Pope Francis Must Resign: Archbishop Vigano

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I pray this isn’t true, but honestly my heart and head tell me that it is. We will have to see how the Vatican responds.
We had a challenging homily tonight, our Priest ended his homily by asking if we are leaving or staying; and the second reading - “Where else can we go?” Now I read this. Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Now is time to pray and seek the path of God. It may very well be Pope Francis is innocent although I’m not very hopeful at this point honestly. You all are right. Throughout history we have had some very bad popes. Something more to ponder and pray about
Pope Francis could be guilty of very grave sins if these allegations are true. But that’s still no reason for him to resign or abdicate. If he is guilty, he must repent, confess and then he should do penance commensurate for the sins he had committed. Our Lord will forgive anyone, including a Pope, who is truly repentant about any sins a person chose to commit.

And if our Lord is willing to forgive Pope Francis, so should we. Everyone can be redeemed, even a Pope who might have fallen into grave sin.
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If the Church as the Body of Christ is God’s household - His family - such scandal could only occur with a total cmuunication breakdown & major family dysfunction.

The evil must be rooted out & purged.

These wolves in sheep’s clothing must be handed over to Satan - arrested - let them deal with the consequences of their scandalous actions.

Bring healing to those hurt by these evil doers.

Separate the offenders from the victims. Do not traumatized them anymore.

The whole Church has been hurt by all of this drama. Root out the Satanists who’ve infiltrated the Church & expose them - exorcise them - cast them out.

The shepherds have been stricken, & the innocent ones are suffering because of the abuses of these charlatans.

This is emense betrayal…
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Why publish this now instead of June 2013?
I find the clue being in the “Ex” part. Pope Francis has been beset by temperamental clergy who have been replaced and have struck back at him since the beginning of his papacy. It may be that what these clergy have said may be true and the Pope is a bad person. Or it may be the opposite is true. It may be neither.

I do know this. I see which of these clergy are garnering press and living as royalty, and I know the lifestyle Pope Francis has led, and has made the standard in Rome. The Vatican is not operated with the posh lifestyle of the past. Which ever side is true, it should be expected that some used to a soft life would strike back at him.
I pray this isn’t true, but honestly my heart and head tell me that it is.
I get that. My sense is just the opposite, yet let’s face it. It is too soon to know, if we ever do. Until then, to avoid rash judgment, both sides must be given the benefit of the doubt.
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We need to pray for Vigano. He will be attacked mercilessly now. It has already begun.
It really shouldn’t matter why he waited to now, whether it be personal, political or spiritual. One way or the other this crap needs to be exposed and needs to be exposed now.
This is very serious information being provided by a very solid and serious source.
The best time to tell was yesterday, the next best time to tell is today!
Could be that a man in the later years of his life lays awake in the early hours of the morning contemplating standing before Jesus.
And he is part of this story anyway. He isn’ t denying it.
We know very little.
We do not know if what is known today about Mc Carrick is what what was known then. That might explain why he didn t overturn the tables then. But we do not know.
Not even exactly what Mons.Vignano has written but snippets.
Better to hit the brakes a bit instead of turning a fan that throws a lot of persons under the bus without any basis on our part.
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MapleLeaf1 said:
Well this might get interesting. I think parts of the letter are stained by bias a bit and some of it is conjecture, but most of the claims should be taken seriously.
Some of it seems very much like a testimony to actual events. And then there are other things that seem like speculation or hearsay. I’m curious as to why he is presenting this information now. Is he concerned that the Vatican will take no real action in response to the grand jury report from Pennsylvania?
I’m happy to see that Benedict is somewhat vindicated, and disappointed to hear anything about Cardinal Ouellet. I also feel sorry for Archbishop Chaput if half this stuff is true.
This part of his statement felt like gossip, if I’m honest. I absolutely love Archbishop Chaput, was heartbroken when he left Denver, and was shocked when he was not made a Cardinal. But Vigano’s reporting of these conversations with Pope Francis and with McCarrick (and who spoke of ideologizing first) just isn’t as trustworthy, in my opinion, as other sections of his testimony.

All that being said, Vigano’s testimony is deeply disturbing. I will continue to pray and fast for our Church, her leaders, and those of us in the pews.
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I didn’t see anything about Cdls. Oullette or Chaput. What are you referring to?
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I am seriously considering Orthodox. Maybe the path I have been praying for God to show me is that they have been the true church all along. This is not happening immediately. I am still praying and fasting.
Just because the devil and all the fallen angels are slamming against the Church and have their agents ensconced in the clergy and the laity, does not mean you leave the Church. Furthermore, to reduce one’s faith to mere religious practice rather than the complete transformation of heart is to fall prey to the devil, who also deceived the very religious Pharisees who fasted, and spent all day long in the temple doing religious things.

Among the wheat there will always be weeds, and among the sheep there will always be wolves, and wolves masquerading as sheep. This is what the Bible predicts would be in every generation since the beginning of the Church.

The role of the Catholic laity is to be Eucharistic vessels of reparation for the sins of the world for the conversion of sinners, not to run and hide to seek personal sanctification apart from the world. Focus on demolishing your old self and fighting the spiritual battle like a real warrior, and not be tempted to go AWOL. The goal of Satan is to divide people against one another, especially divide the Church, so the devil targets the True Church.

Here are two short talks by Archbishop Sheen which you should really reflect on:

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