On the Tiber's shore

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I agree with you, Reb. I think the whole “ what’s it matter? “ thing is tripe.
Oddbird, you’re a good woman who loves Our Lord. I sympathize with you and I’ll pray for you.
TNMan, just give your wife some time. Once she gets through the change and how it’s making ou a better man; she’ll come around. Don’t push her; let her process and see the good your Faith does for you.
You’re welcome, Oddbird. We all need prayers and we all need support. We humans are, after all; made for community.
I met my friend this afternoon.

As soon as I told him, he teared up and said “I’ve been asking myself the same question my whole life”. At the end of our conversation, we were two Protestants walking by the lake, crying and clutching our Rosaries (about which none of us had dared telling the other until now 😂), and talking about how wonderful Our Lady is.

So, we’re still friends !
I met my friend this afternoon.

As soon as I told him, he teared up and said “I’ve been asking myself the same question my whole life”. At the end of our conversation, we were two Protestants walking by the lake, crying and clutching our Rosaries (about which none of us had dared telling the other until now 😂), and talking about how wonderful Our Lady is.

So, we’re still friends !
@OddBird That’s incredible news. I’m very glad you’ve found some good news in the midst of your trials. God will see you through. I’m starting RCIA this Sunday so know that you are not alone. I will add you to my prayer intentions and hope your husband comes around.

As for my story, I am blessed with an amazing Christian wife. I am the only one entering the Church at this time. After years of personal spiritual darkness and struggles, my wife said this when I told her I planned to become Catholic: “If this is what is needed for you to get closer to God, I support it. Just don’t expect me to convert.” She said this in a nice way, though it may not read that way. We’re both in agreement to allow our children to decide which way to go. I’m still hopeful my wife will one day join me. Fortunately we have an amazing marriage and are truly best friends.
At the end of our conversation, we were two Protestants walking by the lake, crying and clutching our Rosaries (about which none of us had dared telling the other until now 😂), and talking about how wonderful Our Lady is
GOD really works in a mysterious way. I’m so thrilled to hear about the good news.
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@OddBird, @TNMan, @MiserereMei, @Donald_S, and all those who are yearning to return to the Catholic faith, we welcome you with open arms!

I’ll continue to pray for your smooth home coming. 😇😇😇
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IDK…That’s how I was raised. We’re all Christians trying to get to Heaven as best we know how.

I didn’t really even realize there was this whole Catholic vs. Non-Catholic thing until I started going to Mass with my wife (girlfriend at the time) and we kicked off the whole process of trying to get married.
Unless I am mistaken, I don’t have any recourse if my parish of record isn’t returning my calls, isn’t answering my emails, isn’t returning my priest’s calls, and I can’t get to the office, nor do I have anyone who can go to the office on my behalf.

I’m sending out another email, and will try to contact them by phone in a few hours (the office doesn’t open for another three hours), but frankly, I don’t have much hope.

I can’t be re-Baptized. I can’t be re-Confirmed. There are no other options. I’m stuck.
Can you call a neighboring parish that might have some information on why they aren’t responding?
Thank you. That would be the obvious next step, wouldn’t it? I’m sorry, I have depressive tendencies and sometimes can’t see the road ahead.

Yes, the parish my old Father-Confessor serves is just a few minutes from there. I will contact his parish if I don’t hear anything after this attempt.

-What about family photos? Cards sent for your Baptism? Mention in a family Bible? Maybe not from your parents’ mementos, but what about other older relatives or their children? If it was a Catholic community, was it the custom for people to post christening notices in the newspaper? Some do.

If push goes to shove, or as a last resort, maybe send a query to the bishop, with email copies?

Best wishes! You have a bunch of people praying for you!

Edited to add: Sometimes a Baptismal dress is kept in a cedar chest or foot locker, along with other keepsakes.Did your mother or grandmother keep a baby book for you?
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Thank you for the prayers.

I was a convert and came into the Church alone. I was baptized in a Baptist church when I was 10 years old or so. Their records were destroyed and I relied on an affidavit from their secretary, who was there, as my proof when I went through RCIA.

The only physical proof I have available to me is the Certificate of Full Communion I received from my parish of record in 2014. (Which I then used as proof of baptism to leave the Church and become Lutheran.) I suppose they would issue a new one when they finally send me something.

I don’t have anything other than these. I live in a different diocese than the one in which I was Confirmed.

If you hear little noises in the night, it’s probably the devil tap-dancing. 🤣

Seriously, though, Satan is real, and is never happy to see a convert or revert.

Just keep at it; things finally work out.

One other thought occurred to me. If you could track down anyone else who was baptised when you were, perhaps they’d be gracious enough to write a letter to that effect.

Hmmmm. . . . Or, if you could latch onto their email address or Facebook, you might contact them, saying that you were just reminiscing about that day and ask what they can remember. Their answer shoud suffice, eliminating the need to ask for a letter.
If you hear little noises in the night, it’s probably the devil tap-dancing.
Not just at night, but throughout the day as well! As time has passed since my decision to return to the Church, my depression has flared up and I have been getting more and more discouraged when attempting prayer.

However, I finally just got into contact with the appropriate person at my parish of record. They said they’d be sending the necessary documents as soon as they locate them.
Acht nein! He’s foiled again! He won’t stop, you know, until he’s convinced that your faith is unshakeable.

But now you’re on the Church’s radar, so you’re finally getting somewhere!
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