of Thorns
  2. the fragment of the Holy Cross
  3. the nail of the Passion
  4. the tunic of St. Louis
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My greatest concern is that it will be rebuilt in a lesser way than the original, perhaps as one of those horrid modern churches that are very plain and feel like a prison… or a school.
Thank you for the update. All of those are true treasures of the Church.
Regarding France and others spending money on fixing and restoring the cathedral and being French “property”:

"It benefits the Catholic Church the most. The catholic Church is worth hundreds of billions, collectively. And about 30 billion a pop per Vatican, Germany, and Australia alone with plenty others worth over a billion.

I mean, come on. Until it becomes a monument without any religious activities it is first and foremost a Catholic Church property and THEIR responsibility to do what’s right. (No matter how they conned France) Not accept yet more handouts while not even getting rid of all the criminals in their church and having them prosecuted."

This was posted by an online friend who I never heard comment on anything related to the Church before. I think I went about responding to this the wrong way (thankfully, the response is currently in moderation for whatever reason). I’m also sure it’s factually inaccurate, but I don’t have all the facts myself. How would you respond to this? I usually refrain from asking for others’ responses as if I’m taking the easy way out, but on rare occasions, I do. This one seems almost too easy, but I just don’t know how to respond to it properly. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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I don’t personally think this is a risk. Notre-Dame is a listed building, both in the French cultural heritage registers (Monument Historique) and with UNESCO (World Heritage Site), and therefore there are rules governing any work done on it. These rules are not totally rigid, but the French government can’t just do whatever with the building. Unless those inspecting what’s left conclude it’s completely unsalvageable, they certainly can’t rip it down and replace it with something totally different.
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Simply tell them that it benefits the French government and the French people the most, or President Macron and billionaire heads of corporations wouldn’t be spearheading the effort. But tell them they are free to not donate if they wish and they are also free to believe whatever garbage they want. Notre Dame is getting rebuilt without them and the French don’t give a hoot in hades for whatever this person’s opinion is on the matter.
The Cathedral is held in trust by the French state for the exclusive use of the church. The Cathedral was a gift of the French King and hundreds of nobelmen. The Catholic Church could never have afforded to build it without the help (and insistence) of the French state, and thus the state shares in the ongoing maintenance of the building.
See my post on this thread, I think it is number 158. Now I have no links to collaborate what I stated other than it is what I’ve read from different sources. I basically summed up what your friend was saying is false. Wel not your friend in particular, just that I get tired of hearing the Catholic Church is rich when that seems not to be the case. What I think he and others are referring to when they say this is the Vatican. Well the Vatican owns very little property and they have an budget of a medium to maybe large size city and they are usually in the red. The other thing they tend to say is well they should sell all the art, it is not the Vatican or the Pope’s to sell. It belongs to the faithful. Also most Church properties and ect are not owned by the Vatican they are owned by the diocese and parish’s I believe. We know how their have been Catholic Churches closing because they can’t afford to have them open. See my post 158, I think that is the number. I think in may have a book with those stats in it I will need to search for it. Please though, I ask you to correct your friend I’m charity of course, so these falsehoods stop going on. God Bless.

In your Parish, in the collection, most of the money stays with in your parish. Some of it goes to the Diocese and I believe even a smaller amount to the Vatican. If I understand this correctly, the Vatican is the City State of the Catholic Church, then you have the Holy See, which is the actual Seat of Peter with his Successor the Popes, then you have ththe Pope who is always the Bishop of the Roman Diocese. I think most non Catholics think it is all the same thing and therefore own everything that is Catholic.
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That’s kinda crazy when you think about it. The Catholic Church is universal, the Universal Churh. Growing the fastest in Asia, Africa and S America. There are majority African American community Catholic Churches in this country. I don’t know why when a tragedy like this happens people got to play politics. Total disclosure I can get pretty political and I’m definitely right of center. However in a tragedy I believe people need to pull together. Just like the days right after 9/11, then sadly, of course eventual it became political. My heart is torn for the members of the churches that were burned here recently in the southern US. Just like I do for the Parishioners of Notre Dame. Catholics are the largest population of Christians by far and we are from every cultural and political background. So of course when this happens to a great Catholic Church, it will make news and people make a big deal out of it because it is important to us. So sad to hear that it is becoming political now. There is a time and place for politics, not in a tragedy. Well that is how I feel anyway, lol.
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The people complaining couldn’t care less about Notre Dame burning. It’s probably a symbol of white oppression or something.
Links from articles I found on Catholic Answers.

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