Possible Trump Win?

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The country is definitely NOT the same kind of conservative it was when I was a youth. In those days, Trump would have never been considered a conservative, nor a Republican. He would never have been running for President, let alone be President. At the same time, the Democratic party has shifted dramatically from liberal to leftist. Both parties are now radicalized, especially their leaders. There is still, however, a group of Americans who are centrists, right-center, and left-center. My concern is that this group is also dwindling, so that in a generation or two, we will have two extremist groups of Americans with no center at all, and truly a country divided against itself.
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I agree with everything here except that young people are afraid of catching the coronavirus. Most of them have no such fears. They are focused on partying and online activities rather than taking the virus seriously. There are, of course, exceptions, particularly in minority communities where the virus has hit most hard.
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they are not as complimentary of their most recent students abilities and preparation for higher education
Preparation and maturity for college are entirely different than what has been alleged. I’m aware of colleges using methods discussed in this thread for stress relief (which is, and always has been, a problem for students), but entirely unaware that of any college that made exams optional because Trump won in 2016, or that students are shell shocked whenever someone comes by expressing views that are different than their own.

College campuses, at their best, are amazing places. They are among the few places in our society in which people from all walks of life mix on vaguely equal terms, and our college students are far, far better at handling that than the rest of our society.
Early in-person voting in Florida is no doubt part of those spiritual tea leaves. I’m calling the election now: Trump wins by 1.0 percentage point due to Midwest turnout of loyal Republican farmers and others. The key reason for the win: FRACKING.

Of course, I could be wrong.
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It is hard to tell … the news at the time was full of screaming and distressed people …

Not really sure about cancelled exams but this articles states some were postponed … I know where I worked - they held special meetings to comfort employees and reassure them … I chose not to attend and one deputy director in my Unit [my supervisor’s supervisor] mentioned to me that he left in disgust at the angst and carrying on by employees due to the election results … so the idea of even younger and more immature people on college campuses being unable to cope is not far fetched … I witnessed it among co-workers in my own work place.

Having dealt with stressful work and life experiences in my life - this type of hysteria made no sense to me - but it is real
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To be fair, graduate school is a whole other ball game compared to college. That level of infantilization would never fly at my pharmacy school and it is a fair less prestigious college of pharmacy than my undergrad was as an undergrad. The kind of folks that get this bent out of shape over election results most likely won’t make it to graduate school. However, college is kind of treated like an extended adolescence.
But I unblocked it through my anti-virus software Trend Micro. Is there somewhere else I need to unblock it? I checked the Windows security programs and didn’t see anything pertaining to ad blocking.
But I unblocked it through my anti-virus software Trend Micro. Is there somewhere else I need to unblock it?
This happened to me, as well. I have an ad blocker, and I enabled unblocking of Catholic Answers. When I notified my software support about it, they confirmed that this website was indeed unblocked. After a few back and forth attempts to straighten this out, I finally got back on line here. I took a “print screen” shot of my program showing that CA is unblocked.

Jon_Sorensen is the person I sent an email to, and he said the webmaster would look into it. I did not need to become a Patron in order to use CA. May you soon get back on line.
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I don’t like his support for fracking, I don’t like the way he belittles certain people, I don’t like his mentality on the Corona Virus (herd mentality aka “survival of the fittest”). Having said that I do like his like his stand for politically incorrect things such as the Pro-Life movement and his stand against the the US’s bizarre obsession with LGBT rights and whims (he seems to be more in line with the Catholic Church than alot of Catholics are). He kind of reminds me of what Teddy Roosevelt was like.
Trump would have never been considered a conservative, nor a Republica
Our sexually licentious society and a general decline in standards and morals can be blamed for that. In 20 years conservative will be defending same sex marriage because all they “conserve” is yesterday’s progressivism.
I agree with everything here except that young people are afraid of catching the coronavirus. Most of them have no such fears. They are focused on partying and online activities rather than taking the virus seriously. There are, of course, exceptions, particularly in minority communities where the virus has hit most hard.
I can see your point. My viewpoint is no doubt prejudiced because we have college students interning with us in the lab (only 2, just like last year. We used to have 6-10 students interning, but interest in majoring in medical technology has definitely declined due to low salaries and weekend work for all technologists, and 2nd/3rd shift work almost a given for new hires). These students are quite fearful of COVID-19, believe every scare story they hear, and are assiduous about wearing their PPE, unlike the techs who have a tendency to pull the mask off when we are talking to someone or are on the phone.
Democratic party has shifted dramatically from liberal to leftist.
With all due respect I have a bit of trouble with this. As a Canadian, I can say they are no farther to the “left” than even a Conservative Canadian government.

We are by no means « socialist ». The means of production are not in government hands, the stock market churns along, people own plenty of private property, heck we even have guns.

Even our “socialist” medicine isn’t really. It is really a single-payer system. Private insurance still exists to fill in the gaps, and first line medicine and doctors are largely in the hands of private enterprise. Doctors are self-employed, and first line medicine is largely still carried out in private clinics. While the majority of their income is from the state on a fee-for-service basis, they still derive a non-negligible portion of their income from non-covered services such as insurance or employment medicals. Hospitals are publicly owned and run though. Some clinics opt out of the system which is allowed and bill patients directly.

I doubt the Democrats would go much further left than this so in my mind I have to take “leftist” with a grain of salt. 😉
It might sound offensive, but I spent the good part of the last decade working directly with college students. They do play doh. They do legos. They do coloring books. And as a whole, they can’t handle anything in the way of stress or conflict. They scare me. 🤣 😬
They scare me.
Less competition in the workplace.
Touche! 😄
The figure that I saw was a 10 to 12 percent probability that he could win, so yes, not impossible.
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