The defrocking is not what the Holy Father promised. He said there would be a review of the files, no less than Cardinal O’Malley has recently stated that the results of that review need to be releasef
I do not think we are talking past each other but both quite frankly coming from different experiences…and both real and sincere.but maybe we are talking past each other.
I get your general point here but it’s worrisome that responsibility for changing the diseased culture of the Church might be placed with those who themselves are victims, parents of victims, etc.We are living here and now, and our response, awareness and reaction, is not what it was decades ago.
See something? Report it. Know something ? Report it.
Do not leave to “ somebody” what is my responsiblity…
Perhaps the Vatican knows something we don’t…Why one is okay to discuss, but the other is not?
It boils down to avoiding the occasion of sin. Put a bunch of young homosexual men together at their peak sexual years, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what is likely to happen.I’m saying that those with SSA should not be allowed in the seminaries to start with. The church obviously has no proper means to control them in any way shape or form.
I believe that “non-deep seated” means more like situational homosexuality, for instance that happens among all-male prison populations, or in some cases, homosexual experimentation in one’s younger years that didn’t “take” as it were. It means essentially that in normal circumstances they are, in fact, heterosexual.I’ve always wondered about that term, “deep-seated.” Is there such a thing as “shallow-seated” homosexual tendencies?
I believe it is a red flag according to the current guidelines. Not an absolute refusal, but a situation that requires further investigation.And the latter scenario ought to be a red flag, depending on the age when it took place.
Edit, I wasn’t sure what “adolescence not yet superseded” meant, so I looked up the same document in my native French. It means, essentially, adolescence not yet completed.Different, however, would be the case in which one were dealing with homosexual tendencies that were only the expression of a transitory problem - for example, that of an adolescence not yet superseded. Nevertheless, such tendencies must be clearly overcome at least three years before ordination to the diaconate.