Outspoken opponent of the gay agenda wins presidential election in Poland

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pnewton said:
Real police do not travel in cognito into a jurisdiction that is not theirs to arrest people and throw them into unmarked vans.
Yes, real police do this. Never heard of plain clothes detectives or unmarked police cars? Sheesh.
pnewton said:
This whole incident is way too brown-shirt for me.
The part about street thugs like the original brown shirts?

I’m dismayed that you’re so easily mislead or very mendacious. You can’t possibly be even a very liberal Catholic.
You can have the freedom to hate what gay people do. But also understand that gay people have the freedom to do what they do sexually, including pushing for normalization of their behavior. They even have the freedom to call you bigoted, as you do to call them immoral and protest the movement to normalize their behavior.

Just as on the religious front, you have the freedom to evangelize; but others have the freedom to resist your evangelization.

I do not believe gay people encourage others to ‘explore their gay side.’

This tactic is from 1998. We’re way past the “live and let live” stage of deception.
  1. Yes. Gay sex and events are now encouraged at American schools.
  2. People who resist gay evangelization are “cancelled” or charged with hate crimes, or discrimination suits.
My previous main point was that it is just a matter of common courtesy to be respectful of others’ points of view even though one might strongly disagree.
It’s kind of amazing that if a group organizes itself by what sin they commit (even more so, what they do in the bedroom) that it can begin to claim oppression because they are sinners.

It’s like the Mafia being pursued by the organized crime unit of law enforcement is the unjust oppression of a group. Poor babies.
having your rights denied for something you can’t control
What rights are being denied them? Christians take a more optimistic view that behavior can always be controlled by God’s grace and working on self-mastery. Pedophiles could use the same reasoning. That it’s something they can’t control. That reasoning is not a good argument because it can be applied to all sorts of immoral behavior.
That’s where Poland is going at this point.
Being SSA is way different than acting on it. If one is SSA why do they have to declare it to anyone? If one does it is to serve an agenda. And yes, that agenda is being served to innocent children.
Oh, so now morality is judged on whether the participating parties consent to the immoral behavior?

What if a child consents?
LGBTQ+ representation is a good thing for youth who are feeling out of place because of their own attractions. Showing that it is normal to feel that way is a good thing. There’s a reason the suicide rate for LGBTQ+ youth is so high.
There is hormonal confusion that usually resolves itself by early twenties. It is child abuse to encourage experimenting with this. Encouraging it is most damaging. Deep down everyone knows it is not normal. No matter how hard the lobby works to normalize it, it will never succeed.
Do not take this to mean that a young person cannot understand that they aren’t the same as others, but they’re still too young to understand what sex actually is.
Then why promote the agenda at an early age? There are groups and you know who they are lobbying to lower the age of consent.

BTW, consent does not mean it is right.
Wait, so you’re saying that everyone is actually just straight and the gay lobby (spooky) just convinces young people that they’re gay because they feel attracted to the same sex?
Human design is to be straight. Have you ever read the 4 Loves by CS Lewis?
What do you mean promote the agenda ? You mean showing that some other kids have two moms or two dads? The LGBTQ+ movement does not lobby to lower the age of consent.
That is one part of it. Every child has a right to their two biological parents.

Uh, yes they do…
But homosexuals exist so apparently not everyone is straight.
Around 1-2%. The current understanding is that it is a result of early childhood trauma. There is not gay gene. There may be an epigenetic component, but epigenetic inheritance is from lifestyle and runs through 2 or 3 generations.
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