pasted on skin tight pants!

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i was disgusted as i stated before because of the way she dressed and the complete lack of respect for our Lord. The people that saw her were shocked and she giggled about the guys gawking at her. that is complete disdain for our Lord, so you tell me, do you think Christ was happy about it?
Do your hubby take the guys that “gawked” aside and tell them this is NOT how christian men react?
Dismayed perhaps, but “more disgusted than I have ever been in my entire life”?! A bit extreme, no? There are more things going on in the world that are far more worthy of our disgust than one woman’s attire.
no because he was on his way out before i left the church he had to start the car as it was cold and he needed to warm the car up. he only saw the woman when she walked by our car when i had gotten in. and i told him what happened and he only shook his head.
Really? It’s funny. I’ve been trying to think what had disgusted me most in my life. The AIDS pandemic I think - and how people respond. Or maybe that a child dies of poverty every six seconds. I can’t say it’s how someone dresses. But then I worked on a project with prostitutes a few years back, and it’s funny how, when I looked into their eyes, and heard their stories, I saw Christ there, in all his brokenness.

This isn’t a forum I post on, and I respect that you have different understandings of the Mass and worship, but I was drawn by the title on the main list. I just wonder, who did God see when he looked at her? Someone dressed disrespectfully? Or his kid who hadn’t come to visit in a long time, and he was delighted to see?
I had a friend who was a prostitue and I, too, felt sorrow for her. But Marilina is simply enforcing the rules in her church. From her post it doesn’t sound like the woman was bothered. Afterall, she laughed Marlina off.

Yes, God sees the broken person inside the prostitue and loves them but guess what, he also expects them to change their ways.As Christians we should give loving support to such people but that support includes teaching the person not to sin. ANd that means that we have to say, ‘What you are doing is sinful and here is a better way for you to act.’

If you do not do this, you are not showing CHristian charity. You are only showing some weak, modern, wishy washy concept of pity.

Besides Marilina did not say the young woman was a prostitute and we are all being disrespectful to suggest that the woman was one.
Dismayed perhaps, but “more disgusted than I have ever been in my entire life”?! A bit extreme, no? There are more things going on in the world that are far more worthy of our disgust than one woman’s attire.
your right of course. but it was a reaction that is all.
i was disgusted as i stated before because of the way she dressed and the complete lack of respect for our Lord. The people that saw her were shocked and she giggled about the guys gawking at her. that is complete disdain for our Lord, so you tell me, do you think Christ was happy about it?
You did nothing wrongeven Father says so.😃
Some posters feel it is acceptable to “bate” you and that is what most posts here are…😦
There is no need to explain yourself (over and over again to this small group of folks) most folks it would seem just dont get it!
But do not feel disheartend MANY of us do get it and can understand your concern, saddness etc!
no because he was on his way out before i left the church he had to start the car as it was cold and he needed to warm the car up. he only saw the woman when she walked by our car when i had gotten in. and i told him what happened and he only shook his head.
Well did anyone take the men aside to remind them that this is not how Christian Men react?
i have no idea honestly. i walked to the car after i had spoken with her. perhaps since father knows about it now, that he might speak about something like it in a homily next week?
You did nothing wrongeven Father says so.😃
Some posters feel it is acceptable to “bate” you and that is what most posts here are…😦
There is no need to explain yourself (over and over again to this small group of folks) most folks it would seem just dont get it!
But do not feel disheartend MANY of us do get it and can understand your concern, saddness etc!
I understand… I just wonder if the men were equally treated.

From what I gather there were 2 acts of disrespect to God.
  1. the woman’s attire
  2. the men’s reactions
I just wanted to know if the men were also politely reminded of this.
There’s nothing wrong with kindly taking a woman aside who is dressed like a prostitute in Church and explaining that it is innapropriate to do so. People getting on the OP are just trying to start trouble IMO. There’s nothing unbiblical or wrong with correcting obvious lapses in morals of fellow believers, nothing nada…
There’s nothing wrong with kindly taking a woman aside who is dressed like a prostitute in Church and explaining that it is innapropriate to do so. People getting on the OP are just trying to start trouble IMO. There’s nothing unbiblical or wrong with correcting obvious lapses in morals of fellow believers, nothing nada…
have to agree…
but then that is just my own humble opinion!
I understand… I just wonder if the men were equally treated.

