I guess her point is that a mvement wants to promote the dignity of women and wants to protect them from sexual abuse or assault should not be advocating or normalizing female promiscuity
Female promiscuity is, however, utterly irrelevant. Even an ardent prostitute does not deserve to be raped, and I think everyone here agrees with that.
When being too sexually attractive–even to the point of becoming an exhibitionist or a prostitute!–becomes an excuse
to any degree whatsoever for sexual assault, we are giving permission for another Sodom and Gomorrah.
No, the only excuse defense for these charges is the very real problem of the “retrospective no,”–the case where someone agrees to sexual activity and then later claims to have not given consent in retrospect, coming up with reasons that their consent should not have been believed by their sexual partner or reasons the partner ought to have seen his or her bids for agreement as coercive.
None of this would be an issue if people simply avoided sex outside of marriage, but there is such a thing as justice in assessing culpability, even within an objectively immoral situation, when the interchange took place between adults
and neither was in a position of trust or power over the other. Persons in a position of trust or power have the added responsibility to avoid exploiting or misusing their position to take advantage of people under them or who ought to be able to trust them.
The #MeToo movement is about speaking up about those who misuse a position of power. It is about bosses or stars who banked on the maxim that: “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
I don’t know about everyone else, but I was actually surprised at the brazenness and the habitual offenses of some of these predators, such as Charlie Rose’s staff saying, “Oh, that is just Charlie being Charlie” or Matt Lauer using the door lock that activated from his desk (which was actually installed for other reasons by previous occupants of the space) to prevent anyone from entering his office unannounced when he was alone with a woman inside. No. That kind of thing should never have been tolerated and it is a good thing to be very clear that people are being told to speak up when the pretended norms that the public was lead to believe were in place are violated.