on my body, I’d look like a bag of door knobs, on my daughter size 3 body, she would look good. Leather isn’t good for pants anyway…not to mention tight…to darn hot. I would be afraid I’d start a fire, every time I took a step.
It would take 3 Holstiens to make one pair for me anyway…and I’d rather have mine on the grill with A1 sauce. My daughter, thank goodness, never went for the mid drift tops, or the over tight pants. At 21 she does take pride in the way she dresses…I know women who do wear tight clothes with a Rosie O body, looks ridiculas and they only embarass themselves (yes, at mass)…as for ok, not my call…ridiculas…you bet. But our culture does play a big role in what we wear, just like some African cultures play a role in what they “don’t” wear. Eurpeons, as a rule are not as Puritanical as the US…they will cover at the Vatican…at churches…but have you seen some of their commericials? geez louise…oh, now I sound like you all…better hush up now…yep…totally off topic…too much anti histimine…delerium is setting in.
the woman the OP had seen (that we all did not) will probably not come back, if she does, she won’t be wearing the pants or any pants (a dress more likely)…