From what I gather there were 2 acts of disrespect to God.
  1. the woman’s attire
  2. the men’s reactions
I just wanted to know if the men were also politely reminded of this.
honestly, i don’t know. we had to leave as my health was bad.
i would hope so because that would be a good idea.
What say I now? I still maintain that it was rude and arrogant. Regardless of what Father might say.

Sorry - rude is rude.

I do not know if what she did was rude and arrogant, and I am not going to debate it. We already heard opinions for both sides, and I am not her to defend Marilena. I just want to clarify a couple of points.

What I want to make sure is that we understand that arrogant is associated with the intention of the act. Reading that post I was initially confused by the intention and I am still not 100% sure, but again I do not read minds.

Rudeness is not defined by what we do but by how we do things. If it were defined by what we do, then Marilena was rude in doing that, and the Pope is rude for attacking homosexual couples. If she did it (independently of how she describes her action now) in a way not to attract more attention to the woman and she did it in a way where it was clear that is was out of respect for God and concern about the woman spiritual well being than probably she was not rude.

If a say something to a person and the individual is embarrassed because of what I say, that does not automatically imply that I am being rude. That simply says that the person found himself in an unfamiliar situation and he did not know how to react. Personally, I will not stop being nice to someone because the might be embarrassed given the fact that they are not used to human warmth. They will get used to it.
There’s nothing wrong with kindly taking a woman aside who is dressed like a prostitute in Church and explaining that it is innapropriate to do so. People getting on the OP are just trying to start trouble IMO. There’s nothing unbiblical or wrong with correcting obvious lapses in morals of fellow believers, nothing nada…
Right, which means the men that “qawked” should of been equally reminded of this.

To be honest, I don’t know which is worst.

The women’s dress or the men’s behavior right after they all just recieved Christ. It’s my opinion it’s equal.

So l’m just wondering why no body saw fit to say something to the men.
Really? It’s funny. I’ve been trying to think what had disgusted me most in my life. The AIDS pandemic I think - and how people respond. Or maybe that a child dies of poverty every six seconds. ** I can’t say it’s how someone dresses. **But then I worked on a project with prostitutes a few years back, and it’s funny how, when I looked into their eyes, and heard their stories, I saw Christ there, in all his brokenness.

This isn’t a forum I post on, and I respect that you have different understandings of the Mass and worship, but I was drawn by the title on the main list. I just wonder, who did God see when he looked at her? Someone dressed disrespectfully? Or his kid who hadn’t come to visit in a long time, and he was delighted to see?

thank you for reminding us that there are worse things outside the fishbowl that need our attention…
Right, which means the men that “qawked” should of been equally reminded of this.

To be honest, I don’t know which is worst.

The women’s dress or the men’s behavior right after they all just recieved Christ. It’s my opinion it’s equal. (or maybe the men’s reactions are worst, seeing it’s unclear if the women in question recieved Christ)

So l’m just wondering why no body saw fit to say something to the men.
I understand… I just wonder if the men were equally treated.

From what I gather there were 2 acts of disrespect to God.
  1. the woman’s attire
  2. the men’s reactions
I just wanted to know if the men were also politely reminded of this.
Very good observation Mommy of 2!

But I think that being that the OP is female it would be inappropriate of her to say anything. Perhaps the priest can bring up the true meaning of modesty in his next homily. Afterall Modesty isn’t simply a matter of dress, it includes action also.
If a say something to a person and the individual is embarrassed because of what I say, that does not automatically imply that I am being rude. That simply says that the person found himself in an unfamiliar situation and he did not know how to react. Personally, I will not stop being nice to someone because the might be embarrassed given the fact that they are not used to human warmth. They will get used to it.
And as I said before, I would really rather have another woman talk to me than the priest.

OH MY would I be embarrassed!
I understand… I just wonder if the men were equally treated.

From what I gather there were 2 acts of disrespect to God.
  1. the woman’s attire
  2. the men’s reactions
I just wanted to know if the men were also politely reminded of this.
THIS IS WHAT I WAS GETTING AT! About the jealousy, ok i understand you werent jealous! point taken! But Im sure that these men were sinning much worse than the woman. She may not have even known what she was doing! These men are practicing Catholics and DO know better! But im sure they got an elbow to the side by their wives! Are you going to take note on the men that were sinning and chastize them next sunday? Of course not, this is the double standard in America even within the Catholic Church. Women act like hookers, and the men-oh they are just men acting like men!
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