Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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If you want to vote against him, I can’t stop you. However I would respectfully offer that sarcasm is one of the least effective ways to convince anyone of anything.

Sarcasm is something i see used often on this board, and it’s always unimpressive.
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Let’s see, how about World Leadership.

Fall of ISIS, they rose to prominence around 2012-14.
North Korea not shooting off missiles routinely, threatening neighbors.
Not giving Iran billions that have been used in proxy war.
Not overthrowing a government in Honduras that has seen thousands of refugees.
Not giving in and making a deal that only helped the dictators of Cuba and hurt the common people.
Not helping the Muslim Brotherhood rise to power in Egypt.

That last one, I can have questions with, ditto for overthrowing Gaddafi but there are a lot of questions from the past.
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Now, here’s what’s interesting: that’s really what the Dems do nationwide, and how they attacked people like Mitt Romney.
As Democrats praised Romney for his act of “moral courage,” Trump world began relentlessly attacking him.

“He is a fool who is playing right into the hands of the Do Nothing Democrats,” Trump tweeted.

“Had failed presidential candidate @MittRomney devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election,” Trump wrote online shortly after midnight. “Read the Transcripts!”

“Romney couldn’t be elected dogcatcher in Utah right now,” the president said to laughs and cheers during an election rally Thursday in Latrobe, Pa.

Trump said Utah “is the home of our worst senator.” He clarified, “That’s Mitt Romney. Mike Lee is doing excellent. I didn’t want to get them confused.”
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Post debate betting odds

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From CSpan
An a non biased source- Trump won debate by 58%
That might be relevant if the thing Trump won was actually a debate instead of the Amazing Disgrace that he instigated. Trump may have won something, but it sure wasn’t what Lincoln or Douglas would have recognized as a debate.
Well it wasn’t a debate,that’s true.Trump talked over Biden and somehow managed to get still get some good points across,despite Biden’s rude and prejoratove comments hurled towards him from the get go.Next debate will be better and the lines will be more clearly defined.
If you watch the White House press conference from
today, his press secretary debunks the claims Trump refuses to condemn white racism.

You should be concerned about Joe Biden condemning Antifa.


By the way, I think the White House press secretary is fabulous. She doesn’t let the liberal media get away with anything.
Where in the world did you find that graph?

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In my experience, extreme positions are rarely, if ever, the truth.
What is or what is not extreme is subjective. Same sex marriage, skimpy bikinis, special relativity were at one time thought to be extreme, but now are pretty much accepted.
Trump refused to guarantee a peaceful transition of power or indicate he would accept election results
But wait a minute. Did the Democrats accept the election of Donald Trump in 2016 or did they claim that the election was invalid because it was the result of Russian manipulation and that Trump is a liar and a puppet of Putin ?
Thats not actually hard to figure out. Obama stopped being President and trump became President. Obama was even there at the inauguration. While I agree you can find much to question about the “Russia” allegations, a transition of power took place.
If you watch the White House press conference from
today, his press secretary debunks the claims Trump refuses to condemn white racism.

You should be concerned about Joe Biden condemning Antifa.


By the way, I think the White House press secretary is fabulous. She doesn’t let the liberal media get away with anything.
I wouldn’t call this ‘fabulous’. More deflective and quibbling, I’d say:

"In a series of remarkably heated exchanges with reporters, even by the standards of the Trump White House, Ms. McEnany said that Mr. Trump has “always denounced any form of that” and read from past quotes from the president in which he condemned bigotry and racism, including “the K.K.K., neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups.”

But she would not explicitly condemn white supremacy from the briefing room lectern or specifically denounce the Proud Boys, a far-right group that Mr. Trump said should “stand back and stand by” during Tuesday’s presidential debate with Joseph R. Biden Jr.

When Ms. McEnany was asked why the Proud Boys, an extremist organization that embraces violence and hate against minorities, was celebrating Mr. Trump’s debate comments, she once again declined to denounce the group and noted that the president on Wednesday had clarified that the group should “stand back” and let law enforcement do their jobs.

Under repeated questioning by reporters from CBS, Fox News, CNN and other organizations, Ms. McEnany lashed out, blaming journalism organizations for publicizing the Proud Boys in their stories. She told a CNN reporter that “truth is of no moment” to the cable network and complained when a CBS News reporter interrupted her…

The president has — as Ms. McEnany said — at times denounced the K.K.K. and other hate groups. But he has often done so under pressure, and only as part of a broad condemnation against violence in which he quickly attacks left-wing groups as the bigger threat to the country."

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Sadly it seems that President Trump has continued to divide and attack…
kinda seems like you are attacking him…maybe he wouldn’t be that way if everyone stopped attacking him so much.
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But she would not explicitly condemn white supremacy from the briefing room lectern or specifically denounce the Proud Boys, a far-right group that Mr. Trump said should “stand back and stand by” during Tuesday’s presidential debate with Joseph R. Biden Jr.
She isn’t suppose to condemn white supremacy. Her opinions aren’t important. What’s important is the president’s opinions and words on the topic. (That’s why she’s there - to help convey the president’s opinions - not her opinions).

He’s not a white supremacist. He doesn’t support white supremacy. And anyone who claims otherwise is trying to create an imaginary flaw on Trump.

I’d be visible annoyed myself if every news organization questioned weather I support white supremacy every 2 seconds, and ignored the previous 20 times I explicitly said no. At some point, you realize they’re just being uncharitable and you move on with your day.
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