Premarital Sex - Regret

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My boyfriend and I have had sex although we do not anymore and are waiting until we marry before continuing sexual relations. (my decision which is sometimes difficult to enforce!).

The reason why I think I have had sex before marriage is because I grew up with so many conflicting views of it. I was raised Catholic and taught that sex was evil and to be avoided at all costs. I never learned the loving nature of a full relationship, I was just told that sex was wrong, period. Never any discussions about why or when it may be right.

Now take the social aspect (I’m nearly 26). I grew up in a society where promiscuity was the norm (although it is even worse now) and all my peers were having sexual relations at a young age. In my Catholic schools, we were not allowed to talk about sex, had no sexual education until we were 14 years old (by which time many of the students had already had sex) and were generally given the “forbidden fruit” image.

The reason why this is so harmful, is because I never understood the importance of sex in a loving relationship and the damage it can do outside of that. I was just told that sex was wrong with no explanation. Sex was something I was protected from. I was never allowed to watch films with any romantic elements, even the ones I was more than old enough to. So I grew up with a warped image of sex as being an evil of society. As a result I have slept with several people before my present partner.

In some senses I don’t regret it, as every experience I have ever had makes me who I am today. But if I had learned the value of sex I would have known not to sleep with the maybes and waited for my current partner who I know is the one. And although we are both christians and have slept together outside of marriage and we know this is wrong, in my heart I am committed to him for ever so for me it is like we are already married (The reasons why we are not are complicated and personal)
I was lonely and wanted to feel loved … I was raised in a non-religious family where chastity wasn’t valued (I myself was born out of wedlock) … I was a fairly attractive girl with no sense of self-worth whatsoever … you see where this is going. 😦

I slept with my husband (who was far from my first) and lived with him before we were married. I had converted when I was 17 but “fell off the wagon,” so to speak, in college. I still considered myself Catholic, but I wasn’t a good one, and I knew it. Anyway, when we were engaged, I underwent a reconversion and wanted to truly understand the tenants of my faith, and live by them. He was not thrilled about this, but understood it was important to me and agreed.

Moving out wasn’t an option, financially – we had bought a house – so we remained chaste until our wedding (which was about 5 months away at that point). I am so happy that we did.

The thing that makes me saddest, other than our immorality, was that being married didn’t give me the joy that it did my friends who had waited their whole lives to have sex and to live together. Though we’d had a wedding, nothing FELT different. (Well, other than that we could have sex again, but we’d done that before…)
When I was a teen there was a lot of pressure to have sex and virtually nothing to discourage or stop it. Far as I know it was very common in my high school. Many girls were on the pill thanks to Planned Parenthood’s very effective marketing campaign. I remember the wink and nod “If you can’t be good be careful!”
Of course no protection against STDs but shoot why worry about those dirty little details?

I will say that the girls who were raised by religious and strict parents were more chaste as a group than the ones who were less well supervised, allowed to go out on ‘car dates’ at 15 or 16. My parents didn’t pay the slightest attention to what I was doing as long as I made curfew.

Lisa N
Yes I had premarital sex (with only one person who is now my husband). Sex was never mentioned in my house. I knew that I was expected not to. My relationship with my parents was so bad as a teen I doubt even if they talked to me about it that I would have paid any attention to to them. School sex ed was basically this is how you do it, where to get birthcontrol, here’s the number of planned parenthood if you need an abortion (which by the way I have always been opossed to since I found out what it was.) Catechism was let’s all be nice and love each other -no church doctrine at all.
I loved my husband (then boyfriend) deeply and felt since we loved each other it was ok.
My husband had a long history of promiscuity, starting with his babysitter in gradeschool. His dad kept pornos in the video cabinet, and his mom gave him condoms after she caught him making out with a girl. He knew he was born out of wedlock, and his mother felt it was hypocritical to discourage premarital sex.
So with that kind of background - the odds were pretty slim of making it to the alter a virgin.
It’s hard to use the word regret because i have good memories of those times. That being said, if I had been raised with a proper understanding of marital intimacy - yes I would have waited. I do remember one time when my husband and I had broke while dating and I remember feeling deep regret because I had lost something that I could no longer give to anyone alse. I think my feelings would be very different if I did not end up married to my husband. I think it would pain me very much to know I could not give all of myself to my future husband.
As far as my husbands history, it bothered me for many years after we were married and because of his promicuous past I definately think it was a big contributing factor to an occasion of infidelity that occured early in our marriage. The sacredness of marital intimacy is something has been ingrained over time, as part of his conversion (and my re-conversion) process. It took time to undo the damage that had been done.

