You bring up several interesting points throughout your post. Of course all languages have been used for profanity and of course English has been used to write glorious works of literature. I am not really defending the choice of Latin as *the *sacred language of all time - certainly eastern churches with their respective traditions of Greek and Aramaic are acceptable. Rather, I am concerned with one’s disposition. Consider attire. God doesn’t care about clothes any more than he cares about dirt or chairs. But if I picked up a chair and threw it at someone, He’s going to care about the chair a great deal. Its never about the things of this world, its what we do with them that matters to God. Dressing up for Mass is imperative not because God cares about flip-flops or torn jeans, but rather clothes are important to human beings - we dress up to meet important people like Presidents and Kings. Thus, when we strive to look our best for Mass, God cares not because of the clothes on our back, but rather the disposition of our hearts made manifest through out actions. This is why the poor man that wears his best torn jeans and finest muddied shoes has shown more reference to God than the millionaire that walks into mass with a crisp polo shirt, shorts, and loafers.
Language is the same way. God couldn’t care two-flips about Latin as a language. But what He will certainly care about is that in the year 2006, I honor God with a tongue not used to honor anyone else and I speak to God as I would speak to no one else because He is God, and God *certainly *cares about that. And I’m not saying Latin necessarily has to be the language of choice. Certainly Greek and Aramaic are wonderful in achieving this end. However, as a Catholic in the Roman Rite, Latin is important to me because it is the lanugage of my several thousand year old family - a family that includes St. Augustine, St. Therese of Liseaux, St. Francis de Sales, etc.
The great irony of this age of liberalism and excessive multi-culturism in the Church is that people will go out of their way to honor and respect every other culture in the world except our own. Apparently *our *culture is worth throwing away.