My family needs your prayers! My brother from my dad’s 1st marriage has bought my parents house and built them a small “In-law” house in the back yard. This would allow my dad and mom to live together and not have to work again. The equity they had in thier house was used to build the small house in the back. Two months after they moved in the Lord took my dad back home. He was 76. My mom is only 55 and still lives there. The brother who helped them out is living a life of sin as a homosexual. I love him as much as I do any of my other 4 brothers and sister. The problem is his partner. His partner is very mean and deceitful to my mom. Well, today, they told my mom that she will be gitting her 40K soon, since they are selling the house and moving back to CA. They, (yes my bro too) were very mean and rude to my mom. She called me and wept on the phone to me. She is in pain that she is being torn away from her “Son.” After my dad’s 1st wife passed away, my mom had a hard time accepting my bro’s life style. It wasn’t till she became pregnant with her own child that she realized, “If my baby was to be gay I would still love him/her!” Since then she has accepted my 1/2 bro as her own and has loved him as such. Mom and dad would have been married 33 years this year. So she has pretty much raised him. Well, my bro and his partner told my mom that they will be glad to have her out of their lives! Mom replied to his partner, “I will be relieved to not live under your tyrany any more. The thing that hurts me most is that you are tearing me and my son apart!” Then my bro looked at her and said, “Ha! like you are going to miss me, please!” As you may know, I am in the Air Force and live 1300 miles away from mom. My other bro’s and sis are not ready to take mom in. Mom does not want to move this far away from her other grandchildren to live with us. Please pray for my mom, she is feeling like she is “Homeless.” Also pray for me as I am going to ask to be reasigned closer to “Home” to let mom live with us and be close enough to the others. This is not the family my dad and mom raised! Ever since his passing my bro and his partner have been nothing but emil to mom, knowing she could not afford to move out and forfit the money she had in the house. Pray that my family will again come together as the strong Catholic family my dad and mom raised! Pray for my reasignment and that my own family will be able to endure the change of having Mama live with us. It will be a small strain on our marriage and life but we are willing to sacifice for the sake of mom. God bless you all!