Whether it “connects to Trump” probably will depend on how afraid and disoriented the latter-day Krylenko, Mueller, can make Manafort or others in similar situations. Get a person sufficiently afraid and/or disoriented and he’ll say anything. After all, the “critical testimony” against Scooter Libby was later recanted.
It’s interesting, and I recommend it to people, that they read accounts of, say, the Promparty Trials at the same time as the US criminal code. The latter is so vague and wide in ambit that no one can be entirely sure he doesn’t violate it at least once/year; perhaps monthly for a business person. One would have hoped the U.S. would not have come to something like this. But that’s where we are.
Any “wishful thinking” on my part is pointless, because my “wish” is that the “special prosecutor” law had never been enacted. From blue dresses to predawn raids on Manafort’s home, it has always been a dreadful thing, and always will be.
I agree totally with liberal Alan Dershowitz on that score. It’s Stalinesque,.