On the Tiber's shore

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While he was understanding on how I could reverse my position on women clergy, he was incredulous at my reversal on homosexuality and contraception.
I’m going through that with my husband as well. He’s incredulous at my reversal on my own position as a minister, as well as on homosexuality (contraception is less of an issue). He actually thinks I’m converting because I’m insecure in my identity as a woman, and he doesn’t seem to understand what I say when I tell him that giving up ordained ministry is not what I want, but that I’m called strongly enough to the Church to accept it as a consequence.

I don’t know what to say either. I said much the same as you, that I couldn’t yet give complete intellectual assent but was ready to accept and obey. To him, it’s particularly difficult to understand that anyone with intellectual faculties could say that, and choose to submit one’s own reasoning to somebody else’s teaching. I don’t really know how to proceed.

On the other hand, I’ve told my mother and a pastor friend who was in the same pastoral training class as me that I was on the way to converting. Both were completely supportive, my pastor friend actually exclaiming, “I totally understand !” That’s a first step which is making me think that maybe, just maybe, telling some of my friends could be easier than I anticipated.
To him, it’s particularly difficult to understand that anyone with intellectual faculties could say that, and choose to submit one’s own reasoning to somebody else’s teaching.
But, isn’t that what being a Christian is all about? If we can submit ourselves to the teachings of Christ surely we can submit ourselves to the teachings of those he placed in authority over us (never mind the fact that the teaching on homosexual sex is not a manmade teaching).
Yes, I think so too. But where he stands now, he contests the “those he placed in authority over us” part - it doesn’t make sense to him.
I wonder how he reconciles Romans 13. In my libertarian days I didn’t like it.
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He reads it in a political way and has no problems with it. He just finds it much easier to think that about political authorities, which ultimately will not bring about the Kingdom and have no power on souls and their salvation, than about spiritual ones.
He is, of course, correct to do so. But when he gets to Tiber’s shore someday, he may see it in a new light.
So happy for you for responding to that call. It takes courage to do this and I am so happy for you.
So, it begins to look like things could, just maybe, be unexpectedly speeding up (as in, a matter of months rather than years).
I’ll wait until some appointments which need to be set up have been set up, and I have a better idea of where this is all going (or not), before I share more.
I’m not sure whether I’m excited or terrified; probably a bit of both.
Hi All;
I just wished to thank everyone on this thread for the manner each of you journey through your walk in faith - seeking the truth in what are some very trying circumstances. I am cradle catholic who is dealing with the reverse issue - where my spouse of 20+ years has chosen to leave the Catholic faith for an evangelical christian denomination. This is a source of deep sadness for me and it is a topic that cannot even be spoken about at home. However, reading each of your experiences here is tremendously uplifting to me and gives me hope the the Lord has His plan for our lives. I love my spouse deeply and do as much as I can to support their walk in faith. Your witness here gives me hope that Gods truth will resolve this difficulty so we can once again worship in unity of our Catholic faith.
God Bless and many prayers for you courageous folk.
Tonight has been difficult. I am so tense I cannot focus and am feeling sick, I am way behind in what I have do to this week, I am exhausted from lack of sleep, and my husband called me a traitor when I told him I was beginning to realize I could not go ahead with the consecration process if I wanted to be honest with myself and with the church.

I could do with some prayers.
Tonight has been difficult. I am so tense I cannot focus and am feeling sick, I am way behind in what I have do to this week, I am exhausted from lack of sleep, and my husband called me a traitor when I told him I was beginning to realize I could not go ahead with the consecration process if I wanted to be honest with myself and with the church.

I could do with some prayers.
You’re in my prayers!
I think my depression shortly after I converted was in part because my life’s beliefs got turned upside down. It somehow triggered my depression, not because I didn’t believe in the Catholic Faith, but either some chemical response in my brain or the devil trying to get at me. I persevered. Be strong and God will guide you.
Emotional stress can definitely manifest as physical symptoms and physical illness can definitely produce emotional symptoms.

This is definitely a rough time for you. You will get through it and you have a great cheering section here to help. Use them and all their prayers. This, too, shall pass. 😇
I am so sorry! I myself have depression AND a neuromuscular disability. Things are hard…

But for me being a Catholic brought me so much peace knowing that God is with me. He didn’t do this to punish me, but He trusted me that I can do this. I don’t blame Him.

You have to remind your husband that Catholics are still Christians. Like Protestants, Catholics profess that Our Lord is our redeemer and the Son of God. Just because we venerate the saints or believe in the Real Presence, it does not mean that we are not Christians. Anglicans and Lutherans believe in the Real Presence…they are still Protestants. Our beliefs are shared in part by other Protestants.

If your husband keeps rejecting you because of this, ask the Saints for help. Blessed Imelda is the patron saint of first communicants. Also St. Edith Stein was a Jewish woman who became a Carmelite nun. They had to make extraordinary moves to love God, no matter the age.

I will be praying for you.
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