Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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Trump is not tough, he is whiney like a spoiled child. Nothing tough about him. He cowers to our nations greatest enemies. Russia especially, because that is more than likely where he owes the 100’s of millions of dollars to since American banks refuse to loan him money.

Take a look at the reactions each candidate had when the Debate Commission said they were changing the rules before the next debate to keep another fiasco like this from happening.

Trump - you can’t change the rules, or I won’t participate.

Biden - do what you must so we can have a decent debate.

Yes, Biden called Trump names, actually quite fitting names, and yes, Trump needed to be told to shut up because he was talking when it wasn’t his turn. Trump wouldn’t stop interrupting or even arguing with the moderator.

Biden was getting frustrated at trying to deal with a kindergartener.

I find it funny that now people want to blame Wallace for not controlling the situation. These were two people running for President of the United States, the moderator shouldn’t have to keep scolding one of them like a child.

I also find it funny that every time Trump is cast in the bad light which he puts himself in, everyone cries, fake news, they are against him, liberal bias. and on and on. He does it to himself, right there for everyone to see, he needs to own it.
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I would rather have a leader who is uninspiring & borish than an “inspiring leader” who promotes and/or condones the most evil of mortal sins.

I grew up in Delaware, Joe Biden was my Senator my entire life, until he became VP. My dad and grandmother met him several times and I think my mom met him once.

Unlike Trump, Joe Biden is a CAREER politician. To become a career politician, you have to be a smooth talker. That’s what Joe Biden is… he’s a smooth talker and he tells people whatever they want to hear.

Perhaps I have a very pessimistic view, but my view is that almost every single politician (esp the career politicians) are professional liars & butt kissers.
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I find it funny that now people want to blame Wallace for not controlling the situation. These were two people running for President of the United States, the moderator shouldn’t have to keep scolding one of them like a child.
Wallace should have kept quiet and let the two of them duke it out. I would have very much appreciated seeing the two of them lay into each other verbally.
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He cowers to other nations?

Trump has challenged China like none other - Dems or Republicans. He’s certainly challenged China way way beyond, say, how Pope Francis has.

Oohhhh - I see: to you it’s OK when Biden calls Trump names, because those names are “deserving,” but when Trump does it, it’d bad? That’s a really interesting (but awfully one-sides and unsupportable) position.
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So should Biden have called him a clown, or a racist, or a fool, probably not. Should he have pointed out that Trump lies a lot. I think that is fair game, and proven by the number of lies Trump tells. After all, Trump is the one who put out the most disinformation on Covid.

Do you find fault with Trump calling people names? Look at any rally he has, look at all the interviews he does, constantly calling people names. Or do you give him a pass on this and say he is being tough? Lets see where you condemn him for name calling before saying someone has an unsupportable argument.

Trump is the one who started this debate into the toilet, and it swirled down from there.

A tough person doesn’t cater to one news network that throws him softball questions and lets them rant whatever they want. A tough person doesn’t ignore questions at press conferences that he doesn’t like and insult the reporter. A tough person would welcome questions from any organization and stand up and answer and explain why they have a certain position. Cowards avoid that kind of situation.

For being tough on China, he certainly like purchasing stuff from them instead of “making America great again” and buying American products.

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Trump’s policies have all been designed to bring American manufacturing back to the US from China.

As to namecalling, I think it’s rather nuanced based on what one thinks is namecalling. Is it namecalling to make up funny nicknames and use them publicly, ie “crooked Hillary,” “little Marco?” Nah, that’s Trump engaging in the same kind of vague-but-not-really-harmful stuff the Dems have engaged in for decades: when Ann Richards was governor of Texas I remember her saying George Bush was “born with a silver foot in his mouth.” I see Trump doing a lot of that. He’s doing what Dems have done for decades and frankly what people like Romney should have done in retrospect.

Dems go a LOT further. People like rashida tlaib, Cory booker, etc., say things like Trump is a “mother——-;” they want to punch him, etc. - now THATS namecalling.
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From the Post this morning 😉

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Is it namecalling to make up funny nicknames and use them publicly, ie “crooked Hillary,” “little Marco?” Nah, that’s Trump engaging in the same kind of vague-but-not-really-harmful stuff the Dems have engaged in for decades:
That is big time denial.
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And yet I’ve given examples of the Dems doing the exact same thing for years and no one says a word. By contrast, things like calling trump a mother——- is an entirely different proposition.
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You are comparing Cory Booker to the office of the President?
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The president didn’t say he was going to punch anyone nor call them a Mother——- Democrat leaders have done exactly that.
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From CSpan
An a non biased source- Trump won debate by 58%
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Dems go a LOT further. People like rashida tlaib, Cory booker, etc., say things like Trump is a “mother——-;” they want to punch him, etc. - now THATS namecalling.
This isn’t about other people so stop projecting onto them. It is about what Biden said, and what Trump said and has always said.

That is just Trump being Trump and folks give him a pass.

Exactly the behavior which makes him unfit for the office of President.
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Well, you asked and i answered. I’m sorry if you don’t like them.

So Trump’s “unfit” because he calls some (mild) names - but I’m not supposed to point out that Dems call him a “mother——“. Well, that’s interesting reasoning, to say the least.
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This is going to disappoint some folks – Tucker says the focus on Biden’s alleged mental state was a mistake.

No name calling is acceptable. But Trump takes it to a new level.
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