Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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I think you need to review the context. You are fully spreading a lie when leaving the context out of it. Please review that whole segment.
My apologies to you and Cajun. I got that wrong. I just watched that segment again. I watched it live but in the shouting back and forth I missed that it was Wallace who named them as an example.
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(CNN)The Commission on Presidential Debates said Wednesday it would be making changes to the format of the remaining presidential debates after the first debate between Democratic nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump devolved into a chaotic disaster the night before.

“The Commission on Presidential Debates sponsors televised debates for the benefit of the American electorate. Last night’s debate made clear that additional structure should be added to the format of the remaining debates to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues,” a statement from the CPD reads.

The CPD did not specify what changes were being considered or would be adopted, but said it would be “carefully considering the changes that it will adopt and will announce those measures shortly.”
No, he didn’t–as the moderator he was woefully ineffective. What I don’t understand is why they keep both candidates’ mics hot. The moderator asks a question of Candidate A and whilst A is speaking, Candidate B’s mic is off.

The debate, if you can call it that, was a monumental disaster. And invoking Biden’s beloved, dead son was obscene.
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"O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!"

We all could take something from this!
Trump for his part behaved poorly in his talking over Biden,however I can understand why he felt he had to do that.
You can? Why would one person have to talk over the other, when each gets equal time to make a statement, and to do so is contrary to the rules?

The debate was farcical, American politicians looked farcical and the moderator was weak and ineffective.
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I found this contrast between the US debate and the New Zealand debate adorable.
Don’t know what you mean by adorable, but the contrast between the US leaders’ debate and equivalent debates in NZ and Germany that I’ve witnessed could not be starker. While the US offering was chaotic, and undisciplined and full of personal attacks (and absent policy content), debates in the other two countries are professional, courteous and rich in a display of intellect and a depth of policy understanding and development.
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I didn’t word that well. I thought the NZ contenders were adorable. In other democracies the debates are more a display of the greatness of the democratic system over the dictatorial, imperialist models around the world. Neither Trump or Biden seems to understand that that is the bottom line. They seem to be too simple to understand the big picture.
Let’s look at exactly what Joe Biden had to say. The transcript is available. Here are a few of Joe’s remarks:

“He’s a fool on this.”

“Everybody knows he’s a liar.”

“Will you shut up, man?”

“Keep yapping, man.”

“He’s the racist.”

“He’s Putin’s puppy.”

“He never keeps his word.”

“Well, it’s hard to get any word in with this clown.”

“You’re the worst president America has ever had.”

–Joe Biden is a disgrace.
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I didn’t watch the debate, but it sounds like it was an ugly spectacle. By all accounts, Trump came on like a rampaging ape, respected no rules that he’d agreed to beforehand and abused not only his opponent but the refs as well. I don’t know if this is a winning strategy but God help us if it is.
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It was too painful to watch, but I enjoyed Rush’s summary. I loved the caller who put forward the seven great points that Trump made.
DVR is not required to take notes or remember things that matter. Unless of course you mean there were too many to handle without electronic assistance or the ability to review in order to catch them all?
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No, he didn’t–as the moderator he was woefully ineffective.
I will not argue against this statement, but I will ask if anyone knows of a moderator that Trump would not have bullied and ignored in the same way if he thought it suited his purpose? And before anyone puts out the “both sides did it” bit, check again and note the frequency. Also I don’t recall any time that Biden actually talked over or argued with the moderator; Trump yes, moderator no. And I absolutely agree that at the very least the moderator should be able to kill the mike of any participant ignoring the agreed on rules. I even (half jokingly) told my wife they should be wearing shock collars to get their attention when necessary.
The debate, if you can call it that, was a monumental disaster
One of the analysts I read the next day (sorry, don’t remember which one) called it something like “A hot mess inside a dumpster fire”. Apt description IMHO.
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Wallace was trying to hold Trump to his own promises.

Why are you trying to shift the blame?
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So you approve of Trump’s performance?
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There is already a debate thread in WN. Not sure why another is needed.

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I think his performance was absolutely wonderful - particularly in the face of Joe Biden’s namecalling.

Look, one reason a very large segment of America, including me, loves Trump, is that he fights. For too long, the Republican Party in America was dominated by people like mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: nice men who stood around; took abuse from Dems; and did nothing. They also couldn’t win elections.

If you look, Biden on Tuesday night was the same obnoxious guy who walked all over Paul Ryan in 2012 - in fact Biden was a lot worse. Difference? Now he got a lot of pushback.

Donald Trump is NOT Paul Ryan.

Apparently I’m not the only one who think Trump won big - there’s a great piece on today, collecting a large number of quotes from liberal sources saying that Trump won. He absolutely killed Biden in a telemundo poll of Spanish speakers. I’m sorry, I can’t really link them at the moment as I’m on my phone.
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