I think age appropriate education in light of the teachings of the church is important to todays teens. They can’t just be told you can’t do this, they need to know why it’s so much better if they wait. And what a beautiful gift purity is.
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither** fornicators**, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals. (1 Cor 6:9)
I know that
Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. (Hebrews 13:34)
And I know that too

I hold marriage I very high esteem
I guess the St. Paul and the writer of Hebrews are uncharitable as well?
St. Paul….bless his heart……had some issues
He makes no qualification about WHICH fornicators are mortally sinning. He states very clearly that fornication is wrong.
I never said it wasn’t sinful
I just said that I had no regrets
Steve Andersen:
I never said it wasn’t sinful
I just said that I had no regrets
Interesting, Steve. How do you expect to be forgiven for your sins if you don’t regret them?
Master: “Now that I am older and wiser, I will set you free.”

Slave: “I am overwhelmed by your gift of freedom!”

Master: “Men ought to live in freedom!”

Slave: “What opened your eyes?”

Master: “Oh, I have no regrets about having deprived you of your freedom. It worked out well for me. Be well.”

Slave: “I feel as though you just placed the shackles back on me.”
Steve Andersen:
I don’t
Why am I not surprised at your answer? 😦 So, you expect to spend the rest of eternity outside of the full beatific vision of our Lord? Eternal damnation will give you plenty of time for regrets then.
There was a wonderful speaker for the high school CCD students the other night about contraception and the Church teaching. Parents were invited. Only my husband and myself and one other woman were present, besides the h.s. teachers. The speaker talked to these kids like they were mature. She didn’t talk down to them telling them just that sex is dangerous and that it’s bad for teens but how wonderful sex is and why it’s for married couples and why contraception is wrong. These are things we were never told as teens. She spoke last year on abstinance too. The kids really listened and she treated them with respect.

She bases her talks on Jason and Chrystilina Everet’s book and on Christopher West’s Theology of the Body for beginners.

When a kid knows sex is pleasurable and someone is telling them it’s bad they don’t want to listen. But when someone is telling them it’s pleasurable and the purpose for it within marriage and how it can have so much meaning, kids do listen.
Steve Andersen:
Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge
. (Hebrews 13:34)
I never said it wasn’t sinful
I just said that I had no regrets
From your responses, “imperfect” contrition or lack of “repentance” appears to be present; see Catechism of Catholic Church excerts below:

**1490 **The movement of return to God, called conversion and repentance, entails sorrow for and abhorrence of sins committed, and the firm purpose of sinning no more in the future. Conversion touches the past and the future and is nourished by hope in God’s mercy.

**1492 **Repentance (also called contrition) must be inspired by motives that arise from faith. If repentance arises from love of charity for God, it is called “perfect” contrition; if it is founded on other motives, it is called “imperfect.”

1451 Among the penitent’s acts contrition occupies first place. Contrition is "sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again."
Yes, and I regret it. Had I known then what I know now it would never have happened.
From your responses, “imperfect” contrition or lack of “repentance” appears to be present; see Catechism of Catholic Church excerts below:…
so you would have me pretend to feelings I don’t have?
how would that make things any more perfect?

I was asked a question and gave a straight answer

there are many things In my life I have regrets for…this just isn’t one of them
Count me ignorant, but I’m just wondering - If you don’t regret (feel sorry for) the sin, how can it be forgiven?
By making an imperfect confession.

Steve Andersen:
so you would have me pretend to feelings I don’t have?
how would that make things any more perfect?

I was asked a question and gave a straight answer

there are many things In my life I have regrets for…this just isn’t one of them
Don’t get on me. It is the CCC that identifies “sorrow” (mental and emotional suffering, ex., “I did wrong, I offended God whom I love…and I feel bad”) for past sins committed as a penitent’s act of contrition. If you are feeling defensive, that is between you and God to work out (not with fellow forum participants).
Steve Andersen:
so you would have me pretend to feelings I don’t have?
how would that make things any more perfect?

I was asked a question and gave a straight answer

there are many things In my life I have regrets for…this just isn’t one of them
Even if you don’t have regrets for what you did, do you have regrets for offending God?

Maybe you should ask yourself why you DON’T have regrets when really there is no valid reason to have premarital sex and many reasons not to engage in this activity.

Lisa N
Don’t the pre-conditions, if you will, for committing mortal sin include both knowledge of the sinfulness of the act coupled with intent to commit the act despite knowledge of the sin?

If, at the time he committed the acts, Mr. Anderson did not recognize they were sinful/immoral, and did not intend to sin, did he, while acting in ignorance, commit a sin? If not, does after-acquired knowledge of sin convert prior action to sin for which we must repent? Is the “emotion” of regret necessary for proper confession?
Lisa N:
… when really there is no valid reason to have premarital sex and many reasons not to engage in this activity.
Hamlet Act I, scene V
Hamlet Act I, scene V

Well you might narrow it down a bit more. However I found a few lines applicable to the issue:

“So lust, though to a radiant angel link’d
Will sate itself in a celestial bed
And prey upon garbage”

This justifies your lack of regret?

Lisa N
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